
Turkic Quotes

Quotes tagged as "turkic" Showing 1-30 of 44
“Where military service begins, logic ends.”
Turkish Proverb

Özden Toker
“If we hadn't had Atatürk, we would have been an Afghanistan, an Iraq!”
Özden Toker

Saparmyrat Nyýazow
“The most pleasant and pure feeling is to live with a sense of being part of the Motherland, because exactly this feeling spares [us] from loneliness.”
Saparmurat Niyazov

“Nagorno Karabakh we sold, without the faintest sigh,
We auctioned off our factories until our wealth ran dry,
Now we are slaves or exiles, thieving strangers are our lords,
For whom our prostrate backs a wide and easy road affords.”
Bextiyar Vahabzede

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
“We resemble ourselves.”
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
“The Turkish nation's character is noble
The Turkish nation is industrious
The Turkish nation is intelligent.”
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

Mehmet Emin Resulzade
“A huge majority know nothing of the idea or ideal of the nation.
We remain without a compass and our society, like a group of lunatics, fights among itself.”
Mehmet Emin Resulzade

“Even if you forget you're a Turk, your enemy will not.”
Ebulfez Elchibey

“They (Azeris) are the poets and singers of the Turkic world, not the soldiers.”
A Turkish Officer

“The Turks have an army that goes back to the Ottoman Empire. Our army is very new.
But there's a world of difference already between the early 1990's and now (early 2000). The food and pay, it's all better.”
An Azerbaijani colonel

“The prohibition of wine is a very wise maxism and meant for the common people, being the source of disorders amongst them, but that the prophet never designed to confine those that knew how to use it with moderation.”
A Turkish effendi

“At the moment of my betrayal to my motherland, to her sacred banner, to Saparmurat Turkmenbashy, let my breath stop.”
Turkmen poem

“It's the symbol of freedom (the gray wolf) for all the Turks. We are all Gray Wolves now, and Elchibey is the leader of a greater Turkic world!”
An Azerbaijani officer

“We are all Turks.”
Nursultan Nazarbayev

Şevket Süreyya Aydemir
“We (Turkish soldiers) were met by just a few men on horseback in Caucasian dress, like fairy-tale soldiers with silver-plated sabres in their belts. Our small procession seemed to me to be the harbinger of a great liberation, the awakening of the vast land of Turan. It was a new Ergenekon.”
Şevket Süreyya Aydemir

Şevket Süreyya Aydemir
“Our duty would be to create, in the place of the outdated (Ottoman) Empire, a new national entity in harmony with its historic and linguistic unity and its desires.”
Şevket Süreyya Aydemir

“How dare you question if I fast?
Or come between my God and me?
How claim no lust for what's forbidden,
Then veils wrap round the face that's free?

My vice is wine or rakı. I drink!
So what? It does no harm to you.
We'll face the hair-thin bride together;
Blind drunk, I'll pass, if I be true.”
Neyzen Tevfik

“For sweetness, people made and ate pekmez (grape syrup). There was nothing in Anatolia, no manufacturing industry. This brewery was an example to the peasants, it was to start the infrastructure, it was to teach what progress could bring.”
Mehmet Demirci

“The wealth of the state is as wide as the sea, and he who does not eat of it is a pig.”
Turkish proverb

Mary Wortley Montagu
“The vulgar Turk is very different from what is spoken at court, 'tis as ridiculous to make use of the expressions commonly used in speaking to a great man or lady, as it would be to talk broad Yorkshire or Somershetshire in the drawing room.”
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu

Stefanos Yerasimos
“Rarely has the West in its quasi-totality taken up such a persistent and negative image of a people (the Turks).”
Stéphane Yerasimos

Özden Toker
“Reform isn't easy, and for me dress is the most important symbol of it, all revolutions must be takes as a whole, we've got to complete the mission.”
Özden Toker

Kâtip Çelebi
“Strictures and prohibitions availed nothing. The fatwas, the talk, made no impression on the people. One coffeehouse was opened after another, and men would gather together, with great eagerness and enthusiasm, to drink coffee... such things do not admit of a perpetual ban.”
Kâtip Çelebi

Boris Sheikhmuradov
“It is impossible to hide any more of his (Turkmenbashy) pure hypocrisy, the absence of elementary norms of political and diplomatic behavior, the insidiousness and cruelty in relation to the people and the spreading of an atmosphere of fear.”
Boris Sheikhmuradov

Saparmyrat Nyýazow
“All this will pass in a few years, when the people no longer depend on me. The Turkmens have always bowed to something; once it was fire, then Islam, then Marx... the people have to believe in something.”
Saparmurat Niyazov

Mehmet Emin Resulzade
“A flag once raised will never fall!”
Mehmet Emin Resulzade

“They started conquering the world, then they over-stretched themselves and they collapsed. Today's Turkish people are those who left the territory of modern Kazakhstan and settled in the country where they live now.
When we meet each other, we always remember this.”
Nursultan Nazarbayev

“Eat well before you entertain your guests.”
A Kazakh proverb

Peter B. Golden
“According to a medival Turkic saying, "a Turk is never without a Persian [Tat, a sedentary Iranian], just as a cap is never without a head. The relationship was mutually beneficial.”
Peter B. Golden, Central Asia in World History

Peter B. Golden
“According to a medival Turkic saying, "a Turk is never without a Persian [Tat, a sedentary Iranian], just as a cap is never without a head." The relationship was mutually beneficial.”
Peter B. Golden, Central Asia in World History

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