What Lies Beneath Us Quotes

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What Lies Beneath Us What Lies Beneath Us by John M. Sheehan
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What Lies Beneath Us Quotes Showing 1-14 of 14
“Bow Your Heads If You Are Over It!
Stand To Your Feet As A Solder By, In, And Through Christ And Fight The Good Fight No Matter The Cost! When You Are Over It Then You Truly Can Be An Apostle Of Christ!”
John M. Sheehan, What Lies Beneath Us
“See the face of God today - The one you are looking down to!”
John M. Sheehan, Fact Or Fiction; God's Math Or Myth
“I once prayed for grace, but it did not find me; I walked the streets to find the grace that was hiding from me, and yet it still could not be found, so I stopped looking for the grace that always seems out to run me falling to my knees grace did find me causing me to repent of my sins so it could save me!”
John M. Sheehan, What Lies Beneath Us
“Hardened in heart, without God, and without Christ was what I once was then when mercy found me, it gave me Gods love, and now I am a child of God and what I once was can no longer be found for all that you see now is the mercy of God!”
John M. Sheehan, What Lies Beneath Us: Truth Uncovered [Print Replica]
“Check yourself and ask, am I more devoted to service than having an intimate relationship with God, and if so, please redirect before you wreck yourself!”
John M. Sheehan, What Lies Beneath Us
“Delighting in God’s Word while savoring a sunrise leaves time for miracles!”
John M. Sheehan, Fact Or Fiction; God's Math Or Myth
Life sentence with a death penalty and full pardon”
John M. Sheehan, What Lies Beneath Us
“Pastors/Christians who pride themselves for not have a degree and those who pride themselves for having a degree have one thing in common; both are speaking from foolish pride. Proverbs 14:3-13”
John M. Sheehan, Walking In The Newness Of Christ: Born Again Devotional
“I will follow the Jesus method of KISS; Keep It Simply Simple!”
John M. Sheehan, Fact Or Fiction; God's Math Or Myth
“In my sin, my name began to fade in the sacred book before the Lamb as I dared to lift my eyes in wicked pride looking upon a cross I did see the sights of Jesus paying the price for me bowing my head in most profound humility a voice cried out to me I did this for you and my fading name was seen again for the Lamb was slain so I could see again!”
John M. Sheehan, What Lies Beneath Us
“I often find God’s great wisdom outside of His Holy word in the world around me being often strange and wonderful at the same time teaching me that nature has a similarity with the grace of God.”
John M. Sheehan, What Lies Beneath Us
“We were not saved for wealth, health, and power with an always once saved attitude and your blessed t-shirt beating your religious pride chest but that the Son of God might be manifested in your mortal flesh! Nothing more and nothing less!”
John M. Sheehan, Fact Or Fiction; God's Math Or Myth
“Are you running from difficulties? Or are you running towards them knowing God is the Master Engineer who allows difficulties to come to make you into the image of Christ, for that is the calling for each of us!”
John M. Sheehan, What Lies Beneath Us: Truth Uncovered [Print Replica]
“I am found to understand that most in the body of Christ seek to get near God’s highest as we can and yet we do not see an “as we can” found in scripture but we do have the triumph in Christ spoken of in 2 Cor. 2:14 to render us at “God’s highest!”
John M. Sheehan, What Lies Beneath Us