Esotericism With an Unconventional Soul Quotes

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Esotericism With an Unconventional Soul: Exploring Philosophy, Spirituality, Science, and Mysticism Esotericism With an Unconventional Soul: Exploring Philosophy, Spirituality, Science, and Mysticism by Robin S. Baker
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Esotericism With an Unconventional Soul Quotes Showing 1-30 of 43
“The moment that you consciously decide to terminate the repetitiveness of diminishing all that you are, because of outside and inside noise, is the moment that you will officially take control of your own narrative.”
Robin S. Baker, Esotericism With an Unconventional Soul: Exploring Philosophy, Spirituality, Science, and Mysticism
“The moment that you consciously decide to terminate the repetitiveness of diminishing all that you are, because of outside and inside noise, is the moment that you will officially take control of your own narrative.”
Robin S. Baker, Esotericism With an Unconventional Soul: Exploring Philosophy, Spirituality, Science, and Mysticism
“Nothing is truly black or white, beautiful or ugly, and bad or good. Perception is truly key.”
Robin S. Baker, Esotericism With an Unconventional Soul: Exploring Philosophy, Spirituality, Science, and Mysticism
“My heart space is open to receiving inspiration from the Divine. Because of this, my harvest will continue to be fruitful and bountiful.”
Robin S. Baker, Esotericism With an Unconventional Soul: Exploring Philosophy, Spirituality, Science, and Mysticism
“Trauma can range from an event that has manifested in a considerably small way, to one that has had a large effect on your overall well-being. But this doesn't make certain experiences more significant than the other. What doesn't hurt one person as much, may have completely broken the next person in half.”
Robin S. Baker, Esotericism With an Unconventional Soul: Exploring Philosophy, Spirituality, Science, and Mysticism
“I want you to understand that we are also our own guides. We have access to extraordinarily sacred powers that our most enlightened self has known about during the entirety of our existence.”
Robin S. Baker, Esotericism With an Unconventional Soul: Exploring Philosophy, Spirituality, Science, and Mysticism
“Some people may not fully know this, but praying is also an amazing form of manifestation. In my opinion, it is the most powerful one.”
Robin S. Baker, Esotericism With an Unconventional Soul: Exploring Philosophy, Spirituality, Science, and Mysticism
“I am confident in following and listening to my heart because I trust that it will always guide me in the right direction.”
Robin S. Baker, Esotericism With an Unconventional Soul: Exploring Philosophy, Spirituality, Science, and Mysticism
“Another beneficial method, that I personally enjoy, is singing your affirmations out loud. Utilizing the powers of your Throat Chakra, in this manner, really carries the frequencies of your intentions to elevated levels.”
Robin S. Baker, Esotericism With an Unconventional Soul: Exploring Philosophy, Spirituality, Science, and Mysticism
“The judgment that comes with being unordinary is an uncomfortable feeling that many would just rather not encounter. But what if I told you that your uniqueness will open doors that you never knew that you could access?”
Robin S. Baker, Esotericism With an Unconventional Soul: Exploring Philosophy, Spirituality, Science, and Mysticism
“I know the Universe is on my side. Blessing me with positive karma, expansion, and an elevation within my finances.”
Robin S. Baker, Esotericism With an Unconventional Soul: Exploring Philosophy, Spirituality, Science, and Mysticism
“My partner and I fully support one another. Lifting each other up to evolve into the highest versions of ourselves. We are the best teammates.”
Robin S. Baker, Esotericism With an Unconventional Soul: Exploring Philosophy, Spirituality, Science, and Mysticism
“Do something kind for another person. Proceeding with this selfless gesture, while not feeling at your best, shows that you are in control of your emotions. It is not the other way around.”
Robin S. Baker, Esotericism With an Unconventional Soul: Exploring Philosophy, Spirituality, Science, and Mysticism
“I am someone who absolutely loves combining scientific facts with spirituality.”
