Nothing But Reading Challenges discussion

Wheel-a-Thon III > Sandy Claws

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message 1: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (last edited Oct 16, 2018 04:13AM) (new)

message 2: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32694 comments Mod

message 3: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32694 comments Mod

message 4: by Ora (last edited Oct 11, 2018 03:42AM) (new)

message 5: by Ora (last edited Oct 13, 2018 02:35AM) (new)

Ora (oeamis) About This Challenge

◈ Starts on October 27th, 2018 and runs for 6 weeks
◈ The team with the highest points at the end of the 6 weeks wins!
◈ Each week the mods will “spin the wheel" and assign each team a word
◈ The team's task is to read books to spell out the word to gain points by number of pages read (check point system below)
◈ The team will get an extra 15 completion points if all the letters in the word are part of their spell-it-out
◈ Once teams have read their word for the week they can "re-read" the word to gain more points (according to the point system below).
◈ The team must read books to complete a read through of their word before they can get points for completing subsequent read throughs (i.e. if you only complete one book in the second read through and three in the third, you don't get points for the those 3 books in the third).
BONES BONES BO --> Gets points for all letters
BONES BON BO --> Only BONES + BON get points
◈ Books must be more than 160 pages in length. Children's books, Graphic Novels, Scriptplays (movie and theater), Cookbooks and Poetry books cannot be used unless by word count they can be verified (by as more than 40,000 words
◈ Only books STARTED after the challenge begins can count.
◈Only books READ during the specified week can be used (“read date” is what counts to know which week it must be used in - but remember it must be started after the challenge begins.) Books cannot be read and then “banked” to use for a later week in the challenge

message 6: by Ora (new)

Ora (oeamis) R

message 7: by Ora (new)

Ora (oeamis) R

message 8: by Ora (new)

Ora (oeamis) R

message 9: by Ora (new)

Ora (oeamis) R

message 10: by Ora (new)

Ora (oeamis) HI Team,!!!!

message 11: by Halli (new)

Halli | 500 comments Hey guys! SO excited for a new challenge :)

message 12: by Mary X (last edited Oct 05, 2018 08:00AM) (new)

Mary X (marymaryalwayscontrary) | 5588 comments I'm here! I see other teams already planning for their first word. Will we get ours soon so we can plan books?

message 13: by Ora (new)

Ora (oeamis) here's a link for Holiday Forest Doors. We already have our word for week 1 PURPLE.

We can plan now. I can find a book for any letter so I will wait to claim a letter.

message 14: by Mary X (new)

Mary X (marymaryalwayscontrary) | 5588 comments Awesome.

Would you like us to list what letters we can cover now or later? I can probably do any of them.

message 15: by Ora (new)

Ora (oeamis) List all the letters you can do. I have updated msg 4 with links. If you have a book that will work for additional points list them to. I will double check to see if it matters if we finish reading the letter once before doing additional points.

message 16: by Ora (new)

Ora (oeamis) I have only found one book that will work for genre
Truly, Madly (Lucy Valentine, #1) by Heather Webber
shelved 7 times on the first page of book genres

I am going to request my library to buy it.

message 17: by Mary X (new)

Mary X (marymaryalwayscontrary) | 5588 comments Gah I wish this started sooner. Hard to plan for 2+ weeks away. But I can do it.

message 18: by Ora (new)

Ora (oeamis) I also found a a purple book on KU
Blood Purple and it's just over the minimum page requirement

message 19: by Mary X (new)

Mary X (marymaryalwayscontrary) | 5588 comments It looks like we can only use the genre one once: but I have one too and it works for R. (can't tell if there are any more yet w/o characters)

R: The Bone Witch (The Bone Witch, #1) by Rin Chupeco

shelved purple by 7 people and first book that comes up under purple genre page.

