Senses Quotes

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Senses Senses by Eric Overby
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Senses Quotes Showing 1-22 of 22
“We are just a few atoms
In the vast universe, stardust,
Yet who can measure the sum
Of two lovers and what's between us”
Eric Overby, Senses
“All of Her

She shows me all of her insecure places
And I kiss them until she knows
They are beautiful. No dark places
To hide in which love
Doesn't shower her with acceptance.”
Eric Overby, Senses
“The Poem About Taking out the Trash

In the vast emptiness of darkness,
Stars are being born and are burning out;
Galaxies expand, into what I have no idea,
And dark matter fills the infinite space
That has no bounds and no limits.
In the middle of all this, I stand
In a single moment and know how small I am.
A group of atoms, the size of nothing in comparison.
I am the observer of the play on a tiny stage.
The onlooker who watches the painting
Of a picture that few stop to see.
The listener of a song where I hear only a fraction
Of a fraction of a note in a song that will be forever sung
And that has been being sung for eternity upon eternity,
Before I knew breath and sound.
I am but dust, stardust, a breath of a life, smoke
Rising into oblivion, here then gone as quickly.
Under all of this, I take out the trash.”
Eric Overby, Senses
“Standing at the edge of my fears
And contemplating them
Is a healthy exercise.
The extent of the boundaries
Of who I believe myself to be.

What is in question as I stand
Safely at the border of myself
And think of leaping
Or continuing on?

What happens when I walk
To the extent of "I"
And then keep walking?
Who am I then?”
Eric Overby, Senses
“Art is that which helps you see
beauty in the mundane...
Let my life be a work of art.”
Eric Overby, Senses
“My past is being burnt down
I've shown you the ash
Is it me, or are we more than just friends now?
I have to ask.”
Eric Overby, Senses
“What is it that is so interesting
about what's happening everywhere else
but where you are?”
Eric Overby, Senses
“From this point forth, find me nowhere,
Socially unseen,
Just on the back porch, without a care
And without a screen”
Eric Overby, Senses
“What is your heart worth?
What about your time?
What holds your heart, holds your attention.
What holds your attention, holds your time.
What holds your time, holds your life.
And if it's possessions that holds these things,
It will demand it all.”
Eric Overby, Senses
“At 23, I took the example
Of Moses and Jesus
And went 40 days without food.
In the end, Moses saw his god's glory,
Jesus overcame the devil,
I got a divorce...

...At 33, I've learned it's best to receive life
As It comes, let go of how you think it will go.
Rumi said to die before you die.
If you follow his advice, you will live your life alive,
And when death comes you will recognize him
As someone you've walked with before.”
Eric Overby, Senses
“By marriage I am asking you
to help me become a better version
of myself, while still loving me
every moment along the way.
Continuing what you’ve been doing
already and I am vowing
to do the same.”
Eric Overby, Senses
“Looking For Gold

I'm looking for the gold in this life
A love so rare
It's doesn't have a price
Not living for the future
No heaven, no hell, no paradise
And I'm giving it all away now,
Cause you can't step
In the same river twice”
Eric Overby, Senses
“It is the constant changing character
of our life together that I embrace.
We have come a long way; knowing
each other now in ways
that we did not before.”
Eric Overby, Senses
“Now is the only moment I will ever have.
I want to spend the rest of my nows beside you.”
Eric Overby, Senses
“Is our closeness all smoke and mirrors,
Just a figment in my mind?
Do you know what all your in for
With a love like mine?
I can show you what lies ahead
If we leave our lives behind”
Eric Overby, Senses
“What happens when I walk
To the extent of "I"
And then keep walking?
Who am I then?”
Eric Overby, Senses
“Publishing a book,
Watching its ways
Force me to look
At a screen for days

"Be still, be still",
My heart screams for life
But I must check its sales,
It's reviews, its likes.

Another Instagram poet
Who's dying
And doesn't know it,
Untying an underlying

Knot of desire
To be liked and admired
For people to love what transpires
From my mind, but I'm tired

Of the social machine
Producing my insecurity
Hoping someone will follow me
And like all my poetry

From this point forth, find me nowhere,
Socially unseen,
Just on the back porch, without a care
And without a screen”
Eric Overby, Senses
“Coats of paint don't make this house a home
But with every room we paint, we are changing it to our own.

Piece by piece, wall by wall, we build

A place of peace for us all until
The house is a picture of the love we feel.”
Eric Overby, Senses

Live in peace and be free.
When possessions own your heart,
You are enslaved to money and to corporations.
Your time is owned by the moneylenders
And they will not let you spend it freely.
They will tell you what to buy, but not
What it will truly cost you.”
Eric Overby, Senses
“At 23, I took the example
Of Moses and Jesus
And went 40 days without food.
In the end, Moses saw his god's glory,
Jesus overcame the devil,
I got a divorce.

Living in a black and white world,
Resembling a silent movie,
I'd fasted over 120 days that year
And it ended in the death of something.
Moses wandered a desert,
Jesus was crucified.

Buddhists call it Samsara,
The circle of life and death.
We all go through it over and over
In our lifetime. I've learned not to cling
To the Mountain of Transfiguration
Or the Valley of Death.
Our life is filled with both and they are needed.

At 33, I've learned it's best to receive life
As It comes, let go of how you think it will go.
Rumi said to die before you die.
If you follow his advice, you will live your life alive,
And when death comes you will recognize him
As someone you've walked with before.”
Eric Overby, Senses
“Life is but a wheel
Cycling birth and death around
Like seasons changing”
Eric Overby, Senses
“You told me we had to stop
And left in the rain”
Eric Overby, Senses