Hard Eight (1996)
Gwyneth Paltrow: Clementine
Sydney : [at the cocktail lounge] Tell me something, are you required to flirt, to behave as you do toward that table of men over there, maybe as some part of your job?
Clementine : Uh, they don't say to do it.
Sydney : But if you don't?
Clementine : Well, then I get questioned, like, "Why were you so rude to them?" and I mean, I can't talk back. I can't tell them to fuck off and leave me alone.
Sydney : As a rule.
Clementine : I'd also lose the tip.
Sydney : Sounds like an occupational hazard. You don't have to do that with me.
Clementine : I don't do anything that I don't want to do. You understand?
Clementine : I have to make money, you know? I have bills. I have an apartment that I have to pay for. I have a car. I have a Camaro! I mean, that costs money, you know? Every month I have to pay bills. If I don't, my credit gets fucked up. And I can't have fucked-up credit because then I'm fucked.
Sydney : Where did this thing go wrong?
Clementine : Because he thought he was smart and I was stupid and I'm not stupid.
Sydney : Well, this is a pretty *stupid* situation, isn't it?
Clementine : Well, we'll see how *fucking* stupid I am when we get my money, won't we?
Clementine : Oh, my God! I'm so embarrassed. I'm so embarrassed, oh, my God. I feel like I might piss in my pants. I have two cats.