Dead Ant (2017)
Great concept... but man, a terrible execution
26 February 2023
DEAD ANT has certainly a bad reputation. It has 4,8 and mostly negative reviews and apart from Sean Astin, Tom Arnold and Jake Busey the other cast members are all unknowns. Why I saw it then if you could think I could have searched something better? Well, I am certainly an omniscient half-God capable of swallowing everything, so I am not certainly scared of a movie about ferocious ants. So is DEAD ANT that bad? Not really. Now I am not saying that it's a terrible movie, and I have certainly seen something worse. Read the following text.

The one-hit wonder band Sonic Grave wants to do a tour because they had success in 1989 and they are in hope of a comeback. They are on their truck but after a tire breaks, trouble begins because nearby someone threw steroids on an ant colony making them huger and stronger. Art (Astin) is chasen by some of these ants and attack him chopping off all his limbs, and Samantha is devoured by the ants when she tries to step on one of their holes. So Danny (Arnold) and the other band members have no other choice that stop the killer ants on their way to Coachella, and will succedd not without some injuries and disasters.

Giant mutant ants that become blood-thirsty of human flesh... a great concept that could be loved at least by folks with dark sense of humour like me, right? Well, I was hoping it was at least good but the too many gory scenes and especially the loudness and abrasiveness of nearly all the characters really turned me off. If the performances were at least a bit more subtle and the special effects not that gory, I probably would have given a higher score.

Overall, a bad movie that I would recommend only to folks who have nothing important to do at home (or nothing better to watch) or for fans of the leads like me. Could have been great, but thanks to a bad direction, it's what it is.
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