
Writing Tip Quotes

Quotes tagged as "writing-tip" Showing 1-30 of 37
Bangambiki Habyarimana
“I used to be afraid about what people might say or think after reading what I had written. I am not afraid anymore, because when I write, I am not trying to prove anything to anyone, I am just expressing myself and my opinions. It’s ok if my opinions are different from those of the reader, each of us can have his own opinions. So writing is like talking, if you are afraid of writing, you may end up being afraid of talking”
Bangambiki Habyarimana, Pearls Of Eternity

Linda W. Yezak
“Action is the pulse of any good story, but the character is the heart. If the action has no consequence to the character, the story loses heart.”
Linda Yezak

Kathleen Baldwin
“My job as a writer is simple. Write a book I’m proud of, and present it as a gift to the world.
Some will love it.
Some will hate it.
That’s the nature of art.”
Kathleen Baldwin

Ben Jonson
“For a man to write well, there are required three necessaries—to read the best authors, observe the best speakers, and much exercise of his own style.”
Ben Jonson

Ana Claudia Antunes
“Great characters- They are pivotal for a great plot. THEN a solid plot: Why then? If you do not have great characters it is impossible to create a good plot, nonetheless a solid one. Once you have built great characters for the scenes, there you have it. It’s just like the movies, you cannot have a great film if the characters are frail and their lines are weak as well. I guess great world-building comes along with a good plot. If there is something that will work fine in a novel is how you will develop from the theme. You’ve got to establish a good timeline, and from there it comes a world. You see the technical matters don’t match or matter as much to me. Even a poorly written story, if there is a good plot and great characters on it will make a divine combination There are simply many cases of it over the mainstream and that even reached the big screen.”
Ana Claudia Antunes, How to Make a Book

Timi Waters
“First, you scribble. Then, you write.”
Timi Waters

Kathleen Baldwin
“My job as a writer is simple.
Write a book I’m proud of,
and present it as a gift to the world.
Some will love it.
Some will hate it.
That’s the nature of art.”
Kathleen Baldwin

Brian K. Friesen
“The biggest thing for aspiring writers I would say is that writing is hard work. You can’t sustain the fantasy that it should somehow be otherwise for you because you are more special or more committed than other aspiring writers. You aren’t sitting down to be entertained by the gods or to entertain yourself. At times it can be a thrill and it feels more like play, but we are easily deceived by whatever pleasures or rewards writing can offer. Exhilarating work is still work. Is it work, or is it play? And the answer is “yes.” Does it sometimes feel like it comes easily or naturally? Yes. But did it really come easily? No. Writing doesn’t offer the rhythmic endorphin hit you get scrolling down the screen clicking on memes. Are you up for the work it is going to take to become successful as a writer? It is going to be harder than you think. You are submitting to forces and to a process that you can’t fully control. There is maybe a tiny bit more control if you self-publish, and there is no shame in doing that, but even that is going to introduce hard work. Probably harder than you think. If my next novel can’t find a home, I’m not above self-publishing it in some capacity and then moving on to the next project.”
Brian K. Friesen

Nanette L. Avery
“If you think writing is a lonely job, remember, you always have your characters...”
Nanette L. Avery

Timothy Sharkey
“A writer has something important to say and aims to say it well.”
Timothy Sharkey, Writing Made Easy: Just The Basics

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