The Next Best Book Club discussion

Summer Reading Challenge (2018) > Summer Reading Challenge - Book Recommendations

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message 1: by Lori, Super Mod (new)

Lori (tnbbc) | 10451 comments Mod
Hi everyone!

I see a couple of you are requesting a space where we can request and recommend books for some of the reading tasks. So here you go!

message 2: by Lori, Super Mod (new)

Lori (tnbbc) | 10451 comments Mod
I know there was a question about the "I Feel a Breeze" task.

I'd love to recommend two books for you for that task. Please don't get the wrong idea... It's not like I read a lot of books with nudity in them... haha.

The Summer of Naked Swim Parties by Jessica Anya Blau

Absolutely Golden by D Foy

Both written by amazing people, both books you'll be able to connect with an a multiude of levels!

message 3: by Cendaquenta (new)

Cendaquenta Could someone recommend a book for the "Get Your Grill On" task?
Would be great if it were one I already own, I'm trying to cut down my existing TBR a lot this year.

Naomi-Lynn Marguerite  (naomi-lynnmarguerite) | 31 comments For a beach read:
Murder on the Page by Kennedy Chase. It's a good cozy mystery. And honestly, once I read the first I had to read all four of the books they were so good.

message 5: by Aurélia (new)

Aurélia (illianerose) | 246 comments I'm missing books in some categories, if any have suggestions, I'm open!
--> in Aurelia's Reading Challenge

message 6: by Lori, Super Mod (new)

Lori (tnbbc) | 10451 comments Mod
Aurélia wrote: "I'm missing books in some categories, if any have suggestions, I'm open!
--> in Aurelia's Reading Challenge"

I have a couple I can recommend : )

For "I Feel a Breeze" - Absolutely Golden by D Foy or The Summer of Naked Swim Parties by Jessica Anya Blau

For "12 o'Clock Somewhere - North and Central by Bob Hartley

message 7: by Naomi-Lynn Marguerite (last edited May 20, 2018 01:16PM) (new)

Naomi-Lynn Marguerite  (naomi-lynnmarguerite) | 31 comments Cendaquenta wrote: "Could someone recommend a book for the "Get Your Grill On" task?
Would be great if it were one I already own, I'm trying to cut down my existing TBR a lot this year."

Heartburn by Nora Ephron: With recipes sprinkled throughout, this novel tells about the heartbreak of a cookbook writer when she discovers her husband is having an affair while she is seven months pregnant, based on Ephron’s real-life marriage breakup.

Sorry, I didn't look at your lists, I just know this one has recipes in it.

message 8: by Book Concierge (new)

Book Concierge (tessabookconcierge) I'm not doing the challenge but would be happy to help with recommendations ...

PLEASE ... give me the specifics of the challenge task, not just the name of the task.

For example, "I need a book for a task that requires a book involving fishing or a fisherman" ..... and I could respond with With Hemingway: A Year in Key West and Cuba by Arnold Samuelson (Much of the book involves a fishing expedition to Cuba)

message 9: by Plaidchuck (new)

Plaidchuck | 10 comments Any suggestions for the Beach Read? I'm not entirely sure what type of book that would be, i suppose something shorter and fairly light?

message 10: by Naomi-Lynn Marguerite (last edited May 21, 2018 07:50PM) (new)

Naomi-Lynn Marguerite  (naomi-lynnmarguerite) | 31 comments Gary wrote: "Any suggestions for the Beach Read? I'm not entirely sure what type of book that would be, i suppose something shorter and fairly light?"

I would define a beach read as a light fantasy, light sci-fi (like a Star Trek novel), romance, or comfy mystery. Something you can get lost in but doesn't necessarily require a lot of thought. I'm reading The Stud by Jackie Collins. What are your interests? Maybe I could recommend some books for you then.

message 11: by Plaidchuck (new)

Plaidchuck | 10 comments Naomi-Lynn Marguerite wrote: "Gary wrote: "Any suggestions for the Beach Read? I'm not entirely sure what type of book that would be, i suppose something shorter and fairly light?"

I would define a beach read as a light fantas..."


I usually read fantasy and scifi on the regular, so any light mystery or thriller recommendations you have would be helpful. Thanks!!

