Terence Morgan in a frogman's suit has retrieved a container from under a ship and reaches the shore, H takes off his flippers and starts rolling down his leggings. He's then seen in a roll neck jumper, trousers and shoes.
Lady Flavia tells the Customs man sharing her 'hide' that she is observing a rare sand martin, species of which would nest in holes in a sandy bank or cliff face near a body of water. Actually, she is in dunes, with no such bank, and gazing at a tern alighting on its nest in a shallow depression in the sand.
When the Rolls-Royce falls off Tower Bridge at the end of the film it seems to float on the surface of the river rather than sink downwards like a car of that size would be expected to do.
Film of car chase sequence at the end has obviously been speed-ed up. Vehicles on cross-ply tires on wet non-asphalted roads could not have taken bends at those speeds without crashing.