Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
A Message to Dan and Dave
21 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Dear Dan and Dave,

I have long been a huge fan and an avid supporter of Game of Thrones all the way since Season 1, granted I regretfully have not had the joys of reading any of the wonderful George RR Martins books. I have, however spent hundreds of hours exploring the Game of Thrones lore, history of Westeros, fan theories, detailed interviews and everything in-between - It's fair to say I'm a more passion fan than most.

I am no Hollywood writer - or in fact any writer for that matter - but I believe I share the opinion of so many GoT fans. I want to start off by saying thank you. Thank you to the visual effects crew, stunt co-ordinators, body doubles, extras, set designers, costume designers, camera men, George RR Martin, directors, the brilliant actors and so many other people behind the scenes of this once all-time great show - Not only have we the fans been incredibly let down, but the people who have put their physical blood, sweat and tears into the show have also had their beautiful hard work defiled.

I could go into incredible detail about all the things wrong with this season, some notable events: Jon being exiled for killing Danny who murdered hundreds of thousands of innocent people, Jon's heritage being seemingly not important, the woeful execution of Danny going mad, Bran being king even though he didn't do anything at all, Drogon flying off into the 'sunset', Rhaegal being killed, missing the reaction of Sansa and Arya's when Jon revealed his real parents and most of all for me, no one sticking up for Jon in the meeting with all the powerful lords... He literally killed the woman he loved and saved countless lives in the process and he gets nothing in return, its shameful.

With the holes in the show - and there as so many - I think it's a pathetic excuse of an ending. HBO wanted 10 seasons, but foolishly Dan Weiss and David Benioff decided they had enough, they wanted to wrap the show up so they could make mountains of money butchering yet another beloved franchise (Star Wars). I understand that not everything deserves a happy and perfect ending, nor can you please everyone. However, we spent nearly a decade following these wonderful characters, watching them develop and intelligently interact with each other since season 1. The ending to this show will never be forgotten, for the wrong reasons unfortunately. I hope Dan and David come out and apologise to the fans, we are the people that kept the show running, without the fans support there would have been no Game of Thrones on TV at all.

The characters deserved better. The whole crew deserved better. The fans deserved better. George deserved better.

Regards, A Game of Thrones fan

Originally posted by channelsergeant on Game of Thrones S08E06
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