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♦SSS Archives♦ > R4: SSS Hooked on Books (5)

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message 1: by Jenne (last edited Oct 14, 2014 08:53AM) (new)

Jenne  (jennetheinstigator) | 7439 comments Captain: ❁ Danielle

Nay Nay

message 2: by Jenne (last edited Aug 29, 2014 08:16AM) (new)

Jenne  (jennetheinstigator) | 7439 comments Helpful Links:
Dice Roll (1 die on Thursdays and Sundays US Central Time)
Time Zone Converter
Post Your Spot
R4: Spreadsheet
Discussion Thread

message 3: by Jenne (new)

Jenne  (jennetheinstigator) | 7439 comments

message 4: by Jenne (last edited Oct 07, 2014 12:12PM) (new)

Jenne  (jennetheinstigator) | 7439 comments The alternates:
Each number corresponds with the spot on the board.
For colors: The cover has to be at least 50%
For locations: As long as the book takes part at all in the given location .
For Shelves: Any book on the given shelf
For Publication Years: I'll be using how GR has it's publication date listed.
For Authors Names: The first, middle, or last name of the author is ok.
For Cover Items: Must have the given item on the cover
For Titles: Only the first word of the title. A, An, And, and The do not count.
So if the letter is B: The Best Day would be ok. Dear Betty would not be ok.

1. New Mexico
2. White
3. 2004
4. Adult
5. Title R
6. Cover Item tattoo
7. Author J
8. New York
9. Green
10. 2002
11. Cover Love
12. Title C
13. Cover Item Smoke
14. Author W
15. Italy
16. Silver/Gray
17. 2001
18. Book Boyfriends
19. Title N
20. Cover Item Mode of Transportation
21. Author I
22. Australia
23. Yellow
24. 2010
25. Reviewed
26. Title E
27. Cover Item 2 People
28. Author T
29. Nevada
30. Blue
31. 1999
32. 3 Star
33. Title H
34. Cover Item Moon
35. Author K
36. Louisiana
37. Pink
38. 2014
39. Got It
40. Title O
41. Cover Item Beach
42. Author E
43. Illinois
44. Red
45. 2012
46. On Kindle
47. Title B
48. Cover Item No People
49. Author L
50. Texas
51. Orange
52. 2008
53. Fun
54. Title S
55. Cover Item Building(s)
56. Author A
57. England
58. Black
59. 2013
60. 4 Stars
61. Title K
62. Cover Item Animal
63. Author S
64. Massachusetts
65. Purple
66. 2011
67. Signed
68. Title T
69. Cover Item One Person
70. Author D
71. France
72. Multi-colored (more than 3 colors)
73. 2009
74. Did Not Finish
75. Title F

(view spoiler)

message 5: by ✿~Danielle~✿ (last edited Aug 26, 2014 07:47AM) (new)

✿~Danielle~✿ (dmh1) | 0 comments Hey team! *waves*

It's my first time doing this challenge, so no to being captain.

I'm excited to get stared.

message 6: by NayNay (new)

NayNay Hello Team

I have played before, I'm not a big series reader, but I do love the alternative challenges. I can not volenteer for captain, I'm taking care of my ill father and we are at the hospital often. I usually read a book or two a day and love Historical Fiction.

message 7: by Jenne (new)

Jenne  (jennetheinstigator) | 7439 comments I just edited the dice info in post 2, what's there now is correct (copy and paste gets me into trouble!)

message 8: by btwthesepages (new)

btwthesepages | 176 comments Hi Team!
It's my first time doing this challenge too so not interested in being captain :)

message 9: by Sue (new)

Sue Morris | 1095 comments Hi Team !!!

I have done this challenge, so I guess that leaves me as captain....

I read 5-6 books a week so I read fast.I am bad at picking team names so some one gives some

message 10: by ✿~Danielle~✿ (last edited Aug 26, 2014 10:54AM) (new)

✿~Danielle~✿ (dmh1) | 0 comments We sort of didn't give you a chance of not being captain, Sue. So hope it's ok that you are our captain.

I'm no good at team names either.

I'm a fast reader and can read from 1-3 a day

message 11: by btwthesepages (new)

btwthesepages | 176 comments I'm no good with names either. But I'll try to think of some :P

message 12: by Sue (new)

Sue Morris | 1095 comments Thank you Danielle.... I am ok with it:) As long as you are ok with me....:)

We have a couple newbies to challenge....Welcome!!!! This is a fun challenge....

You both know you have chosen to read 2 books a week from a corresponding number in a series or an alternative? When we roll I will let you know what number we have to read and as we progress you will have more numbers to choose from....

