
Turk Quotes

Quotes tagged as "turk" Showing 1-30 of 51
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
“Everything we see in the world is the creative work of women.”
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk: First President and Founder of the Turkish Republic

“Where military service begins, logic ends.”
Turkish Proverb

Özden Toker
“If we hadn't had Atatürk, we would have been an Afghanistan, an Iraq!”
Özden Toker

Saparmyrat Nyýazow
“The most pleasant and pure feeling is to live with a sense of being part of the Motherland, because exactly this feeling spares [us] from loneliness.”
Saparmurat Niyazov

Martin Luther
“They undertook to fight against the Turk under the name of Christ, and taught men and stirred them up to do this, as though our people were an army of Christians against the Turks, who were enemies of Christ; and this is straight against Christ’s doctrine and name. It is against His doctrine, because He says that Christians shall not resist evil, shall not fight or quarrel, not take revenge or insist on rights. It is against His name, because in such an army there are scarcely five Christians, and perhaps worse people in the eyes of God than are the Turks; and yet they would all bear the name of Christ. This is the greatest of all sins and one that no Turk commits, for Christ’s name is used for sin and shame and thus dishonored. This would be especially so if the pope and the bishops were in the war, for they would put the greatest shame and dishonor on Christ’s name, since they are called to fight against the devil with the Word of God and with prayer, and would be deserting their calling and office and fighting with the sword against flesh and blood. This they are not commanded, but forbidden to do.”
Martin Luther, On War Against the Turk

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
“We resemble ourselves.”
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
“The Turkish nation's character is noble
The Turkish nation is industrious
The Turkish nation is intelligent.”
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

Mehmet Emin Resulzade
“A huge majority know nothing of the idea or ideal of the nation.
We remain without a compass and our society, like a group of lunatics, fights among itself.”
Mehmet Emin Resulzade

“Even if you forget you're a Turk, your enemy will not.”
Ebulfez Elchibey

“The prohibition of wine is a very wise maxism and meant for the common people, being the source of disorders amongst them, but that the prophet never designed to confine those that knew how to use it with moderation.”
A Turkish effendi

“At the moment of my betrayal to my motherland, to her sacred banner, to Saparmurat Turkmenbashy, let my breath stop.”
Turkmen poem

“It's the symbol of freedom (the gray wolf) for all the Turks. We are all Gray Wolves now, and Elchibey is the leader of a greater Turkic world!”
An Azerbaijani officer

“We are all Turks.”
Nursultan Nazarbayev

Martin Luther
“For I shall never advise a heathen or a Turk, let alone a Christian, to attack another or begin war.”
Martin Luther

Martin Luther
“If we will not learn out of the Scriptures, we must learn out of the Turk’s scabbard, until we find in our hurt that Christians are not to make war or resist evil. Fools must be chased with clubs.”
Martin Luther, On War Against the Turk

“How dare you question if I fast?
Or come between my God and me?
How claim no lust for what's forbidden,
Then veils wrap round the face that's free?

My vice is wine or rakı. I drink!
So what? It does no harm to you.
We'll face the hair-thin bride together;
Blind drunk, I'll pass, if I be true.”
Neyzen Tevfik

“For sweetness, people made and ate pekmez (grape syrup). There was nothing in Anatolia, no manufacturing industry. This brewery was an example to the peasants, it was to start the infrastructure, it was to teach what progress could bring.”
Mehmet Demirci

“The wealth of the state is as wide as the sea, and he who does not eat of it is a pig.”
Turkish proverb

Mary Wortley Montagu
“The vulgar Turk is very different from what is spoken at court, 'tis as ridiculous to make use of the expressions commonly used in speaking to a great man or lady, as it would be to talk broad Yorkshire or Somershetshire in the drawing room.”
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu

Stefanos Yerasimos
“Rarely has the West in its quasi-totality taken up such a persistent and negative image of a people (the Turks).”
Stéphane Yerasimos

