Styxx Quotes

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Styxx (Dark-Hunter, #22) Styxx by Sherrilyn Kenyon
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Styxx Quotes Showing 1-30 of 62
“The most beautiful heart of all is the one that can still love even while it bleeds, and especially after its been broken into thousands of pieces.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Styxx
“Words are easy to say, but emotions betray the best intentions.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Styxx
“The strongest of metals is forged under the most violent of conditions, my lord. It is buried deep in the hottest coals and then beat and pounded until it is bent into shaped. Then it becomes the strongest, most lethal of weapons. A thing of absolute beauty and force”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Styxx
tags: styxx
“Our lives are marked and shaped by our regrets. Things we all want to take back and can’t. In a perfect world, we would never hurt the ones we love or cause hurt to befall them. But the world isn’t perfect and neither are we.”
sherrilyn kenyon, Styxx
“you're right Acheron. I am a selfish bastard. I had to be, because no one else gave a single shit about me except me”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Styxx
tags: styxx
“If brute force doesn't work, you aren't using enough”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Styxx
“Man, I'm messed up right now. My best friend is my father? The man I idolized as a kid... whose tattoo is on my arm... And he's younger than me. Yeah, I don't think I can handle this. Mindwipe me, somebody... please! Where's that dragon from Sanctuary? Simi, go get Max. I need him.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Styxx
tags: urian
“Akri won't let me eat any of them nasty gods. What's the world coming to when a demon gots to beg for tidbits...not eve a finger sandwich or a single knuckle. Tragic. Terribly tragic.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Styxx
tags: simi
“You need to modulate that unwarranted ire, buddy. I'm not your 'ho and you ain't my pimp”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Styxx
“When someone is drowning and you try to save them, they're more likely to drown you before you pull them out.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Styxx
“People make their own reality. That was what Praxis had taught him years ago. A hundred people can witness the exact same event, and give two hundred and three different accountings of it.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Styxx
“Ever wonder why the gods created man, Grom? I personally think that we're the original reality show. They were so effing bored that they created us just so that they could feel better about themselves”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Styxx
“We must spoil our women, boy. A happy woman makes a happy home. An unhappy one makes us drink.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Styxx
“Anyone can battle for pride, power, vanity, greed, or hate, but war should always be approached with an equal measure of wisdom and strength. It's not just enough to know when to fight, but to know when to lay down the sword and negotiate. Not everything in the world is worth fighting for.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Styxx
tags: life
“Every man, woman, and child is capable of extreme and utter prejudice and cruelty when they feel justified in their hatred.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Styxx
"You want to hold him?" Tory asked.
Terrified at the mere thought, Styxx shook his hed."I might break him and piss off Acheron"
Tory and Bethany laughed.
"you can't break him, sweetie" Bethany said.
"I don't know. The lat time i held a child that age, I must break it 'cause it leaked all over me”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Styxx
tags: styxx
“A silent man is a thinking man. A silent woman is an angry one …”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Styxx
“There are three sides to every story: yours, theirs, and the truth somewhere in the middle.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Styxx
tags: truth
“Plato said, be kind to everyone you meet for we are all fighting difficult battles.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Styxx
“It’s not manly to hurt others or belittle them. Respect and kindness require more courage because people take advantage of those.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Styxx
“Life has a way of breaking even the strongest among us.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Styxx
“People make their own reality, goddess. We hate and we love for reasons that are known only to us.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Styxx
“It was called love. The hardest thing in the world to find and keep, but the one thing that made the worst imaginable hell tolerable. More than hope, it was truly the light that guided the lost to safety and kept them sane in the midst of utter chaos.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Styxx
“I’m not afraid of them. Hits, I can take. After all, I was slapped on the ass the minute I was born, and not a damn thing has changed since.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Styxx
“Even though Styxx was taller, Galen had carried him off the field of battle and held his hand the whole time they’d closed the wound. “Squeeze when it hurts, and don’t worry about breaking anything, Highness. Trust me, if my deceptively strong Thia wasn’t able to break it during her childbirths, there’s no damage you can do. And at least you’re not threatening to cut off my balls, fry them up, and feed them to me.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Styxx
“What’s the one thing you want more than any other, prince?”“My wife.”Dionysus rolled his eyes. “Okay, what’s the second thing you want?”“My son.”This time the god expelled a long exasperated breath. “Third? And if you name another family member, I will leave you here with Apollo, so help me, Zeus.”Sadly, Styxx had no other family to name and only one other thing he craved. “To die.”“Ah, you can be taught. Yah! And yeah, death. You kill Acheron and you die. I get to rule the world of man and everyone’s happy.” Hands on hips, Dionysus arched a brow. “So what do you say?”“I say get me the fuck out of here.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Styxx
“It's not fair!" (Ryssa)
Because life was ever about fairness.
Oh, to be as naive as his sister.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Styxx
“Styxx was damned and happiness never came to the damned.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Styxx
“Gods are boring creatures, Bet. Most are nosthing more than spoiled children with powers they never hesitate to use against those weaker. And while your father can be juvenile at times, there is a danger to him. He understands his power ans he's fierce with it. More than that, he doesn't prey on those weaker, he only attacks those who are stronger/ That was what dreq me to him and why i agreed tp be the mother of his daugher. His strength, and the fact that he never once did he use it against me. Your father is like having a lion for a pet. You know that it's a creature of utter and supreme violence whose mere nature and talent is murder, and yet it lies down at your side and purrs for your touch alone. There is nothing more titillating.
But more than that was hpw you father made me feel. He awoke something inside me that had never lived before. He breathed life into my soul and I was a better person for having known him”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Styxx
“It’s amazing the damage we do to ourselves and others when all we’re trying to do is protect ourselves from being hurt.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Styxx

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