We roll Sunday and Thursdays at 12:01 am CTT which I am in that zone.We can't roll till all reviews are in (and I really like all reviews in so we can roll then...I kind of a pain about that :()

Newbies if you haven't looked at this challenge archives ,I would recommend you do and if you have ANY questions pls ask here or on discussion page....

After roll is done, chose your book and post it here so all know what is being read.... and this is not a rules but it would be nice if you could pop in daily just to say hi and say how you are coming while reading book..... when I get review done I tend not to talk but it is nice to know you still around while you are reading book:)

Dang Danielle, I thought I read fast a one a read 1-3 daily?

message 13: by ✿~Danielle~✿ (last edited Aug 26, 2014 11:32AM) (new)

✿~Danielle~✿ (dmh1) | 0 comments I'm good with you being captain, Sue.

I have had a look at the archive and I think I know how it goes, but as long as you say what the options are with each roll, I'll be fine.

I think with the time difference I'm 6 hours ahead. I'll make sure to keep you all informed of what I'm reading and get reviews to you as soon as possible. I'm not a very good reviewer of books, but saw in past they don't have to be long, so I can manage a few sentences.

Yeah, 1-3 daily. I'm disabled (bedridden), so I can spend all day reading.

message 14: by Sue (new)

Sue Morris | 1095 comments Danielle if you are 6 hours ahead of us . That means when it is 12:01 Sunday morning here, it is 6:01 Saturday night right?

message 15: by ✿~Danielle~✿ (last edited Aug 26, 2014 11:47AM) (new)

✿~Danielle~✿ (dmh1) | 0 comments I think 12.01 am Sunday with you means 06.01 am Sunday for me.

Time differences always confuse me. At the moment it's 7:45pm.

message 16: by Sue (new)

Sue Morris | 1095 comments On Tuesday? It is 1:50 here. Do you want to roll

message 17: by Sue (new)

Sue Morris | 1095 comments If it is too early I don't care if you wait a couple hours... It early morning to me and I will be sleeping..... Lol

message 18: by ✿~Danielle~✿ (last edited Aug 26, 2014 11:58AM) (new)

✿~Danielle~✿ (dmh1) | 0 comments If you tell me exactly what to do to roll.

Yes, it's Tuesday.

message 19: by Sue (new)

Sue Morris | 1095 comments It is soooo easy...on Post 2 is a link for a dice on line.... click it and when it comes up you pick one dice and roll dice..... Then come here and say
Ok Team, I rolled a 5 or ?. You can read the 5th book in a series or a book with title R(5 on alternate list)

After first roll if you rolled a 5 again you would say...
I rolled a 5. we were on 5th spot so now we on 10. Meaning you can read a 1st in series book for the 1, a stand-a-lone for the 0, a 10th in series for the 10 or book published in 2002 for alternate....
Next roll you add to 10 and so forth it is easy.... I will post spot for Jenne but team then tells us wht they reading:)

message 20: by Sue (new)

Sue Morris | 1095 comments In this challenge I am not competitive, so I don't really care what you roll.....I just love this challenge cause you read a lot of books.....:)

message 21: by ✿~Danielle~✿ (last edited Aug 26, 2014 12:25PM) (new)

✿~Danielle~✿ (dmh1) | 0 comments Ok, I'll roll and I'm sure if I make a mistake and miss an option you'll all correct me.

message 22: by Sue (new)

Sue Morris | 1095 comments Of course but you will do great. :)

message 23: by NayNay (new)

NayNay I'm pretty good with group names, well any do or do you want to work a five into it?

Happy Bookers
Hooked on Books
Literary Ladies
Between the Covers
Book Buzz
A Novel Bunch
The Fifth Chapter

message 24: by NayNay (new)

NayNay Thanks for being Captain Sue

message 25: by Sue (new)

Sue Morris | 1095 comments I like Hooked on Books

message 26: by ✿~Danielle~✿ (new)

✿~Danielle~✿ (dmh1) | 0 comments I agree, I like Hooked on Books

message 27: by NayNay (new)

NayNay Here's a few more....

Fifth Element
Five Star
The Hi Five's

message 28: by btwthesepages (new)

btwthesepages | 176 comments I like Hooked on Books too :)

message 29: by ✿~Danielle~✿ (last edited Aug 27, 2014 06:48AM) (new)

✿~Danielle~✿ (dmh1) | 0 comments Is the first roll tomorrow or on Sunday?

Edit: I saw its Sunday in the how to play discussion.

message 30: by Sue (new)

Sue Morris | 1095 comments Danielle it is Friday if you are on a SS team also....

