
Treatments Quotes

Quotes tagged as "treatments" Showing 1-9 of 9
Steven Magee
“For those that have recognized that suicide is a better option than a lifetime of sickness, disability, extreme poverty, and never ending treatments from an incompetent corporate controlled medical profession, you are to be congratulated on your good judgment.”
Steven Magee

“Physicians do not systematically prescribe placebos to their patients. Hence they have no way of comparing the effects of the drugs they prescribe to placebos. When they prescribe a treatment and it works, their natural tendency is to attribute the cure to the treatment. But there are thousands of treatments that have worked in clinical practice throughout history. Powdered stone worked. So did lizard's blood, and crocodile dung, and pig's teeth and dolphin's genitalia and frog's sperm. Patients have been given just about every ingestible - though often indigestible - substance imaginable. They have been 'purged, puked, poisoned, sweated, and shocked', and if these treatments did not kill them, they may have made them better.”
Irving Kirsch, The Emperor's New Drugs: Exploding the Antidepressant Myth

Steven Magee
“I expect hypobaric therapy will become one of the many treatments for Long COVID.”
Steven Magee

Alice Munro
“That is pretty well what the doctor said, in a lot more careful words. He says that the pills he's got her on will keep her from sinking too low. How low is too low, Roy thinks, and when can you tell?”
Alice Munro, Too Much Happiness: Stories

Siddhartha Mukherjee
“Think about the vast range of medicines and surgical procedures not as therapeutic interventions but as investigational probes.”
Siddhartha Mukherjee, The Laws of Medicine: Field Notes from an Uncertain Science

Steven Magee
“A damaged brain and body is an opportunity to research the root causes and treatments.”
Steven Magee

“Have you been on Google lately? Maybe for health reasons you like to check causes of chest pain, diarrhea, and fainting; examples of treatments for a sore throat; side effects of medications? The list is endless. If you are like most people I encounter, you may feel quite armed with the medical information on the internet. You may feel like you have an idea about most things, you know what can cause some symptoms, and some things to do for a number of health problems. Right?
Let me start by saying that each human being, every situation, and every point in time are all unique. Diabetes can look a hundred different ways and be managed a hundred different ways.”
Uchenna Njiaju, Self Navigate For Health: How everyone can learn to take charge, and get the most out of their health journey

Steven Magee
“You know you are achieving success with your treatments when frequent trips to doctors wane into occasional annual visits for routine check ups.”
Steven Magee, Hypoxia, Mental Illness & Chronic Fatigue

Steven Magee
“I was surprised after many years of being prescribed drugs and treatments by the medical profession that my altitude hypersensitivity was being controlled by just two nutritional supplements.”
Steven Magee, Toxic Altitude