
Trollope Quotes

Quotes tagged as "trollope" Showing 1-7 of 7
Alan Hollinghurst
“After that they browsed for a minute or two in a semi-detached fashion. Nick found a set of Trollope which had a relatively modest and approachable look among the rest, and took down The Way We Live Now, with an armorial bookplate, the pages uncut. “What have you found there?” said Lord Kessler, in a genially possessive tone. “Ah, you’re a Trollope man, are you?”

“I’m not sure I am, really,” said Nick. “I always think he wrote too fast. What was it Henry James said, about Trollope and his ‘great heavy shovelfuls of testimony to constituted English matters’?”

Lord Kessler paid a moment’s wry respect to this bit of showing off, but said, “Oh, Trollope’s good. He’s very good on money.”

“Oh…yes…” said Nick, feeling doubly disqualified by his complete ignorance of money and by the aesthetic prejudice which had stopped him from ever reading Trollope. “To be honest, there’s a lot of him I haven’t yet read.”

“No, this one is pretty good,” Nick said, gazing at the spine with an air of judicious concession. Sometimes his memory of books he pretended to have read became almost as vivid as that of books he had read and half forgotten, by some fertile process of auto-suggestion. He pressed the volume back into place and closed the gilded cage.”
Alan Hollinghurst, The Line of Beauty

George MacDonald Fraser
“Elgin himself looked ten years younger, now that he’d cast the die, but I thought exuberance had got the better of him when he strode into the saloon later, threw The Origin of Species on the table and announced:
"It’s very original, no doubt, but not for a hot evening. What I need is some trollop."
I couldn’t believe my ears, and him a church-goer, too. "Well, my lord, I dunno,” says I. "Tientsin ain’t much of a place, but I’ll see what I can drum up —"
"Michel’s been reading Doctor Thorne since Taku," cried he. "He must have finished it by now, surely! Ask him, Flashman, will you?" So I did, and had my ignorance, enlightened.”
George MacDonald Fraser, Flashman and the Dragon

Anthony Trollope
“Now, now that she was older and perhaps wiser, love meant a partnership, in which each partner would be honest to the other, in which each would wish and strive for the other's welfare, to that this their joint welfare might be insured. Then, in those early girlish days, it had meant a total abnegation of self. The one was of earth, and therefore possible. The other had been a ray from heaven, - and impossible, except in a dream.”
Anthony Trollope, Can You Forgive Her?

Anthony Trollope
“We are not content in looking to our newspapers for all the information that earth and human intellect can afford; but we demand from them what we might demand if a daily sheet could come to us from the world of spirits. The result, of course, is this,—that the papers do pretend that they have come daily from the world of spirits; but the oracles are very doubtful, as were those of old”
Anthony Trollope, The Small House at Allington

Dominick Dunne
“I'm sick, sick, sick to death of reading about the Mitford sisters."

"Have you read INSPIRED BY IAGO?"

"HEAVENS ! no!"

"It's not what you think ... it opens in a trailer park ..."

"Right AWAY you've lost me. A little 'trailer park' goes a long way with me."

"What do you like?" asked Arthur Harburg, patiently. He was used to dealing with his spoiled clients.

"I like a book with short chapters," said Matilda. "I love to be able to say, 'I just want to finish this chapter,' and do it. SUCH a feeling of accomplishment."

~Dominick Dunne, PEOPLE LIKE US”
Dominick Dunne, People Like Us

“Melmotte is really little more than rumor and illusion; his sudden rise is due less to any deep scheming or villainy on his part than to society's apparent inability to enforce its own standards.”
Robert Tracy, Trollope's Later Novels

Angela Thirkell
“Your great-uncle the bishop, Oriel, married some time in the ’sixties one of Squire Gresham’s daughters whose name for the moment escapes me. His wife’s brother, Frank Gresham, the present man’s great-grandfather, married Mary Thorne who was the illegitimate niece of the Dr. Thorne who married Miss Dunstable whose money came from a patent Ointment of Lebanon. Dr. Thorne was only a distant cousin of the Ullathorne Thornes, to whom old Lady Pomfret belonged, but the connection is there all right, though I couldn’t give the precise degree.”
Angela Thirkell, The Headmistress