Review Group discussion

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Finished rounds > Group 362. General - Mod. Gene

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message 1: by Gene (last edited Jun 12, 2024 04:53AM) (new)

Gene Kendall | 958 comments Mod
The review group is the most successful group for peer reviews on Goodreads. It hosts non-reciprocal reading/review rounds of ten authors with a variety of themes and genres, as well as ‘general’ rounds where any book is permitted, from non-fiction, to horror. When a round has ‘now forming’ in the title, there are places available, you can sign up. If it doesn’t, it’s full – look for another round or check back another time.

The Amazon rules state that authors/publishers are not allowed to specifically supply published books in return for reviews on Amazon. To comply with this rule, we don’t insist members review on Amazon, but we do insist that every participant in the round has the capacity to leave a review on their local Amazon store, so we all start with the same options.

The founding principle of the group is honest, non-reciprocal reviews, so please help maintain the integrity of the group by letting me know as you sign up if you have been reviewed by, or have reviewed another author in the group and do check back as the group fills to report any clashes. Usually places are allocated on a first come, first served basis.

This is a General round
All fiction/ non-fiction accepted. This means you may be required to read anything from a book about tax returns to horror/erotica and everything in between.

Please note it is always possible that the books you are assigned may contain material you find upsetting or offensive. If you can't commit to this, please do not sign up.

Now for the boring stuff, but please read it, it saves a lot of time if everyone is on the same wavelength.
Before signing up below with your Goodreads author and Goodreads book link in the thread below, please ensure that:

1. You have enough time to read and review 4 books within the 12 weeks of time allowed.

2. Your book is currently available for sale on Amazon (not pre-order) and it complies with the individual round theme, if there is one.

3. Your book is fit to be reviewed.
If it is not, due to editing or other issues, you risk poor reviews. This is your problem, not that of the reviewers or the groups. For a small fee, the group admin will look at the first few pages of your book to advise. The number one error new authors make is not having their book beta read and edited, by non-family members.

4. You can submit reviews to Goodreads and Amazon.
Amazon allows only those people who have spent $50 in the last year to leave reviews in each of their stores. If you are unsure about your Amazon reviewer status, try posting a ‘test’ review before signing up. If you are unable to post reviews on Amazon, please do not sign up.

5. You can provide (and accept) at least PDF files.
You are not expected or required to buy the books you are allocated to review, but as this will give a ‘Verified Purchase’ review on Amazon, it is welcomed when you choose to do so. Many authors have books available via KU and others might provide smashwords coupons. Most authors can provide mobi and/or epub files directly by email. Please note: International Copyright laws apply. You cannot sell, or give away material you have received without the author’s express permission.

6. You have completed your reading if you are currently in another review round in this group. You can be involved in the ‘one for one’ list whilst you are in a round.

7. You have an author profile set up before you join.

8. Your Goodreads profile allows people to message you, i.e. your profile is not set to private.

9. You declare any relationship you have with another member in the round.
Amazon will not allow reviews from the same household on the same book or if you are an editor, relative or close friend of another member.

10. You agree that your reviews will be unbiased and honest, whatever the star rating, and you will try to avoid ‘spoilers’. i.e. giving away the finale of a book. Please note the Review Group will back any reviewer's right to express their opinion about a book, but personal comments about a fellow author are against both Review Group and Goodreads policy.

11. You will not ask a fellow author to change a review of your book because you don’t agree with it.
If you think you have a legitimate concern, talk to the mod of your round, NOT the other author. Personal attacks, or pressurising other members WILL NOT BE TOLERATED and will result in you being blacklisted.

Please note:
We all want reviews, it’s why we joined the group. It is bad taste to expect other people to review your book and then not do the same for other people in the group. People that DNF and/or don’t post reviews will find it difficult to get into a subsequent group.

It is not necessary to leave any kind of disclaimer in your review, but ultimately, it is up to individuals. Reviews that state you received a copy ‘in return’ for a review will probably be removed/not allowed by ‘I received a free copy from the author without an obligation to review’ would be more acceptable if you feel the need to add a disclaimer.

Your Goodreads details and the rounds you participate in may be recorded by the admin mod on a database. We do not retain details of email addresses etc.

Allocation is entirely random and there will NOT be any rearranging of the listing to accommodate personal preference. The ONLY circumstance in which you may duck out of giving a review is if YOU provide a stand-in reviewer.