Naomi-Lynn Marguerite  (naomi-lynnmarguerite) | 31 comments Okay, anything by Clive Cussler. But not Clive Cussler with another author--they simply aren't as good. Think of them as adventure/light mystery with some thriller elements.

Light mystery -
Regarding Anna by Florence Osmund
A Murder in Time by Julie McElwain (don't be fooled by the cover - this is no romance).
The Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Any Jesse Stone Novel. I'd suggest you start with Night Passage by Robert B. Parker

Light thriller:
Alan Lennox and the Temp Job of Doom by Brian Olsen
Fatal Error by Michael Ridpath (a bit heavier, but good)

Hope you find something you enjoy!

message 13: by Makensie (new)

Makensie Steinmetz (animalnodrum) | 7 comments Quick question (this may have been asked already): can we combine challenge tasks or should it be one book per task?

Naomi-Lynn Marguerite  (naomi-lynnmarguerite) | 31 comments Makensie wrote: "Quick question (this may have been asked already): can we combine challenge tasks or should it be one book per task?"

I think you should make this challenge fit what works for you. It's meant to be fun. Not having them count in more than one makes it a harder challenge, counting them in multiple categories makes it easier. Do what's best for you.

message 15: by Marie (new)

Marie Mandiak (marie_mandiak) | 132 comments Makensie wrote: "Quick question (this may have been asked already): can we combine challenge tasks or should it be one book per task?"

I was planning on combining as many as I can :)

Naomi-Lynn Marguerite  (naomi-lynnmarguerite) | 31 comments Have fun!

message 17: by Plaidchuck (new)

Plaidchuck | 10 comments thank you so much Naomi!

Naomi-Lynn Marguerite  (naomi-lynnmarguerite) | 31 comments You are most welcome!

message 19: by Marie (new)

Marie Mandiak (marie_mandiak) | 132 comments I'm trying to fit this challenge with my own crazy theme I created for this year: Psy-Phi-Sci/Sci-fi (or all of the Kindle books I bought for Coursera or Edx courses I started but quit half way through). This includes psych/self help, philosophy/ Classical lt, science (mostly physics,) and all sorts of sci-fi.

So, if there are any suggestions, keeping in mind my crazy parameters, I am open, don't worry if you think I don't have the book, because I probably do...

message 20: by Makensie (new)

Makensie Steinmetz (animalnodrum) | 7 comments Naomi-Lynn Marguerite wrote: "Makensie wrote: "Quick question (this may have been asked already): can we combine challenge tasks or should it be one book per task?"

I think you should make this challenge fit what works for you..."

Thank you! I'm really excited for this!

message 21: by Makensie (new)

Makensie Steinmetz (animalnodrum) | 7 comments Marie wrote: "Makensie wrote: "Quick question (this may have been asked already): can we combine challenge tasks or should it be one book per task?"

I was planning on combining as many as I can :)"

That's kinda what I was thinking of trying to do too! I am trying to plan out to see which version of the challenge I will be more apt to complete. It will make it so much easier knocking out a few tasks with one read! :)

message 22: by Naomi-Lynn Marguerite (last edited May 23, 2018 01:36PM) (new)

Naomi-Lynn Marguerite  (naomi-lynnmarguerite) | 31 comments Marie wrote: "I'm trying to fit this challenge with my own crazy theme I created for this year: Psy-Phi-Sci/Sci-fi (or all of the Kindle books I bought for Coursera or Edx courses I started but quit half way thr..."

Let me think on this. Do you have any categories filled and are you doing Beginner or Expert? Also are you doubling up categories or a unique book for each one? What books did you buy and want to try and include - do you have a bookshelf for them?

message 23: by Connie (new)

Connie Marie wrote: "I'm trying to fit this challenge with my own crazy theme I created for this year: Psy-Phi-Sci/Sci-fi (or all of the Kindle books I bought for Coursera or Edx courses I started but quit half way thr..."
For the Wide Open Spaces book would Arthur C. Clarke's 2001: A Space Odyssey work? It of course is sci-fi, but its got a lot to say about the psychology of human-kind, and the physics of space.

message 24: by Lori, Super Mod (new)

Lori (tnbbc) | 10451 comments Mod
All of your excitement about the challenge is awesome you guys!!! Rock on readers!

message 25: by Marie (new)

Marie Mandiak (marie_mandiak) | 132 comments Naomi-Lynn Marguerite wrote: "Marie wrote: "I'm trying to fit this challenge with my own crazy theme I created for this year: Psy-Phi-Sci/Sci-fi (or all of the Kindle books I bought for Coursera or Edx courses I started but qui..."

