
Watched Quotes

Quotes tagged as "watched" Showing 1-30 of 35
Volker G. Fremuth
“There are four kinds of people in the world: Those who want to profit off others without changing anything. Those who want to profit off others and would try to improve the world in so doing. Those who want to profit off of others and are willing to destroy the world to do so and finally those who don’t care to profit off others and are the inevitable victims of the other three. The trick is to know which one of these people you are.”
Volker G. Fremuth

Volker G. Fremuth
“They watch through cameras, listen to phone calls, read e-mail, record conversations; they don’t even need a court order to do it and then they do it under the guise of patriotism.”
Volker G. Fremuth

Volker G. Fremuth
“A man’s ability to give is dwarfed by his ability to take. Those who profit by fulfilling man’s need to take by giving will be the most powerful on earth.”
Volker G. Fremuth, The Workshop

Volker G. Fremuth
“Power is an ill-tempered and treacherous mistress. She corrupts even the incorruptible. If you value your freedoms you will have to bind her and keep her from your lands and leaders, because she will seize their minds and seduce their consciences until they give in to her insatiable appetite.”
Volker G. Fremuth

Volker G. Fremuth
“We are merely a pawn in a chess game played by the nations of the world. Should we not be a bigger, more important piece in the game? Are we not all capable of playing the part of the king or queen?”
Volker G. Fremuth

Volker G. Fremuth
“Why is the public so blindly self-destructive? So willing to enslave itself for a free trinket or empty promise?”
Volker G. Fremuth

Volker G. Fremuth
“As the flag of power ascends, it will oppress the masses and enslave its masters. Freedom will fail and the world will be razed to ruin, no matter how honorable the intentions of those in power might have been. It is the inevitable outcome, because the individual is not perfect and, as such, the world will never be.”
Volker G. Fremuth

Volker G. Fremuth
“Each government will eventually need to feed on each other when they have sucked their populations dry. And in so doing, will destroy the world one war, one treaty, one negotiation at a time.”
Volker G. Fremuth

Volker G. Fremuth
“Allow yourself to fall, giving up the effort to learn how to fly, knowing someone will be there to catch you.”
Volker G. Fremuth

Volker G. Fremuth
“To aspire to utopia at all cost, especially at the cost of freedom, is to seal your fate either to live bitter and frustrated with the impossible quest.”
Volker G. Fremuth

Volker G. Fremuth
“We no longer solve problems; we just push technology. Today it’s a matter of code and software. Most of the creativity is gone. You already know you can do it. It’s just a matter of how much code and time it will take.”
Volker G. Fremuth

Volker G. Fremuth
“The people are just the unwitting slaves of their representative governments, the best of which are like insatiable leeches that suck the lifeblood from their populations. The people then foolishly and euphorically rejoice when the body politic belches up a modest excess of their own blood for them to take back.”
Volker G. Fremuth

Volker G. Fremuth
“The people will act on the environment they perceive, not the one that is their reality.”
Volker G. Fremuth

Volker G. Fremuth
“If you lust for power, she will swallow you in an instant and make you her servant.”
Volker G. Fremuth

Volker G. Fremuth
“We can do more for the people if they are not so aware of what we are trying to do.”
Volker G. Fremuth

Volker G. Fremuth
“And thus, the pendulum must swing right to correct what is wrong so that it can in turn swing back when all that is wrong will be blamed on those who are right.”
Volker G. Fremuth

Volker G. Fremuth
“Eventually we’ll all be living comfortably and provided for, even if caged like a poor zoo animal.”
Volker G. Fremuth

Volker G. Fremuth
“All great ideas, all great leaps of progress, all have a wake of sacrificial bodies.”
Volker G. Fremuth

Volker G. Fremuth
“You will only be as good, as changing, as imaginative as those who control you and those who would presume that society will benefit only by their dictates at the expense of the freedoms of all the others.”
Volker G. Fremuth

Volker G. Fremuth
“Do not lament the suffering we have to endure to fulfill the dream but rejoice in the courage with which we will face it.”
Volker G. Fremuth

Sarah J. Maas
“I couldn't erase the creeping feeling that someone still watched me, curious and wanting to play.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Thorns and Roses

Steven Magee
“If you want to be watched by the government, start telling people that you are going to shut down the Space industry.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I am from the generation of children that watched NASA kill a school teacher on live television.”
Steven Magee

“Winning ignites a self-conscious awareness that others are watching. It’s a lot easier to move under the radar when no one knows you and no one is paying attention. You can mess up and be rough and get dirty because no one even knows you’re there. But as soon as you start to win, and others start to notice, you’re suddenly aware that you’re being observed. You’re being judged. You worry that others will discover your flaws and weaknesses, and you start hiding your true personality.”
Tim S. Grover, Winning: The Unforgiving Race to Greatness

Steven Magee
“Nineteen police officers watched over two teachers and nineteen young children bleeding to death.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I had no idea the day I watched President Obama at the dangerous Desoto Solar Farm that I was going to become a victim of the SMART grid!”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I had no idea the day I watched President Obama at the dangerous Desoto Solar Farm that I was going to become an expert on the biological harm of electromagnetic fields to the human!”
Steven Magee

Sarah J. Maas
“Amren smiled slightly- at me, at Varian. 'I watched them for so many eons. Humans- in my world, there were humans, too. And I watched them love, and hate- wage senseless war and find precious peace. Watched them build lives, build worlds. I was... I was never allowed such things. I had not been designed that way, had not been ordered to do so. So I watched. And that day I came here... it was the first selfish thing I had done. For a long, long while I thought it was punishment for disobeying my Father's orders, for wanting. I thought this world was some hell he'd locked me into for disobedience.'

Amren swallowed.

'But I think...I wonder if my Father knew. If he saw how I watched them love and hate and build, and opened that rip in the world not as punishment... but as a gift.' Her eyes gleamed. 'For it has been a gift. This time- with you. With all of you. It has been a gift.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Wings and Ruin

Dan       Brown
“Ze had het gevoel dat ze in de gaten werd gehouden, niet door iemand van vlees en bloed, maar door geesten in het donker.”
Dan Brown, Angels & Demons

Steven Magee
“As I watched my mental and physical health rapidly decline during a decade of working in high altitude professional astronomy, I became suspicious about the toxicity of the jobs and left the field to protect my long term health.”
Steven Magee

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