3 of 5 found this moderate
A man and a woman are in bed, the woman's breasts are exposed.
A man and a woman are in bed having sex, but no nudity is shown.
1 of 1 found this moderate
A man is shot in the head with a gun and killed, and blood splatters behind him.
A man is shot on the face with a gun and killed; his face is covered in blood.
A man is tortured by getting his ear sliced off, and his arm penetrated by a an electric drill until he dies.
A few people are shot and killed, one man gets his neck snapped, and another gets stabbed in his genitalia and killed; moderate blood is shown.
1 of 1 found this severe
50 uses of "fuck", and frequent use of "shit" and "bitch", amongst other milder profanities.
1 of 1 found this mild
Cigarette smoking in several scenes, and some alcohol consumption.
1 of 1 found this moderate