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Book Discussion - Non BotM > Future Releases_ Sci-Fi

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message 1: by Kirsty, Jedi Master (last edited Jan 11, 2016 01:17PM) (new)

Kirsty Cabot (kirstycabot) | 1912 comments Mod
I am by no means a Sci-Fi buff, but thought I would start this up to mirror the Fantasy thread.

Please feel free to post the book and the section it goes under with the date and I'll do my best to keep it up to date!

Next in a Series

The Beauty of Destruction - Gavin G. Smith - Jan 2016

Gentleman Jole and the Red Queen (Vorkosigan Saga #16) - Lois McMaster Bujold - 2 Feb 2016

Morning Star (Red Rising #3) - Pierce Brown - 11 Feb 2016

Calamity (Reckoners #3) - Brandon Sanderson - 17 Mar 2016

War Factory (Transformation #2) - Neal Asher - 5 May 2016

Death's Bright Day (RCN Series) - David Drake - 7 Jun 2016

Babylon's Ashes (Expanse #6) - James S.A. Corey - 19 Jun 2016

Alliance of Equals (Liaden Universe #19) - Sharon Lee

Death’s End (The Three Body Problem #3) - Cixin Liu - 30 Aug 2016

New Series or Standalone

The Thing Itself - Adam Roberts - Dec 2015

Occupy Me - Tricia Sullivan - Jan 2016

This Census-Taker - China Miéville - 5 Jan 2016

Midnight Taxi Tango - Daniel José Older - 5 Jan 2016

All the Birds in the Sky - Charlie Jane Anders - 26 Jan 2016 (FYI Author is i09's editor-in-chief)

Down Station - Simon Morden - Feb 2016

Empire V - Victor Pelevin - Feb 2016

Burning Midnight - Will McIntosh - 2 Feb 2016

Arcadia - Iain Pears - 9 Feb 2016

Armada (Paperback) - Ernest Cline - 11 Feb 2016

The Medusa Chronicles - Alastair Reynolds and Stephen Baxter - 18 Feb 2016

Into Everywhere - Paul McAuley - Mar 2016

Arkwright - Allen Steele - 1 Mar 2016

Quantum Night - Robert J. Sawyer - 1 Mar 2016

United States of Japan - Peter Tieryas - 1 Mar 2016

The Courier - Gerald Brandt - 1 Mar 2016

Radiance - Catherynne M. Valente - 3 Mar 2016

Kasari Nexus, The - Richard Phillips - 4 Apr 2016

The Raft: A Novel - Fred Strydom - 3 May 2016

Too Like the Lightning - Ada Palmer - 10 May 2016

Central Station - Lavie Tidhar - 10 May 2016

The God Wave - Patrick Hemstreet - 17 May 2016

Dark Run - Mike Brooks - 24 May 2016

Nemesis - Alex Lamb - Apr 2016

Ninefox Gambit - Yoon Ha Lee - 14 June 2016

New Pompeii - Daniel Godfrey - 21 Jun 2016

Summerland - Hannu Rajaniemi - July 2016

The Last Days of New Paris - China Miéville - 9 Aug 2016

Crosstalk -Connie Willis - 4 Oct 2016

Upcoming Debuts of Interest

The Promise of the Child - T.N. Toner - November 2015

Arena - Holly Jennings - 7 Apr 2016

Sleeping Giants - Sylvain Neuvel - 26 April 2016

Infomocracy by Malka Ann Older - 7 June 2016

Mechanical Failure - Joe Zieja - 7 June 2016

The Race - Nina Allan - July 2016

Other Books (Diarys Memoirs etc)

message 2: by Paul, A wanderer in unknown realms (new)

Paul | 3571 comments Mod
Only two on my radar.I was eventually going to start one but I really am rubbish with new scifi

Next in a Series
The End of All Things by John Scalzi 11th of August

Calamity By Brandon Sanderson 17th March 2016

message 3: by Paul, A wanderer in unknown realms (new)

Paul | 3571 comments Mod
Looking good Kirsty. A nice start. Saves my blushes as I was getting embaressed at just doing the fantasy one.

Someone previously posted this on the fantasy one but probably belongs here
Next in series
Ancillary Mercy by Ann Leckie 6th October

message 4: by Kevin (new)

Kevin The City of Mirrors by Justin Cronin, 8th of October 2015.
A decent enough series that I'll be looking forward to finishing. No kissy glittery vampires either. :)

message 5: by Paul, A wanderer in unknown realms (new)

Paul | 3571 comments Mod
I bought the Passage but just havent gotten around to it

message 6: by Kirsty, Jedi Master (new)

Kirsty Cabot (kirstycabot) | 1912 comments Mod
Thanks guys, keep them coming! :D

message 7: by Kirsty, Jedi Master (new)

Kirsty Cabot (kirstycabot) | 1912 comments Mod
Poseidon's Wake by Alastair Reynolds added - 30th april

message 9: by Paul, A wanderer in unknown realms (new)

Paul | 3571 comments Mod
New Gollancz Catalog for you Kirsty :-)

message 10: by Rinn, (Retired mod) Captain of the SSV Normandy (new)

Rinn (rinnsohma) | 3456 comments Mod
Oh god I'm going to browse through that and find 50 million new titles to read :P

message 11: by Paul, A wanderer in unknown realms (new)

Paul | 3571 comments Mod
Same problem I have. Theres two whole pages of Sanderson. And Ben Aaronovitches new book is a crazy pink colour.

message 12: by Kirsty, Jedi Master (new)

Kirsty Cabot (kirstycabot) | 1912 comments Mod
Updated - Thanks Paul :D

message 13: by Kirsty, Jedi Master (new)

Kirsty Cabot (kirstycabot) | 1912 comments Mod
Added Armada by Ernest Cline July 14

message 14: by Kirsty, Jedi Master (new)

message 15: by Kirsty, Jedi Master (last edited Jul 08, 2015 09:22AM) (new)

Kirsty Cabot (kirstycabot) | 1912 comments Mod
Added Annihilation - Jeff VanderMeer - July 30 (for Kindle)

message 16: by Kirsty, Jedi Master (new)

Kirsty Cabot (kirstycabot) | 1912 comments Mod

Arcadia - Iain Pears - 3 Sep 2015

Nick and the Glimmung by Philip K. Dick - 10 Sept 2015 - Back in print

The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet - Becky Chambers - 13 Aug 2015

message 17: by Paul, A wanderer in unknown realms (new)

Paul | 3571 comments Mod
Some interesring ones. Haven't read the PKD one.

message 18: by Audrey, Queen of the Potato People (new)

Audrey (niceyackerman) | 3427 comments Mod
Storm of Lightning will be released September 15. This is the fifth book of the series.

message 19: by Kirsty, Jedi Master (new)

Kirsty Cabot (kirstycabot) | 1912 comments Mod
Major update of 2016 Titles.

Will be adding more in the coming days.

Feel free to add more here and i'll pop them in the list

message 20: by Kirsty, Jedi Master (new)

Kirsty Cabot (kirstycabot) | 1912 comments Mod
Added more from Gollancz

message 21: by Kirsty, Jedi Master (new)

Kirsty Cabot (kirstycabot) | 1912 comments Mod

message 22: by Kirsty, Jedi Master (new)

Kirsty Cabot (kirstycabot) | 1912 comments Mod
A Few more updates

message 23: by Paul, A wanderer in unknown realms (new)

Paul | 3571 comments Mod
A great year ahead already.

message 24: by Lancer, Warden of the Slums (new)

Lancer (elancer) | 1667 comments Mod
Morning star is very soon. I thought it was tomorrow but I don't believe that was a North American release date

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