Someone financed this?
10 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What a waste of time.

A couple goes camping. She's concerned. We don't know why. Is this something from her past? We never find out.

She seems to have general anxiety that has nothing to do with the plot. She does take pills and when panicking takes a lot and spills a lot. I think that is the only thing it had to do with the plot, but it didn't have me gasping in horror and hardly seems crucial to the plot.

The guy is clearly in love with her (he proposes) but she seems ambivalent for some reason. Haven't they known each other long enough? Is he on her friend list? Is he a space filler until she finds the love of her life? We don't know.

She kills him. We don't know why at the time but learn she has a good reason. Someone apparently wanted a plot twist here.

Some campers rescue her. She is uncommunicative so they don't know their lives are in danger and they should all get out of their. They pay the price for her lack of candor. Sure she is freaked out, but really?

So he comes back and bad things happen. Mostly to the other campers.

Then he says he is a scout from outer space and more are coming and by taking over the guy's body he is experiencing love. That's not good enough for her and she takes off, gets to the car and drives away. We see multiple spaceships or something coming to earth.

Ta da!

I felt this was written from the end of the movie to the beginning with a lot of fillers put in to extend a film that ended up being short anyway.
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