
Wokism Quotes

Quotes tagged as "wokism" Showing 1-4 of 4
Gad Saad
“The real-world experiments of comparing socialist-communist countries and capitalist ones have been repeated on countless occasions, and the data could not be any clearer that socialist-communist societies produce poverty and misery and capitalist societies produce prosperity and happiness.”
Gad Saad, The Saad Truth about Happiness: 8 Secrets for Leading the Good Life

Gad Saad
“Not surprisingly, historically speaking, dictators have always despised the use of humor, precisely because they recognize that their hold over people is ultimately fragile, based on force and lies, and humor undermines their rule.”
Gad Saad, The Saad Truth about Happiness: 8 Secrets for Leading the Good Life

Gad Saad
“Humans thrive -in every way: economically and in their pursuit of happiness- when given the freedom to instantiate their individuality. This is precisely why East Germany had walls meant to stop its citizens from fleeing to the West. Too many East Germans knew that if they could escape from the -utopian egalitarianism- of communism, they would flourish and be happy in the capitalist West. It is the same reason that for more than six decades Cubans have risked shark-infested waters to seek freedom and happiness on the shores of the United States. Political and economic systems that are antithetical to human nature inevitably produce unhappiness.”
Gad Saad, The Saad Truth about Happiness: 8 Secrets for Leading the Good Life

Gad Saad
“Truth is anti-fragile. It is not brittle. It does not shatter into a million pieces because of an -offensive and hurtful- joke. An individual with a strong personhood can laugh at others (in a playful manner) and laugh at himself. Humor is a test of anti-fragility and non-brittleness in a person and in a society. A society that can’t laugh at others and at itself in a good-humored way is on its way out.”
Gad Saad, The Saad Truth about Happiness: 8 Secrets for Leading the Good Life