Propaganda but "good bull"
17 October 2006
There was a time when everyone in the United States was truly "united" following the attack on Pearl Harbor, there was no doubt about what had to be done, and the military might of the U.S. was there to do the job. In the wake of 9-11, there was another groundswell of patriotic feeling, but over time we have forgotten how priceless are our freedoms and how they have been protected over the years. This film reminds the history student (or anyone who has listened to their ancestors) of how real a threat can be. Cadet Craig, for reasons of nobility and integrity, sacrificed himself and his reputation for his country, his family and his alma mater. Who would do such a thing today? Maybe the first responders on 9-11; the threat in 1942 was real, the threat in the 21st century is real. This film reminds us of heroes, and duty, and country. It is well worth your time. Not the best acting, or the best story or the best filmography, but you are free to choose.
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