Empire's End Quotes

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Empire's End (Star Wars: Aftermath, #3) Empire's End by Chuck Wendig
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Empire's End Quotes Showing 1-30 of 41
“With the blood of a scoundrel and a princess in his veins, his defiance will shake the stars.”
Chuck Wendig, Empire's End
“Buying gifts for a kid. Can we get him a cute little cape and a mustache so he looks like old Uncle Lando?” Lobot”
Chuck Wendig, Empire's End
Chuck Wendig, Empire's End
“He is less a human-shaped thing and more a pulsing, living band of light. Light that sometimes dims, that sometimes is thrust through with a vein of darkness. She tells herself that it’s normal—Luke said to her, Leia, we all have that. He explained that the brighter the light, the darker the shadow. Right”
Chuck Wendig, Empire's End
“Princess Leia’s baby, he knows, will have a good life. The best life.”
Chuck Wendig, Empire's End
“My name’s Mapo,” the boy says. “Mesa Jar Jar.”
Chuck Wendig, Empire's End
“I smuggle, not snuggle.”
Chuck Wendig, Empire's End
“Not it. Her. Give the Falcon some respect, kid.”
Chuck Wendig, Empire's End
tags: falcon
“Where there’s smoke, there’s usually fire,” Solo says before adding quietly, “Usually an electrical fire near the hyperspace drive, which Chewie always warns me about…”
Chuck Wendig, Empire's End
tags: fire, smoke
“That what guided me was the Force.” “You’re lying. The Force is only for the Jedi.” “No!” Jumon says, not angry so much as he is incredulous. “They wield it, but the Force is in all living things. It is what gives us our intuition, our drive, it’s what connects us to one another. We are all one with the Force.”
Chuck Wendig, Empire's End
“She treats herself as if she is a divine worm born of sand and stone.”
Chuck Wendig, Empire's End
“The New Republic is not a military entity. It is one of democracy. And it is painfully naïve to think that democracy can work on a galactic scale.”
Chuck Wendig, Empire's End
“When they say to one another, 'May the Force be with you,' it is precisely this that they mean: It is a wish that when the time comes to leap into the void and to make a decision based on instinct and trust, you are rewarded for that act and not punished. The hope is that if you meet the galaxy halfway, it meets you in the middle and carries you the rest of the distance.”
Chuck Wendig, Empire's End
“Rebellions work. We’ve seen it. We’ve helped make it happen.”
Chuck Wendig, Empire's End
“(When you believe in magic, it is easy to see all the universe as evidence of it.)”
Chuck Wendig, Empire's End
“Now she thinks to go at this all by herself: a rogue element.”
Chuck Wendig, Empire's End
“Leadership can mean defiance.”
Chuck Wendig, Empire's End
“Chewbacca’s back home, looking for his family. Luke’s searching the galaxy for old Jedi teachings. Han Solo’s got nothing to smuggle, nowhere to gamble, no foolish Rebellion to fight for. He’s like the Falcon: retired to a hangar somewhere, waiting for something, anything, to happen.”
Chuck Wendig, Empire's End
“The Empire needed no new weapons. It built the greatest weapon in the history of the galaxy. Twice. It did not need new battle stations. It needed new leadership.”
Chuck Wendig, Empire's End
tags: empire
“You’re a raptor who sees all his people as defenseless little flit-wrens—and you’ll save them, if only they give up the fanciful notion that they can lead themselves, that they can protect themselves.”
“You understand nothing.”
“Meanwhile,” Sinjir says, really leaning into it now, “your opponent is a woman who wants to give democracy to the entirety of the galaxy. Freedom for all. Oppression for none.”
“It’s naïve.”
“It may be. But at this point, I’m going to side with her precious naïveté over your authoritarian bluster.”
Chuck Wendig, Empire's End
“Chewbacca is lovely and all, but he’s a gargantuan pillar of hair who smells not unlike a moist gundark’s undercarriage. And all that nonsensical growling? And the hugging?”
Chuck Wendig, Empire's End
“It’s happening,” he says. “Jakku.” “I know.” “It’s gonna be one helluva battle. It might get bad.” “I know that, too.” He chews his lip. “It feels weird, doesn’t it?” “Not being there, you mean.” “Yeah. You, me, Luke. Chewie. The Falcon. Those two walking talking garbage cans. It feels weird we’re not part of it.” “We’ve got our own adventure.” She pats her belly. “End of an era,” he says. “And the start of a new one.”
Chuck Wendig, Empire's End
“PREPARE TO FIRE ALL CANNONS,” Bones says—his voice warping so that it has a strange, hard-angle accent to it. “COMMENTARY: I SAY WE BLAST THE MEATBAG AND SAVE YOU THE TROUBLE, MASTER.”
Chuck Wendig, Empire's End
“And one by one, senators disgorge from their vessels, tainting this very nice world with the smug and indulgent cloud of politics and government.”
Chuck Wendig, Empire's End
“Sir, I don’t want this to get ugly.” “Have you seen your face, guardsman? Too late to wish for pretty.” Temmin”
Chuck Wendig, Empire's End
“The adults, though. They don’t say much about him. Or to him. And no other Gungans come to see him, either. Nobody even says his name.”
Chuck Wendig, Empire's End
“That is war. It is the placement of ships. It is the advantages and disadvantages of those placements. It’s about how you move, how you fire, what weapons you bring. Every piece fits into the larger whole: ammunition in a blaster, blaster in a pilot’s hand, pilot inside a starfighter or frigate. Everything is a resource. How do you expend them? In what direction? At a distance, war is a game, however deadly—usher this ship there, that ship here, converge, fire, dominate, defend. But”
Chuck Wendig, Empire's End
“(As are all living things. All are caught in the river of power that is the Force, trapped by its currents. Only those who wield the dark side of the Force are capable of changing those currents; they are riverbreakers. They do not surrender to fate. They are its foes.) The”
Chuck Wendig, Empire's End
“Coruscant is in chaos, and Mas Amedda is trapped. He”
Chuck Wendig, Empire's End
“He watches a vid of Brin reading from the Journal of the Whills: “The truth in our soul, Is that nothing is true. The question of life Is what then do we do? The burden is ours To penance, we hew. The Force binds us all From a certain point of view.” Addar fails to understand what it means, but he admits: He enjoys listening to Brin.”
Chuck Wendig, Empire's End

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