The New Psycho-Cybernetics Quotes

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The New Psycho-Cybernetics: The Original Science of Self-Improvement and Success That Has Changed the Lives of 30 Million People The New Psycho-Cybernetics: The Original Science of Self-Improvement and Success That Has Changed the Lives of 30 Million People by Dan S. Kennedy
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The New Psycho-Cybernetics Quotes Showing 1-16 of 16
“A human being always acts and feels and performs in accordance with what he imagines to be true about himself and his environment...For imagination sets the goal ‘picture’ which our automatic mechanism works on. We act, or fail to act, not because of ‘will,’ as is so commonly believed, but because of imagination.”
Maxwell Maltz, The New Psycho-Cybernetics: The Original Science of Self-Improvement and Success That Has Changed the Lives of 30 Million People
“The greatest mistake a man can make is to be afraid of making one.”
Maxwell Maltz, New Psycho-Cybernetics
“It is common knowledge among psychologists that most of us underrate ourselves, short-change ourselves, sell ourselves short. Actually, there is no such thing as a superiority complex. People who seem to have one are actually suffering from feelings of inferiority; their "superior" self is a fiction, a coverup, to hide from themselves and others their deep-down feelings of inferiority and insecurity.”
Maxwell Maltz, The New Psycho-Cybernetics: The Original Science of Self-Improvement and Success That Has Changed the Lives of 30 Million People
“We age not by years but by events and our emotional reactions to them.”
Maxwell Maltz, New Psycho-Cybernetics
“The most liberating of all thoughts is disregard or “disconcern” for what other people think. Famous mail-order impresario and entrepreneur J. Peterman wrote (in his autobiography Peterman Rides Again); “Once you realize that most people are keeping up appearances and putting on a show, their approval becomes less important.” Excessive concern over what other people think inhibits personality more than any other factor.”
Maxwell Maltz, New Psycho-Cybernetics
“Do not tolerate for a minute the idea that you are prohibited from any achievement by the absence of in-born talent or ability. This is a lie of the grandest order, an excuse of the saddest kind.”
Maxwell Maltz, New Psycho-Cybernetics
“Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside them was superior to circumstance. —Bruce Barton”
Maxwell Maltz, New Psycho-Cybernetics
“If you intend to insist on justice in order to live a successful and happy life, you will not do so in this lifetime, on this planet.”
Maxwell Maltz, New Psycho-Cybernetics
“The clay or putty-like material stays soft and malleable enough to do so many, many times. In his infinite wisdom, God manufactured the self-image of similar material, so it remains malleable throughout our entire lives. No one is ever too old, too jaded, too frightened, or too traumatized to “wet the clay” and begin remaking it as they imagine and desire.”
Maxwell Maltz, New Psycho-Cybernetics
“your nervous system cannot tell the difference between a real experience and one that is vividly imagined.”
Maxwell Maltz, New Psycho-Cybernetics
“If you can remember, worry, or tie your shoe, you can succeed with Psycho-Cybernetics!”
Maxwell Maltz, New Psycho-Cybernetics
“from impulsive and ill-considered actions; the other is”
Maxwell Maltz, New Psycho-Cybernetics
“In an interview in 1992, Leary stated, “It is a genetic imperative to explore the brain. Because it’s there. If you’re carrying around in your head 100 billion mainframe computers, you just have to get in there and learn how to operate them.”
Maxwell Maltz, New Psycho-Cybernetics
“Knowledge Gives You Power.”
Maxwell Maltz, New Psycho-Cybernetics
“afraid of making”
Maxwell Maltz, New Psycho-Cybernetics
“Here is another illustration of how the self-image operates. Picture us living inside two boxes. The line farthest out, the solid line, represents real or realistic limits. The dotted line, in the first drawing shown tightly confining Self, represents self-imposed limits. The area between the two is your area or range of under-utilized potential. As you discover the means of strengthening and liberating your self-image, you move the dotted line closer to the solid line, permitting greater use of your true potential. Success”
Maxwell Maltz, New Psycho-Cybernetics