The Next Best Book Club discussion

Revive a Dead Thread > Review Copies Available - Urban Fantasy Fans

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message 1: by Lori, Super Mod (last edited Feb 14, 2019 06:40AM) (new)

Lori (tnbbc) | 10451 comments Mod
Hi everyone!

Every once and awhile, I stumble across a book that's in need of a little attention. Today, I'm partnering with Randall Pine, author of the new urban fantasy series Dark Matter.

The first book in the series is called Demon Zero and he's seeking reviewers for it!

Inital reviews have been positive and we're hopeful that you'll dig it. If you're interested in a digital copy (PDF or Epub) in exchange for an honest review here, and on amazon, we'd love to hook you up!

Here's what it's about:

The city of Templar has always been a little strange. Monsters slither out of the lakes, a zombie rises up every few years, and from time to time, some of the people go missing for no reason. But the supernatural occurrences have been happening more and more frequently lately, and it may have something to do with the all-powerful demon that’s living in Mrs. Grunberg’s basement.

When local slackers Simon Dark and Virgil Matter decide to investigate the mysterious presence in the cellar, they set off a chain of events that will change Templar—and themselves—forever. They don’t know anything about demons. They don’t know anything about magic. But they know that Templar needs some heroes to fight against the growing supernatural darkness, and with the help of a sharp, attractive empath and an old, cantankerous wizard, they just might be able to send the evil demon back to hell.

Or they’ll be blinked out of existence trying.

In Demon Zero, author Randall Pine tells an action-packed story of sorcery and adventure that sets the stage for a fun, funny, and thrilling new series that “fits perfectly in the classic canon of the world’s best urban fantasy.”

Like what you hear? Then c'mon and give it a read! Just DM me, or leave a message here and I'll be in touch!

message 2: by T. (new)

T. Tifoy | 1 comments Alright, I am interested. Would share an honestd review, in exchange for a pdf.

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