Robin S. Baker, Esotericism With an Unconventional Soul: Exploring Philosophy, Spirituality, Science, and Mysticism
“I have an immense amount of respect for the natural medicine that Mother Earth provides.”
Robin S. Baker, Esotericism With an Unconventional Soul: Exploring Philosophy, Spirituality, Science, and Mysticism
“Mastering your subconscious thoughts, within a dream state, has shown itself to be medicine for anyone who has committed themselves to its greatness.”
Robin S. Baker, Esotericism With an Unconventional Soul: Exploring Philosophy, Spirituality, Science, and Mysticism
“Chapter 5 of my book, Esotericism with An Unconventional Soul, is called Healing with Lucid Dreaming. I had so much fun writing, researching, and spilling the beans about this particular subject.”
Robin S. Baker, Esotericism With an Unconventional Soul: Exploring Philosophy, Spirituality, Science, and Mysticism
“Anger is a means to achieve a goal. When I first read this sentence, it hit me like a ton of bricks. But at the same time, I felt that it went hand-in-hand with an idea I've grown to realize about anger. I've recognized that it is an emotion that can be utilized and transmuted into alchemy.”
Robin S. Baker, Esotericism With an Unconventional Soul: Exploring Philosophy, Spirituality, Science, and Mysticism
“Yes, it's important to feel your way through life and to completely embrace these various emotions; including anger. But we cannot dismiss the underlying goal. So what do I mean by this? Well, exerting anger negatively is usually a cover-up for what's really happening deep down inside.”
Robin S. Baker, Esotericism With an Unconventional Soul: Exploring Philosophy, Spirituality, Science, and Mysticism
“It [anger] presents itself as a huge umbrella that shields other emotions such as frustration, confusion, embarrassment, lack, insecurity, inferiority, violation, resentment, sadness, and guilt. There is always a root to the real issue that you are too afraid to step into a vulnerable space and address.”
Robin S. Baker, Esotericism With an Unconventional Soul: Exploring Philosophy, Spirituality, Science, and Mysticism
“So you use anger as an excuse to act out and verbalize what you wish you can express in a healthy way. This is why I understand the sentiment of 'People fabricate anger'.”
Robin S. Baker, Esotericism With an Unconventional Soul: Exploring Philosophy, Spirituality, Science, and Mysticism
“You are the magician with alchemical powers and this comes with the ability to control, transmute, and maneuver elements. Basically what I'm saying is that you are the master over your anger, your life, the way you go about these goals with your emotions, and what you create with them.”
Robin S. Baker, Esotericism With an Unconventional Soul: Exploring Philosophy, Spirituality, Science, and Mysticism
“So it is not the money itself that is the root of catastrophe, it is the type of person and energies behind it.”
Robin S. Baker, Esotericism With an Unconventional Soul: Exploring Philosophy, Spirituality, Science, and Mysticism
“I choose to live a wealthy and full life that encompasses adventure, traveling, and financial freedom.”
Robin S. Baker, Esotericism With an Unconventional Soul: Exploring Philosophy, Spirituality, Science, and Mysticism
“Rejection is protection. Thank you God for protecting me. Thank you God for supplying me with an invisible suit or armor.”
Robin S. Baker, Esotericism With an Unconventional Soul: Exploring Philosophy, Spirituality, Science, and Mysticism
“The 114 chakras are considered our main chakras, but it is said to be many more that exist. They are described as gateways to an elevated level of consciousness, freedom, harmony, peace of mind, and balance. They are vortexes, of Subtle Energies, that act as the junction points between the material and the spiritual.”
Robin S. Baker, Esotericism With an Unconventional Soul: Exploring Philosophy, Spirituality, Science, and Mysticism
“That is why self-attunement is so essential because consciously being in tune with our inner and most Highest Self will provide us with an elevated level of self-awareness. Connecting us to a magnificent amount of wisdom. This allows us to trust our own intuition, instead of grasping at any person's spiritual guidance.”
Robin S. Baker, Esotericism With an Unconventional Soul: Exploring Philosophy, Spirituality, Science, and Mysticism

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