Challenge: 50 Books discussion

2010 > Amanda's 50+ List for 2010

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message 1: by Amanda (new)

Amanda Starting today I shall commence my 50 (or more) books to read for 2010, concluding 31st December.

message 4: by Amanda (new)

Amanda 3. Prometheus Rising by Robert Anton Wilson

(Excellent book to start the year with!)

message 20: by Amanda (new)

Amanda 19. Emma by Jane Austen

message 24: by Adris (new)

Adris (adris123) Did you like Emma by Jane Austen?? I really liked it but most of my friends hate it :(

message 25: by Amanda (new)

Amanda adris (or adalie/addie/adriseus) wrote: "Did you like Emma by Jane Austen?? I really liked it but most of my friends hate it :("

To be honest, if you read my reviews, I didn't think too much of it at all really, which is a shame I think. I'd really like to get along with Jane better but I've never really been able to see what so many fans around the world can see in her. I've 'read' (I could only get through to the ends by listening to them on audio book, but I was determined to finish them!) both Emma and last year I 'read' Pride and Predjudice, which I actually quite liked. However, I'm not sure if I should try anymore Austen or not...I obviously just don't get her!

message 27: by Amanda (new)

Amanda 24. Absolute Boyfriend 4 by Yuu Watase

Yes I know I have added quite a few manga and graphic novels this year but...I want to! I'm keeping note of how many I read and will deduct them from my final figure at the end of the year though.

message 29: by Amanda (new)

Amanda 26. Absolute Boyfriend 6 by Yuu Watase

Yes, I know that makes three in a row! (7 manga/graphics so far this year!) I've been borrowing them for sometime though...about time I gave them back.

message 34: by Carol (last edited Apr 08, 2010 06:53AM) (new)

Carol Neman | 469 comments Amanda wrote: "26. Absolute Boyfriend 6 by Yuu Watase

Yes, I know that makes three in a row! (7 manga/graphics so far this year!) I've been borrowing them for sometime though......"

Amanda, Have you seen/read a Manga series called "Fruits Basket"? My grand-daughter got interested in Manga about two years ago (she's 17 now) and actually in the Japanese culture also. Last year I was at their house all day and the whole series was playing on the TV, (I think there are around 20 episodes), so I watched for awhile, and really got interested in the story. It seems that a particular family was cursed by one of their ancestors so that if they ever kissed one of the opposite sex they would turn into an animal, each member of the family having their own kind of animal. An outsider is allowed into the family, a young girl with a good heart, and she changes the family for the good...I won't say more in case you want to check it out for yourself. I had seen a couple of M series episodes before and wasn't impressed, I thought they were too dark, and I thought all Manga was like that, but I really liked Fruits Basket. (I also googled it on Wikipedia to see what I missed in the storyline)

message 35: by Amanda (new)

Amanda Yes, I have read Fruits Basket. Its an excellent series! Unfortunatly I didn't complete it though...I think I got to volume 9 or 11 or something before I couldn't buy anymore. Definately one of the better mangas on there and a series I need to come back to!

message 38: by Amanda (new)

message 41: by Amanda (new)

Amanda The Magna Carta in Salisbury byJohn McIlwain

Not actually going to count this, as it is only a little booklet.

message 42: by Amanda (new)

Amanda 36. The Midwich Cuckoos by John Wyndham

If I am honest...I've not read the final two chapters. I've been trying to finish this one for weeks and have found it so hard going, I'm afraid I've had to give up!

message 44: by Amanda (new)

Amanda 38. Ghost World by Daniel Clowes

Another graphic novel...but this one is a classic!

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