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Devin Blue
“Don't feel sorry for yourself; nothing is ever as bad as it seems”.”
Devin Blue, Inspirational Quotes of Wisdom: Words that are Motivational, Value Based, & Life Changing from Valueprep

Joseph B. Wirthlin
“The more often we see the things around us - even the beautiful and wonderful things - the more they become invisible to us. That is why we often take for granted the beauty of this world: the flowers, the trees, the birds, the clouds - even those we love. Because we see things so often, we see them less and less.”
Joseph B. Wirthlin

Larken Rose
“But who would build the roads if there were no government?

You mean to tell me that 300 million people in this country and 7 billion people on the planet would just sit around in their houses and think “Gee, I’d like to go visit Fred, but I can't because there isn’t a flat thing outside for me to drive on, and I don’t know how to build it and the other 300 million or 7 billion people can’t possibly do it because there aren’t any politicians and tax collectors. If they were here then we could do it. If they were here to boss us around and steal our money and really inefficiently build the flat places, then we would be set. Then I would be comfortable and confident that I could get places. But I can’t go to Fred’s house or the market because we can’t possibly build a flat space from A to B. We can make these really small devices that enable us to contact people from all over the word that fits in our pockets; we can make machines that we drive around in, but no, we can’t possibly build a flat space.”
Larken Rose

Raheel Farooq
“The missing link between humans and apes? It's certainly those brutes who haven't yet learned to respect privacy.”
Raheel Farooq

Dashama Konah Gordon
“When we carry the thoughts of negativity and self-criticism, we inspire just what we don’t want: poor health and an unattractive physical body.”
Dashama Konah Gordon, Journey to Joyful: Transform Your Life with Pranashama Yoga