The only way this group can function is if we trust each other to behave honourably. And it IS perfectly possible to give a fair-minded review of a text that does not coincide with our normal choice of reading matter. If you need a few hints/tips, please see this thread:

I will do my best to fit everyone into the group they request, but occasionally, particularly in the case of our more prolific good standing members, I may have to decline a member request to fit the maximum number of people into a particular round.

It is permissible to review an author more than once if a different book is available.
If you need anything clarified please ask, either by goodreads personal message to me or on the thread below, before signing up. It’s a pain to have to keep rearranging the list because people haven’t read the above.

Your group moderator will be:

Member Links * Book Links
1. Gene Kendall *Ten Tiny Tales: Stories of Broken Elevators and Other Mundane Things
2. K.B. Brookes *Surviving With Noah: In the dangerous Arctic wilderness, two reality show contestants turn up the heat
3. E.K. Frances * The Missing
4. Audrey Driscoll * The Friendship of Mortals
5. Loralee Evans * Ephraim's Garden
6. Laura Koerber *A Very Heaven
7. P.J. Ashton *The Eternal's Triumph
8. S.D. Brown * Alabaster Alibi
9. Gabriela Popa *Kafka's House
10. Ann Birdgenaw *Black Hole Radio - Furilani

In order to participate in this round, your setting for 'Who Can Send Me Private Messages' needs to be 'anyone'.
Please follow this link to check - and if necessary change - your privacy setting.

message 2: by Gene (new)

Gene Kendall | 958 comments Mod
Hi, everyone. I'm starting a new General round and kicking it off with my latest book.

Please remember if you're in another round that all of your reviews (including the Amazon links) must be posted before joining a new round.

Also, as you join, please keep an eye on the new authors joining in and let me know 1) if you've reviewed them or 2) if they've reviewed you.

message 3: by K.B. (new)

K.B. Brookes | 25 comments Hi Gene,
Can I sign up with 'Surviving with Noah'? Surviving With Noah: In the dangerous Arctic wilderness, two reality show contestants turn up the heat

First time participant so I don't have any clashes :)

Thank you

message 4: by Loralee (new)

Loralee (loraleeevans) | 2060 comments Mod
Hi, Gene, can I possibly hop in? I'm modding a few other rounds, but have completed my reviews in all of them. You have read a few of mine, but I have others you haven't read yet. I've not reviewed nor been reviewed by K.B.

message 5: by Audrey (new)

Audrey Driscoll | 178 comments Hi Gene,
I would like to join this round with The Friendship of Mortals.
You've reviewed several of my books, including this one, but I have a few others.
I've reviewed some of Loralee's books, but not this one.

message 6: by Ann (new)

Ann Birdgenaw (annbirdgenaw) | 316 comments Black Hole Radio - Furilani by Ann Birdgenaw

message 7: by Ann (new)

Ann Birdgenaw (annbirdgenaw) | 316 comments Can I join with my latest book Black Hole Radio-Furilani
I have read Gene and Audrey, Loralee has read all of my books and I have no conflict with KB Brookes

message 8: by Loralee (last edited Jun 11, 2024 09:08AM) (new)

Loralee (loraleeevans) | 2060 comments Mod
If Audrey is put in spot 3 and I am put it spot 4, it looks like Ann could fit into spot 9. Ann and I would have to be in each others' blind spot since, she said, I've read all her books.

message 9: by Gene (new)

Gene Kendall | 958 comments Mod
Thanks, everyone. If you see any conflicts on the tentative list, let me know.

message 10: by J.R. (new)

J.R. Gibson | 49 comments Hi, I would like to join this round with my book, A Collection of Fabulous Fascinating Fairy Tales Volume 1.

I have read some of Ann's books but not this one, Ann has read some of my books but not this one.

message 11: by J.R. (new)

J.R. Gibson | 49 comments As far as I am aware, I have not reviewed any of the other authors before.

message 12: by Iva (new)

Iva Dimitrova (httpswwwfacebookcomid524) | 2 comments Hello! I just joined not only the group but the community of Goodreads, though books have been my passion for a long time. So far I've just discussed them with close friends, and I've mostly gotten recommendations online for new books to read.

So here I am stepping out of my comfort zone. I will be happy if I can contribute to the group as well as make new friends among you. If anyone is interested, feel free to add me or give me a sign to add you.