Amazon search shows word purple mentioned 9 times

message 20: by Mary X (last edited Oct 05, 2018 12:17PM) (new)

Mary X (marymaryalwayscontrary) | 5588 comments Ora, does the book have any letters that can be used to spell out Purple? I think we can only use books that fit for the spell out.

eta: I just checked the rules and I can't tell for sure if a book has to fit the spell out to be worth points.

message 21: by Ora (new)

Ora (oeamis) Mary: Harry Dresden's Love Slave wrote: "It looks like we can only use the genre one once: but I have one too and it works for R. (can't tell if there are any more yet w/o characters)

R: The Bone Witch (The Bone Witch, #1) by Rin Chupeco

shelved purpl..."

I just copied this from the captain's group

Since some genres are impossible really hard to find, we have decided to change from MGP/MPG to Genre, with the following rule:
- It has to be on the first page of the book's genres
- It has no limitation of the number of tags.

message 22: by Mary X (new)

Mary X (marymaryalwayscontrary) | 5588 comments I'm in 2 other team challenges that might alter the books I read for this. But hopefully I can make the books I line up for this work for those as well. One of them has a little more leeway as far as finish time than the other.

message 23: by Ora (new)

Ora (oeamis) Mary: Harry Dresden's Love Slave wrote: "Ora, does the book have any letters that can be used to spell out Purple? I think we can only use books that fit for the spell out.

eta: I just checked the rules and I can't tell for sure if a bo..."

Yes, that is the way I am taking it. It looks like the spell out rules are broader with what we can use this time, which I am happy about since I listen to audios.

message 24: by Mary X (last edited Oct 05, 2018 12:39PM) (new)

Mary X (marymaryalwayscontrary) | 5588 comments Well most likely there will be at least one character in it with one of the letters for an initial. P, L, R & E are pretty common.

I have this for:
U: title
E: author

An Uninvited Ghost (A Haunted Guesthouse Mystery, #2) by E.J. Copperman

has purple in the text one time. (I love the Amazon book search option).

I struck a goose egg for books with purple in the title or series on my list anyway.

message 25: by Mary X (new)

Mary X (marymaryalwayscontrary) | 5588 comments I have multiple books for U. I'm not going to commit to more than 2 for now because I can normally only read 1-3 books a week.

message 26: by Ora (new)

Ora (oeamis) I have gone through my books. There are several new releases that I will wait to read until this challenge starts. I will adjust my reading schedule as needed with what letters are needed for each day. When I was in challenge mode for TT I averaged 2-5 books days depending on the length of the books. I am working on a list books for each letter. I have more books than I can read/listen to for the week.
The two books I will definitely read
Blood Purple character Leigh Purple in title
Truly, Madly first page of genres shelved purple 7 times

message 27: by Ora (new)

Ora (oeamis) I wanted to make sure everyone knows end date is what is important for books.

◈Only books read during the specified week can be used (“read date” is what counts, not the day you start.) Books cannot be “banked” from previous weeks to use later in the challenge

message 28: by Annalisa (new)

Annalisa | 1545 comments Hi Everyone. It looks like I'll need to do a little catching up and read the rules again.
I saw that the date finished is what matters most here. Does that mean that if I'm reading a book now but don't finish it until the challenge starts it will count? I have eight books in progress currently and don't think I'll finish them all before this starts.

message 29: by Ora (last edited Oct 05, 2018 06:05PM) (new)

Ora (oeamis) Hi Annalisa!!
That is my understanding. i will double check with the mods to make sure.

message 30: by Roz (last edited Oct 06, 2018 10:00AM) (new)

Roz (irasobrietate) From a quick search of my books, it looks like I have one purple book, House of Purple Cedar by Tim Tingle. Character name is Rose.

I'm currently reading Unsettled: An Anthropology of the Jews (and have been for a while lol whoops) but I can step up my reading on that so I can get it finished by that week.

I need to get to work soon, but I'll go over my TBR to figure out the other letters I can do tonight.

message 31: by Ora (new)

Ora (oeamis) Hi Lauren!!!!

Those sound good.

message 32: by Diane (new)

Diane Shea (diane_shea) | 1 comments I'm pushing my way through Unstoppable Moses. I'm pretty flexible in what I read. I'm willing to pick up where needed.