Özden Toker
“Reform isn't easy, and for me dress is the most important symbol of it, all revolutions must be takes as a whole, we've got to complete the mission.”
Özden Toker

Kâtip Çelebi
“Strictures and prohibitions availed nothing. The fatwas, the talk, made no impression on the people. One coffeehouse was opened after another, and men would gather together, with great eagerness and enthusiasm, to drink coffee... such things do not admit of a perpetual ban.”
Kâtip Çelebi

Boris Sheikhmuradov
“It is impossible to hide any more of his (Turkmenbashy) pure hypocrisy, the absence of elementary norms of political and diplomatic behavior, the insidiousness and cruelty in relation to the people and the spreading of an atmosphere of fear.”
Boris Sheikhmuradov

Saparmyrat Nyýazow
“All this will pass in a few years, when the people no longer depend on me. The Turkmens have always bowed to something; once it was fire, then Islam, then Marx... the people have to believe in something.”
Saparmurat Niyazov

Mehmet Emin Resulzade
“A flag once raised will never fall!”
Mehmet Emin Resulzade

“They started conquering the world, then they over-stretched themselves and they collapsed. Today's Turkish people are those who left the territory of modern Kazakhstan and settled in the country where they live now.
When we meet each other, we always remember this.”
Nursultan Nazarbayev

“Eat well before you entertain your guests.”
A Kazakh proverb

Rehan Khan
“Perhaps your hatred of the Turk is due to your lack of understanding him”
Rehan Khan, A Tudor Turk

Jean Pierre Van Rossem
“Ik rook veel, ja. De spreekwoordelijke Turk kan er nog een punt aan zuigen. Et alors? Ik ben niet bang om dood te gaan. Als het moet, moet het maar.”
Jean Pierre Van Rossem

“Dımê Lüya cambaze yena nat sono dot, zof bena sa ke, Dapire itha niya. Selıke darde we, sıtê Dapire kerd fekê ho sımıt, seke sımıt vake: “Ox, na sıtê Dapire çıxaşi weso, hore sımen-nêsımen qe mırd nêben, meste ki hore yen reyna sımen”.

Seke Lüye uste ’ra ke dünike ra şêro tever, Dapire peê çêveri ra vejiye ame vake: “Dêma ke tuya yena na tholavê sıtê mı ser, tu ala vınde ez na kerdena tu tore verdan”.

Dapire darıya huya de qolê fişte hawara ke purode ro, tavi na helm de Lüye thil bena remena, seke remena, hama dana Lüye ro, dımê Lüye çel beno, destê Dapire de maneno.

Lüye cerena Dapire vero, vana: “Dapire, tore odvo ke reyna nin, sıtê tu nêtıren. Gonia ho ken tora, dımê mı bıde mı, ben hore pê çhalp-çhulpê ho ken”.

Ma endi nae ‘ra têpia Dapire dımê Lüye qe dana cı, Dapire cıra vana: “Tı su, mıre sıte mı biya, ez ki dımê tu dan ve to”. Teseliya Lüye ke kote, hore terknena sona, sona kune era rae, xêle ke sona, senik ke sona, rae ra raste zu Bıza Kole bena. Bıza Kole Bıza Kole lüye ra perskena vana: “ewru qe çêfê tu çino, dıme tuyo rındeki re seviyo”. Lüye vana: “Bıza Kole! Bıza Kole! Seveno heve sıt bıde mı Sıt ben dan Dapire Dapire ki dımê mı dana mı Ez ki dıme ho ben pê çhalp-çhulpê ho ken”. Bıza Kole Lüye ra vana: “Mı ewru qe thoae fekê ho nê esto, so mıre tene velg bia, hore borine, sıt yeno cızıkunê mı, ez ki sıt to dine” Dara Velgi Narae Lüye oncia kuna era rae, sona, xele ke sona, yena cae de raste zu Darê bena. Dare Lüye ra perskena vana: “ma ve”
sanika luye

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