The Oath of the Vayuputras Quotes

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The Oath of the Vayuputras (Shiva Trilogy, #3) The Oath of the Vayuputras by Amish Tripathi
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The Oath of the Vayuputras Quotes Showing 1-30 of 103
“Creation and destruction are the two ends of the same moment. And everything between the creation and the next destruction is the journey of life.”
Amish Tripathi, The Oath of the Vayuputras
“The key question isn't 'What is Evil?' The key question is 'When does the Good become Evil?”
Amish Tripathi, The Oath of the Vayuputras
“It's our greed to extract more and more from good that turns it into evil.”
Amish Tripathi, The Oath of the Vayuputras
tags: evil
“Weak people never admit that they are responsible for their own state. They always blame either circumstances or others.”
Amish Tripathi, The Oath of the Vayuputras
“The distance between Evil and Good is a vast expanse in which many can exist without being either.”
Amish Tripathi, The Oath of the Vayuputras
“Often,our immediate reaction to a sudden crisis help us save ourselves. Our response to gradual crises that creep up upon us, on the other hand,may be so adaptive as to ultimately lead to self-destruction.”
Amish Tripathi, The Oath of the Vayuputras
“What is forgotten, however, is that many times the Good we create leads to Evil that will destroy us.”
Amish Tripathi, The Oath of the Vayuputras
“Ati sarvatra varjayet:
Excess of anything is bad. Some of us are attracted to Good. But the universe tries to maintain balance. So what is good for some may end up being bad for others...
Agriculture is good for us humans as it gives us an assured supply of food, but it is bad for the animals that lose their forest and grazing land.”
Amish Tripathi, The Oath of the Vayuputras
“One cannot undo what has happened. But the inexorable march of time offers the wise opportunities for redemption. I entreat you, do not escape. Stay in this world and do your karma.”
Amish Tripathi, The Oath of the Vayuputras
“When the gardeners are good, the flower will bloom.”
Amish Tripathi, The Oath of the Vayuputras
“Rather than the destination it is the journey that lends meaning to our lives, great Neelkanth. Being faithful to our path will lead to consequences, both good as well as bad. For that is the way of the universe.”
Amish Tripathi, The Oath of the Vayuputras
“The purpose is not the destination but the journey itself. Only those who understand this simple truth can experience true happiness.”
Amish Tripathi, The Oath of the Vayuputras
“Evil is never in a rush. It creeps up slowly. It doesn't hide, but confronts you in broad daylight. It gives decades of warnings, even centuries at times. Time is never the problem when you battle Evil. The problem is the will to fight it.”
Amish Tripathi, The Oath of the Vayuputras
“We don't become gods because we think we are gods. That is only a sign of ego. We become gods when we realise that a part of the universal divinity lives within us; when we understand our role in this great world and when we strive to fulfil that role. That makes you a God. And remember, gods don't fail. You cannot fail.”
Amish Tripathi, The Oath of the Vayuputras
“If the universe is trying to maintain balance, we must aid this by ensuring that Good is not enjoyed excessively. Or else the universe will re-balance itself by creating Evil to counteract Good. That is the purpose of Evil: it balances the Good.”
Amish Tripathi, The Oath of the Vayuputras
“A lot of people are capable, Neelkanth. What makes a capable person truly dangerous is his conviction.”
Amish Tripathi, The Oath of the Vayuputras
“One makes one's own luck, but you have to give the universe the opportunity to help you.”
Amish Tripathi, The Oath of the Vayuputras
“There is only this life; this moment. That is the only thing we can be sure of. Everything else is only theory.”
Amish Tripathi, The Oath of the Vayuputras
“Delusions create the most compelling of beliefs.”
Amish Tripathi, The Oath of the Vayuputras
“there is your truth and there is my truth. As for the universal truth? It does not exist.”
Amish Tripathi, The Oath of the Vayuputras
“if you decide to challenge your destiny, your opponent would not be some judgemental Lord Almighty who is seeking to punish you; your opponent would only be the limitations of your own mind. This will empower you to fight your fate.”
Amish Tripathi, The Oath of the Vayuputras
“You have behaved in an exemplary manner until now. Even when you could have gained by doing something wrong, you refrained from doing so. You didn't fall prey to the logic of doing a small wrong for the sake of the greater good; of the ends justifying the means. That takes moral courage.”
Amish Tripathi, The Oath of the Vayuputras
“Any Brute can kill, but to kill with so many conditions attached requires Professionals”
Amish Tripathi, The Oath of the Vayuputras
“Anger is your enemy. Control it. Control it.”
Amish Tripathi, The Oath of the Vayuputras
“There is always unity at the end, and it brings a new tranquility. But the meeting of two worlds causes a lot of temporary chaos.”
Amish Tripathi, The Oath of the Vayuputras
“if you decide to challenge your destiny, your opponent would not be some judgemental Lord Almighty who is seeking to punish you; your opponent would only be the limitations of your own mind.”
Amish Tripathi, The Oath of the Vayuputras
“it was better to commit mistakes on the path that one’s soul is meant to walk on, than to live a perfect life on a path that is not meant for one’s soul.”
Amish Tripathi, The Oath of the Vayuputras
“People have a tendency to do what they want to do rather than what they should be doing.”
Amish Tripathi, The Oath of the Vayuputras
“It’s not easy being a witness when one has the power to rule.”
Amish Tripathi, The Oath of the Vayuputras
“Dharma matih udgritah; dharma is that which is well judged by your mind; think deeply about dharma and your mind will tell you what is right.”
Amish Tripathi, The Oath of the Vayuputras

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