My first book is about to come out. I will publish it in August on Amazon. The book is a drama, with elements of a thriller, with an emphasis on the psychology of the characters.
Will there be a possibility then to bring my book to your attention so I can get feedback/reviews?

Where can I read in detail how to do that?
Thank's in advance!

Sorry if I'm posting this comment in the wrong topic

message 13: by Gene (new)

Gene Kendall | 958 comments Mod
J. R. -- I've also reviewed two of your books. And since you and Ann would have to be in each other's blind spots, and Ann and Loralee already have to be in each other's blind spots, I don't see a way for you to fit.

I. D. -- This thread's purpose is explained in the opening post. If you have a book already on sale (as a book or ebook), and agree to the commitments, then you're free to join the review round.

message 14: by Ann (last edited May 31, 2024 10:04AM) (new)

Ann Birdgenaw (annbirdgenaw) | 316 comments I have read J.R.s books but he has not read any of mine. I think JR. is confusing me with author Terry Birdgenaw.

message 15: by Loralee (last edited May 31, 2024 10:35AM) (new)

Loralee (loraleeevans) | 2060 comments Mod
Gene, along with you and Ann, I've also reviewed J.R. So there's no way for J.R. to fit.
Ann, you may not be aware then, that J.R. has reviewed three of your books as shown here:
Black Hole Radio, Bilaluna, and Ka'Azula.
That's a problem, since the ethos of this group is nonreciprocal reviews because two people reviewing each other has the potential to unnaturally inflate ratings.
Since that has happened, J.R. would HAVE to be in your blind spot in any group the two of you were both in from here on.

message 16: by Ann (new)

Ann Birdgenaw (annbirdgenaw) | 316 comments JR seems to have added my books to his shelves (to be read) but he hasn't reviewed or ranked them on GR or Amazon. Maybe he can just delete them from his shelves?

message 17: by Loralee (new)

Loralee (loraleeevans) | 2060 comments Mod
You're right, Ann. He did not give a star rating to your books. My apologies. I should have looked more closely to see that J.R. had not actually rated them. J.R. still won't be able to join though, since Gene, you, and I have reviewed him.

message 18: by J.A. (new)

J.A. Freely | 49 comments Hi -

I;d like to join if possible. I've reviewed different works by Ann Birdgenow and Gene Kendel, and Loralle has reviewed me.

I await your verdict.

message 19: by Gene (new)

Gene Kendall | 958 comments Mod
Sorry, JA, but since you don't have an alternate to offer Loralee, I don't think you can fit.

message 20: by E.K. (new)

E.K. Frances | 266 comments Mod
Is it possible to squeeze me in here, with The Missing ...


Gene - you've reviewed this book but I have another
Ann - reviewed this book but I have another
Audrey - I've reviewed but not the book listed
Loralee - I've reviewed the book listed but she has more

(If a Clean round is about to start, please can you let me know, as I would prefer to join there.)


message 21: by S.D. (last edited Jun 04, 2024 09:21AM) (new)

S.D. | 372 comments I'd like to join if I fit in with

Alabaster Alibi

or one of my other books.

I've reviewed Gene & Ann

Loralee and Audrey have reviewed me.

message 22: by David (new)

David Gordon | 270 comments Hi Gene

Is it possible to sign up with my latest book: Jigsaw Sonora. Anne, EK, and Aubrey have read some of my work but not this one.

I have not read the books from the other writers except for Loralee and S.D. but they have other alternatives I can review.

Please advise and take care.

message 23: by E.K. (new)

E.K. Frances | 266 comments Mod
S.D. has read me, but not The Missing :)

message 24: by S.D. (new)

S.D. | 372 comments I think it is a different S.D. , I checked my reviews and didn't see you listed.... My last name is Brown.

message 25: by E.K. (new)

E.K. Frances | 266 comments Mod
This one here:

I think you'll still fit :)

message 26: by Gene (new)

Gene Kendall | 958 comments Mod
I've been able to work in SD and EK.

