The Next Best Book Club discussion

Questions About The Group > Create a poll?

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message 1: by Sally (new)

Sally taylor (sallyjanet) | 29 comments I am working on the Beatles Challenge (I know from 2015, but I wanted to do it, so I started in in August) one of the challenges is to create a poll and have the Sidariarian pick a book for you??? how do I do that??

message 2: by Lori, Super Mod (last edited Apr 03, 2018 05:29PM) (new)

Lori (tnbbc) | 10451 comments Mod
Oh! Good question.

(1) It should say TNBBCer (instead of Sidebarian - that was the name of the members of the other group I was a part of , who we initially developed the challenge with).

(2) Maybe it would be best to create a thread within the Recommendation Folder or Beatles Challenge Folder where you can just list a bunch of books and ask people to recommend one of them and then just tally up the answers? That might be easier than creating an actual poll??

Our group polls are located here:
You'd have to click on create a poll and then once you set it up, you'd have to let people know it's there, by creating a post similar to what you'd have done if you just created a new thread in either of those folders I just mentioned above (see why I said it might be easier? hahaha)

(3) I love that you joined the challenge!

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