Looks like Team Name is Hooked on Books I will let Jenne know....Good luck everyone!!!! Danielle will roll for us Friday morning her time since she is in an earlier time zone....

message 31: by ✿~Danielle~✿ (last edited Aug 28, 2014 09:33AM) (new)

✿~Danielle~✿ (dmh1) | 0 comments First roll Sunday morning my time. Roll time is 6:01am with me and I'm awake between 6 - 7am, so I'll roll sometime within that hour. Hope that's good with everyone.

message 32: by Sue (new)

Sue Morris | 1095 comments Works for me

message 33: by btwthesepages (new)

btwthesepages | 176 comments That's great Danielle! You'll post the number we got in this thread right?

message 34: by ✿~Danielle~✿ (last edited Aug 28, 2014 09:33AM) (new)

✿~Danielle~✿ (dmh1) | 0 comments Yes, I'll post here for you all to see. Sue will post in the captains thread.

message 35: by NayNay (new)

NayNay I can't wait....I love this challenge. But it is very hazardous to my TBR shelf, because I am always adding books that my team members read. LOL

message 36: by ✿~Danielle~✿ (new)

✿~Danielle~✿ (dmh1) | 0 comments I'm looking forward to it starting.

message 37: by Sue (new)

Sue Morris | 1095 comments Tonight ( which will be Danielle's morning) is draw time !!!!!

message 38: by ✿~Danielle~✿ (last edited Aug 30, 2014 10:59AM) (new)

✿~Danielle~✿ (dmh1) | 0 comments Yep, will soon be time!

message 39: by ✿~Danielle~✿ (last edited Sep 08, 2014 10:40AM) (new)

✿~Danielle~✿ (dmh1) | 0 comments 1st Roll (31st August 2014)

I rolled a 5

Read a 5th book in a series
Title starting with R

message 40: by ✿~Danielle~✿ (last edited Aug 31, 2014 11:41AM) (new)

✿~Danielle~✿ (dmh1) | 0 comments 1st roll - Space 5 (5th in series or Title R)

I'm going with the alternate Title R

Redneck Romeo (Rough Riders, #15) by Lorelei James - Redneck Romeo by Lorelei James

It's the same book as I've chose to read for the first roll in SS, but I haven't started it yet, so it will work for both. I will be starting it later.

message 41: by Sue (new)

Sue Morris | 1095 comments I will read Opposition (Lux, #5) by Jennifer L. Armentrout book 5 in Lux Series

message 42: by Sue (last edited Sep 04, 2014 07:45AM) (new)

Sue Morris | 1095 comments 1st Roll Space 5
5th in Series or alternate Title R

Sue- Opposition (Lux, #5) by Jennifer L. Armentrout Review
Danielle- Redneck Romeo (Rough Riders, #15) by Lorelei James Review
Nay Nay- Roselynde (The Roselynde Chronicles, #1) by Roberta Gellis Review
Arshiya- The Raft by S.A. Bodeen Review

message 43: by NayNay (new)

NayNay Good morning Ladies

I will be reading the alternate TITLE R

The book is:
Roselynde (The Roselynde Chronicles, #1) by Roberta Gellis Roselynde by Roberta Gellis
I will be starting later today or latest tomorrow.

message 44: by btwthesepages (new)

btwthesepages | 176 comments I'm going with the alternative too.

Title R : The Raft by S.A. Bodeen The Raft by S.A. Bodeen

message 45: by Sue (new)

Sue Morris | 1095 comments Thank you all for picking and posting books so quickly !!!!!

Good Luck reading !!!!!!

message 46: by ✿~Danielle~✿ (new)

✿~Danielle~✿ (dmh1) | 0 comments I'm done with my book.

message 47: by ✿~Danielle~✿ (last edited Aug 31, 2014 02:38PM) (new)

✿~Danielle~✿ (dmh1) | 0 comments Space 5 - Title R

Redneck Romeo (Rough Riders, #15) by Lorelei James - Redneck Romeo by Lorelei James

Finished: 31st August 2014
Rating: ★★★★

I love this series and have been waiting to see what happens with Dalton and Rory.

Dalton has away from home from a few years, but gets called home for an emergency. When Dalton learns Rory is back home, he wants Rory. He let's nothing get in the way of that.

They have a complicated history, but I enjoyed seeing them get their second chance. They have lots of chemistry. I loved how Dalton accepted his past mistakes with Rory and how he went about proving that he is worthy of her heart. I didn't warm up to Rory as much, she had a problem of jumping to the wrong conclusions and assume the worst of Dalton.

All in all a very good instalment in this series. Great visiting the McKay Family. I can't believe there is only one book left.

message 48: by Sue (new)

Sue Morris | 1095 comments Danielle , today is August 31 2014, not September ... Lol

message 49: by ✿~Danielle~✿ (last edited Aug 31, 2014 02:47PM) (new)

✿~Danielle~✿ (dmh1) | 0 comments Oops! lol

It's changed.

message 50: by Sue (new)

Sue Morris | 1095 comments Wtg Danielle !!!! I'm only got 1/3 of my book done.....

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