David, you've also reviewed one of my books, but I'll see if you will also fit.

message 27: by Gene (new)

Gene Kendall | 958 comments Mod
Sorry, David, but there are too many conflicts for you to fit.

message 28: by David (new)

David Gordon | 270 comments ok

message 29: by S.D. (new)

S.D. | 372 comments S.D. wrote: "I think it is a different S.D. , I checked my reviews and didn't see you listed.... My last name is Brown."

oooops,, you right!!!!

message 30: by K.B. (new)

K.B. Brookes | 25 comments As this is my first time, can I check if I can start reviewing the books yet or if I should wait until the full list is confirmed?


message 31: by Gene (new)

Gene Kendall | 958 comments Mod
KB, we don't start reviewing books until the round is formalized.

message 32: by Gabriela (last edited Jun 09, 2024 05:58PM) (new)

Gabriela Popa | 28 comments Hello, I would like to join if the group is not full yet. Book to be reviewed is "Kafka's House"

Happy to review book assigned in exchange.
Thanks Gabriela

message 33: by Gene (new)

Gene Kendall | 958 comments Mod
Hi, Gabriela:
We still have slots open. Please refer to the first post in the thread. I'll need a Goodreads link to your book, and for you to list anyone participating that 1. has reviewed you and 2. you have reviewed. Thanks.

message 34: by Gabriela (new)

Gabriela Popa | 28 comments Hi Gene, here is the link,

I have not reviewed any of the books listed and I do not believe anyone on the list reviewed me. Thanks!

message 35: by Loralee (last edited Jun 09, 2024 06:50PM) (new)

Loralee (loraleeevans) | 2060 comments Mod
Gabriela, you'll also need to set up your account so that you can send and receive Private Messages (PMs). Please go here to change that:
Once there, scroll down until you see "Who Can Send Me Private Messages:" and click the circle to the left of "anyone".
Then scroll to the bottom, and click the button that says "Save account settings".

message 36: by Gabriela (new)

Gabriela Popa | 28 comments Done!

message 37: by Laura (new)

Laura Koerber | 591 comments I'd like to join, if I can fit in.

I can review anyone except Loralee and EK. They can review any of my books that they haven't reviewed already.

message 38: by Loralee (last edited Jun 09, 2024 08:52PM) (new)

Loralee (loraleeevans) | 2060 comments Mod
Laura, will you point out or or post a link to your goodreads review for Tempest's book over on Group 358 before signing up here?

message 39: by Laura (new)

Laura Koerber | 591 comments Done!

message 40: by Gene (new)

Gene Kendall | 958 comments Mod
Laura, you'll need to list everyone in the thread you've reviewed, and everyone who has reviewed you. For example, you can't send me your book because you've reviewed me in the past.

message 41: by Laura (new)

Laura Koerber | 591 comments Gene Kendall I can review--he can't review me
2. K.B. Brookes I can review--she can review me
3. E.K. Frances I can't review--he can review me
4. Audrey Driscoll I can't review--she can review me
5. Loralee Evans I can't review--she can review me
8. S.D. Brown I can review--she can't review me
9. Gabriela Popa I can review--she can review me
10. Ann Birdgenaw I can review--she can't review me

message 42: by Gene (new)

Gene Kendall | 958 comments Mod
Thanks, Laura. I think you fit.
Everyone, it seems we now have one slot open. If you see any conflicts, please let me know.

message 43: by Laura (new)

Laura Koerber | 591 comments Thank you, Gene.

message 44: by S.D. (new)

S.D. | 372 comments Laura has reviewed me

message 45: by Gene (new)

Gene Kendall | 958 comments Mod
SD - Do you have an alternate book to send to Laura?

message 46: by P.J. (new)

P.J. Ashton | 78 comments Any chance I can jump on this round? I'm all finished in the 18+ round. I've read you Gene, but not this book. I'm pretty certain that I haven't been reviewed by SD, Gabriella and Ann before. And I don't think I've been read by KB, EK and Audrey.

message 47: by S.D. (new)

S.D. | 372 comments Yes I do

message 48: by Gene (new)

Gene Kendall | 958 comments Mod
PJ - please post a link to the book you want reviewed. Thanks.

message 49: by Laura (new)

Laura Koerber | 591 comments Gene wrote: "SD - Do you have an alternate book to send to Laura?" I've read three of SD's book, but she has plenty of alternatives.

message 50: by S.D. (new)

S.D. | 372 comments Laura wrote: "Gene wrote: "SD - Do you have an alternate book to send to Laura?" I've read three of SD's book, but she has plenty of alternatives."

yes I do...several

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