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2016 Author List

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message 2: by Jenn (last edited Feb 29, 2016 04:34PM) (new)

Jenn (bookishevents) A.J. Hartley was listed on the website as a guest recently as well.

message 3: by Deborah (new)

Deborah | 298 comments Mod
Jenn wrote: "A. J. Hartley was listing on the website as a guest recently as well."


I will add him, but I normally wait until there are several to add at once, since I add new comments rather than editing the original post. I use the added by date listing.

If you know of any authors that will be at DragonCon that aren't on that list - even if they are just attending and not an official guest - I would love to add them to this list.

message 4: by Mari (new)

Mari | 1 comments I will be attending as a guest! Mari Mancusi

message 5: by Jenn (new)

Jenn (bookishevents) I don't know if I said this but I really appreciate you making this easy to use list for the Cons, it saves tons of time with making my shopping list to prepare for events.

message 6: by Deborah (new)

Deborah | 298 comments Mod
Mari wrote: "I will be attending as a guest! Mari Mancusi"

That's great!
You are in the list, near the middle.

message 7: by Deborah (new)

Deborah | 298 comments Mod
Jenn wrote: "I don't know if I said this but I really appreciate you making this easy to use list for the Cons, it saves tons of time with making my shopping list to prepare for events."

You did, but it may have been it a message instead of a public comment. You're welcome. I'm glad it's helpful and thanks for the comments.

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