Ora, what would you like from me as your co-captain?

message 33: by Roz (new)

Roz (irasobrietate) So, from the books I'm already planning on reading this month I've got

P: Puddin' by Julie Murphy
U: Under the Mesquite by Guadalupe Garcia McCall
L: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
E: Adam Bede by George Eliot
E: Wives and Daughters by Elizabeth Gaskell

(I'm doing Victober so lots of long Victorian lit that's gonna take me most of the month to finish)

message 34: by Ora (new)

Ora (oeamis) Diane wrote: "I'm pushing my way through Unstoppable Moses. I'm pretty flexible in what I read. I'm willing to pick up where needed.

Ora, what would you like from me as your co-captain?"

HI Diane!!! I think the biggest thing is to help keep the spreadsheet updated. There will probably be other things I will will of later and will let you know. Are you part of the captain's group yet?

message 35: by Diane (new)

Diane Shea (diane_shea) | 1 comments I am! I'm great with spreadshees, so I can handle that.

message 36: by Ora (new)

Ora (oeamis) Awesome!!

message 37: by Ora (new)

Ora (oeamis) I went ahead and posted the challenge rules in msg 5. Questions have been asked for clarifications and Sonia has updated the rules to reflect that.

message 38: by Mary X (new)

Mary X (marymaryalwayscontrary) | 5588 comments I am really good with spreadsheets too if any help is needed although I am better with Excel.

message 39: by Mary X (new)

Mary X (marymaryalwayscontrary) | 5588 comments I tend to read more than normal during challenges like this so I will probably end filling in a couple more letters.

message 40: by Ora (new)

Ora (oeamis) Mary: Harry Dresden's Love Slave wrote: "I am really good with spreadsheets too if any help is needed although I am better with Excel."

I will remember that. Thank you.

message 41: by Ora (new)

Ora (oeamis) There has been a clarification on when a book counts for this challenge. All book must be started after the challenge begins. Rules will be updated to reflect that.

message 42: by Annalisa (new)

Annalisa | 1545 comments I thought that was probably going to be the case, but good to know for sure that all my current books don't count.

message 43: by Mary X (new)

Mary X (marymaryalwayscontrary) | 5588 comments That's usually how it works for these. But if someone starts a book for a word and doesn't finish in time, we can use it for a later word right? As long as it's not finished until that new word is called?

message 44: by Diane (new)

Diane Shea (diane_shea) | 1 comments Bummer. I'll have to set some stuff aside I guess.

message 45: by Ora (new)

Ora (oeamis) Mary: Harry Dresden's Love Slave wrote: "That's usually how it works for these. But if someone starts a book for a word and doesn't finish in time, we can use it for a later word right? As long as it's not finished until that new word is ..."

Yes. Just make sure it is finished after the new week begins.

message 46: by Natesha (new)

Natesha Pettigrew | 131 comments Hi everyone! I'll go through my books to see what I have for our word...

message 47: by Rayne (new)

Rayne (raynebair) | 481 comments Hi all. Checking in. I’m off to check my TBR for books that will fit.

message 48: by Rayne (last edited Oct 08, 2018 01:28PM) (new)

Rayne (raynebair) | 481 comments Do we need to claim books for letters now? Because I scanned my shelves but I don't know what I might be in the mood for when the time comes.

I know I've got plenty of books that will work for every letter needed the first week except maybe U.

message 49: by Shan ~A~ (new)

Shan ~A~ (thebookglutton) | 822 comments Checking in. I have no clue what I will be reading in two weeks, but I will make sure to read books that fit our spelling, since we can spell the word multiple times.

message 50: by Ora (new)

Ora (oeamis) Brooklyn wrote: "Do we need to claim books for letters now? Because I scanned my shelves but I don't know what I might be in the mood for when the time comes.

I know I've got plenty of books that will work for ev..."

No. We will be spelling out PURPLE multiple times. We do not need to complete the first time before starting the next time.

◈ The team must read books to complete a read through of their word before they can get points for completing subsequent read throughs (i.e. if you only complete one book in the second read through and three in the third, you don't get points for the those 3 books in the third).
BONES BONES BO --> Gets points for all letters
BONES BON BO --> Only BONES + BON get points

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