Capitola's Peril Quotes

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Capitola's Peril (A Sequel to "The Hidden Hand") Capitola's Peril by E.D.E.N. Southworth
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Capitola's Peril Quotes Showing 1-18 of 18
“Ah, it is impossible."

"No, it is only very difficult - so very difficult that I shall be sure to accomplish it!”
E.D.E.N. Southworth, Capitola's Peril
“The priest then turning toward the bride, inquired:

"Wilt thou have this man to be thy wedded husband, etc., etc., so long as ye both shall live?"

To which the bride, throwing aside her veil, answered, firmly:

"No! Not if he were the last man and I the last woman on the face of the earth and the human race was about to become extinct and the angel of Gabriel came down from above to ask it of me as a personal favor."

The effect of this outburst, this revelation, this explosion, may be imagined but can never be adequately described.”
E.D.E.N. Southworth, Capitola's Peril
“There is some advantage in having imagination, since that visionary faculty opens the mental eyes to facts that more practical and duller intellects could never see.”
E.D.E.N. Southworth, Capitola's Peril
“But, my dear, if you should be caught out in the storm!"

"Why, I don't know but I should like it! What harm could it do? I'm not soluble in water - rain won't melt me away! I think upon the whole I rather prefer being caught in the storm," said Cap, perversely.”
E.D.E.N. Southworth, Capitola's Peril
tags: storm
“Things difficult - almost to impossibility - can always be accomplished. Write that upon your tablets, for it is a valuable truth.”
E.D.E.N. Southworth, Capitola's Peril
“It was your destiny - let us hope it will prove a glorious one.”
E.D.E.N. Southworth, Capitola's Peril
“It means, your worships' excellencies, that - you - can't come to it! This chicken won't fight. It means that the fat's in the fire, and the cat's out of the bag! It means confusion! Distraction! Perdition! And a tearing off of our wigs! It means the game's up, the play's over, villainy is about to be hanged and virtue about to be married, and the curtain is going to drop and the principal performer - that's I - is going to be called out amid the applause of the audience!”
E.D.E.N. Southworth, Capitola's Peril
“Be silent!" shrieked the beldame.

"I won't!" said Cap. "Because you see, if we are in for the horrible, I can beat you hollow at that!”
E.D.E.N. Southworth, Capitola's Peril
“Go! Go! Go! Go!' said that officer, with an expression as though he considered our Cap an individual of the animal kingdom whom neither Buffon nor any other natural philosopher had ever classified, and who, as a creature of unknown habits, might sometimes be dangerous.”
E.D.E.N. Southworth, Capitola's Peril
“It means that you two, precious father and son, would be a pair of knaves if you had sense enough; but, failing in that, you are only a pair of fools!”
E.D.E.N. Southworth, Capitola's Peril
“Great self-respect is as often manifested in forbearance as in resentment.”
E.D.E.N. Southworth, Capitola's Peril
“Honor bright! Fair play is a jewel!”
E.D.E.N. Southworth, Capitola's Peril
“He shall bite the dust!”
E.D.E.N. Southworth, Capitola's Peril
“Sarcastic and merciless one, you glory in the pain you give!”
E.D.E.N. Southworth, Capitola's Peril
“The unregenerate human heart is, perhaps,the most inconsistent thing in all nature; and in nothing is it more capricious than in the manifestations of its passions; and in no passion is it so fantastic as in that which it miscalls love, but which is really often only appetite.”
E.D.E.N. Southworth, Capitola's Peril
“What the foul fiend is the meaning of all this?”
E.D.E.N. Southworth, Capitola's Peril
“This is a jolly imprudent adventure!”
E.D.E.N. Southworth, Capitola's Peril
“The stirring incidents of the last few months had spoiled her; the monotony of the last few weeks had bored her; and now she had just rode out in quest of adventures.”
E.D.E.N. Southworth, Capitola's Peril