Shades Of Life Quotes

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Shades Of Life Shades Of Life by Saravanakumar Murugan
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Shades Of Life Quotes Showing 1-17 of 17
“Some people are not meant to be a part of our lives forever. Some people visit our lives for a brief period, not to stay in it, but to show us something that we have been unable to see it ourselves. In the form of a gift, a lesson or a piece of wisdom, they change the course of our life and help us to fulfill our destiny.”
Purba Chakraborty, Shades Of Life
“Colors add meaning to life,
Some hidden facts they do imbibe.
One color could signify two things,
The onus lies on us,
As to how we take it.”
Garima Jain, Shades Of Life
“...So the next time you hear that voice telling you, 'you cannot paint', just see that you pick up that brush and paint alright! Creativity is all about making mistakes, and a true artist knows which blotches to keep and which ones to veil in layers of paint.”
Vibhuti Bhandarkar, Shades Of Life
“Choices makes us, choices made at mire proves a person to be righteous or evil. It depends on us to be vanquished or to stand indomitable to a predicament.”
Prakash Guru, Shades Of Life
“Distressed Hearts Have Similar Vibrations.”
Cifar, Shades Of Life
“A true well-wisher follows you like a shadow.”
Cifar, Shades Of Life
“As God achieved with devotion, success is achieved with dedication.”
Cifar, Shades Of Life
“I could see myself in him. His imagination and creativity awed me. I decided to mentor him but soon he started sharing everything with me and I realized he was your son. I was dissuaded to guide him further, his face reminded me of my days of struggle, but I took things on my stride and continued helping him.”
Anusree Basu, Shades Of Life
“Life is so similar to the traffic blinks; red for the dead ends and helplessness , yellow the ray of hope that is like a dream and the green where life got the desired hikes.”
Anmol Singh, Shades Of Life
“The paths that were separated Crossed once again; Fate, is this a game of yours? Or a chance for my silent offering That I perhaps missed, years back But, which was preserved in the folds And crevices of enigmatic time!”
Saravana Kumar Murugan, Shades of Life
“True love happened rarely and standing in the brink of one, it would in all certainty be an act of cowardice to retreat without letting her know his desire.”
Maliny Mohan, Shades Of Life
“Life is all about the good and the bad, the black and the white. They always co-exist together to make a beautiful tangle called LIFE.”
Saravana Kumar Murugan, Shades of Life
“She knew if she loved anything, it would mean destruction not only for her but for that thing also. And she didn’t want any hurt to reach him.  Being a part of her crazy life wasn’t easy, it was painful.  It was like dying a new death every day and yet waking up alive. And she wanted him to live.”
Saravana Kumar Murugan, Shades of Life
“I SEEK SOLACE IN THE CRIMSON SUNRISE, That splashes the east with beauty; I am captivated by the azure skies, Which follow with an air of serenity! I watch the color of the seas That paints the canvas of my heart; I brush my thoughts with the elegant breeze That translates my ideas to art! The dainty garden of beauteous flowers - Red, yellow, lilac and white - Toss and frolic in breezy hours Spreading the waves of lucid delight. The hills covered with foliage green, And the faded ones, blue and grey, Enthrall me as my eyes glean Their glimpses while I move away. Each speck of dust, each grain of rice, And the farms reflect life and mirth; Colors of nature, at ease, entice, Bringing the sweet scent of earth. I chase the mesmerizing butterflies Laden with hues of heaven, Solitude becomes a joyous exercise. When by beauty, I am madly driven! The world is filled with colors galore, Each day is a colorful festivity; Every moment you amass more and more, There is no end to beauty!”
Saravana Kumar Murugan, Shades of Life
“Some people are not meant to be a part of our lives forever. Some people visit our lives for a brief period, not to stay in it, but to show us something that we have been unable to see it ourselves. In the form of a gift, a lesson or a piece of wisdom, they change the course of our life and help us to fulfill our destiny”
Saravana Kumar Murugan, Shades of Life
“Let me tell you, you got it just because you believe that the Universe gives you everything that you demand of it.”
Vibhuti Bhandarkar, Shades Of Life
“Even the darkest cloud had a silver lining; you can either miss it as you run away to a hiding place as darkness approaches you or you can go seeking it, empowered with the ardent desire to find happiness in life.”
Maliny Mohan, Shades Of Life