I should reorganize, although I think I listed them under "Course Related"

message 26: by Marie (new)

Marie Mandiak (marie_mandiak) | 132 comments Connie wrote: "Marie wrote: "I'm trying to fit this challenge with my own crazy theme I created for this year: Psy-Phi-Sci/Sci-fi (or all of the Kindle books I bought for Coursera or Edx courses I started but qui..."

I've read 2001: A Space Odyssey but I have a copy of 2010: Odyssey Two that I started, but never finished.

message 27: by Aurélia (new)

Aurélia (illianerose) | 246 comments Any recommendations for Backyard BBQ??

message 28: by Lori, Super Mod (new)

Lori (tnbbc) | 10451 comments Mod
NYTs dropped a list of 73 books to read this summer. Might find some in here that would fit the Summer Reading Challenge!

message 29: by Lori, Super Mod (new)

Lori (tnbbc) | 10451 comments Mod
And this one from Nylon - 46 great books to read this summer:

message 30: by Marie (new)

Marie Mandiak (marie_mandiak) | 132 comments I was going to do the beginner list, but I keep finding books for the expert list.
The Golden House for Father Knows Best.
The Song of Achilles for Take Pride.
The Planets for Into the Great Wide Open.
The Soul of an Octopus: A Surprising Exploration Into the Wonder of Consciousness for Ocean Blue

message 31: by Marie (new)

Marie Mandiak (marie_mandiak) | 132 comments Letters to Mack: Book One fits both Hook 'Em and Dear Pen Pal.

message 32: by Cheryl (last edited Jun 29, 2018 05:31PM) (new)

Cheryl Hager (cheryl_is_reading) | 16 comments Aurélia wrote: "Any recommendations for Backyard BBQ??"
I am planning to read Nuts.

message 33: by Aurélia (new)

Aurélia (illianerose) | 246 comments Cheryl wrote: "Aurélia wrote: "Any recommendations for Backyard BBQ??"
I am planning to read Nuts."

Seems interesting! I'm adding it to my list, thank you!!

message 34: by Allegra (new)

Allegra | 17 comments Marie wrote: "Makensie wrote: "Quick question (this may have been asked already): can we combine challenge tasks or should it be one book per task?"

I was planning on combining as many as I can :)"

That was my plan as well. June worked out one-for-one, but I'm not going to worry either way. (My posting included my "doubles" so you can see that I was keeping track.)

message 35: by ✨ A ✨ (last edited Jul 15, 2018 04:25PM) (new)

✨ A ✨  (az_youread) Any recommendations for – High Noon – Read a classic or contemporary Western ?

I'm not really in the mood to read a classic so i thought a contemporary western.

So I need recs please

message 36: by Plaidchuck (new)

Plaidchuck | 10 comments If you like Cormac McCarthy, he wrote Blood Meridian which is highly rated.

message 37: by Cheryl (new)

Cheryl Hager (cheryl_is_reading) | 16 comments I read The Homesman (1988) for a different western challenge. Not too classic or contemporary. A movie was made of it too.

message 38: by Lori, Super Mod (new)

Lori (tnbbc) | 10451 comments Mod
Azrah wrote: "Any recommendations for – High Noon – Read a classic or contemporary Western ?

I'm not really in the mood to read a classic so i thought a contemporary western.

So I need recs please"

Azrah, I highly recommend the following:
Mesilla by Robert James Russel
Pig Iron by David James Keaton
The Juliet by Laura Ellen Scott

or any Cormac McCarthy!

message 39: by Catka (new)

Catka | 151 comments Azrah wrote: "Any recommendations for – High Noon – Read a classic or contemporary Western ?
I'm not really in the mood to read a classic so i thought a contemporary western. So I need recs please"t

My friend read True Grit and liked it, also reviews seem to be good, so I am going to give this a try

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