
Teasing Banter Quotes

Quotes tagged as "teasing-banter" Showing 1-24 of 24
Kristen Callihan
“Ah, now,” crooned Adam, “here we are, then.” With infinite care, as though he were handling a babe, he lifted the sword out, and a sigh seemed to go through him. “Ah, my lovely, it’s been far too long.”

“Shall I leave you two alone, then?” Eliza’s lips twitched. She’d never seen such a look of reverence mixed with old familiarity. It was nearly indecent.

Adam spared her a glance. “Quiet woman, a man’s relationship with his sword is a sacred thing.”

“So I’ve heard.”
Kristen Callihan, Soulbound

Nicola Marsh
“Besides, there's plenty of time to get a ring. I'd rather spend time with you than flash around a five-carat rock on my finger."
"Five carats?" He clutched at his chest. "I work in the ER; I'm not a brain surgeon."
"Well then, maybe you should introduce me to some of your colleagues---"
She squealed as he made a lunge for her, allowing him to catch her far too easily.
"You have a smart mouth, Ms. Ryland."
"Haven't you heard? Smart mouths make for the best kisses," she said, a moment before proving exactly that.”
Nicola Marsh, The Man Ban

Sara Desai
“Stay in the closet and I promise to tell you the fantasy that I had about you and me and the Eagerson desk."
Sam ducked behind her father's spare shirts. "Does it involve handcuffs?"
"No handcuffs."
"It wasn't Fifty Shades of Brown, so don't get excited.”
Sara Desai, The Marriage Game

“Cade released her slowly, running his hand over her hip, and patting her on the butt.
Her cheeks heated. She owed him an apology. She cleared her throat, and with difficulty managed, "I can be pushy---"
"You think?" He cut her no slack.
"I came on too strong. I'm sorry."
"I'm not."
"You're not?"
"We kissed."
"A good enough kiss for you to wear a costume?"
"You could kiss my entire body, and I'd still pass."
His entire body. She'd never considered naked a costume, but it might work for him. She looked him up and down. Licked her lips. Her blush deepened at the thought.
She heard Cade swallow. His gaze was hot and dark; his voice deep and husky. "I've never taken a woman in a storeroom before, but there's always a first time.”
Kate Angell, The Cottage on Pumpkin and Vine

Kelley Armstrong
“He pushed to his feet, wobbly, still adjusting to his new center of gravity. He gingerly moved one forepaw, then the next, one rear paw, then the other. He picked up the pace, but still slow as he circled the clearing. A snort, like he'd figured it out, and he broke into a lope, stumbled and plowed muzzle-first into the undergrowth.
I stifled a laugh, but not very well. and he glowered at me.
"Forget running. A nice, leisurely stroll might be more your speed."
He snorted and turned fast. When I fell back, he gave a growling chuckle.
"Still can't resist throwing your weight around, can you?"
He lunged again. This time I stood my ground and he checked his leap at the last second...and toppled sideways. I didn't hide my laugh that time. He twisted fast, grabbed my pajama leg and wrenched, and down I went.
He growled a chuckle. I fingered an imaginary tear in my pant leg.
"Great. I finally get some pj's and you rip them."
He walked over for a better look. I tried to grab his foreleg, but he darted out of my reach and tore across the clearing.”
Kelley Armstrong, The Reckoning

Katherine McIntyre
“Sierra couldn’t afford complications, not in her position, but the way he flirted with her and teased had amped her touch hunger to a deafening roar.”
Katherine McIntyre, Forged Alliances

Susan Wiggs
“One team takes their shirts off, the other leaves them on," said Paulie. "I vote Rosa is on the shirts-off team."
"In your dreams," she said.
His gaze gave her the once-over. "You guessed it."
"Go shampoo your brain, Paulie”
Susan Wiggs, Summer by the Sea

Lisa Kleypas
“I've roasted in a hell of sexual deprivation since you abandoned me."
"Abandoned?" she repeated in surprise.
He gave her a severe glance. "You vanished in the middle of the night."
"It was morning," she protested.
"Without saying a word about where you were going."
"You arranged for the t-tickets!"
"I didn't even have a chance to say good-bye."
"You did," Evie protested. "You took two hours, and nearly made me miss the train."
Sebastian muffled a quiet laugh against her glowing curls. "Oh, yes. I remember that part.”
Lisa Kleypas, Devil in Disguise

Rosamund Hodge
“That would make you a very pitiful saboteur who carries a knife for nonviolent purposes." His crimson cat eyes were laughing at me.
I smiled. "Then it's just as well that I'm not sorry. I wish I'd left you longer."
"Well, that's a pity." He leaned toward me. His collarbone was damp, and I realized suddenly that my dress still clung to me in pale, damp folds. "Because I had just been thinking of ways you could make it up to me."
He touched my chin with a finger. The air was still and hot in my throat.
Abruptly his hand dipped down to pull the key out of my bodice. He twirled it as he sat back, laughing, then hung it on one of the belts strapped across his chest.
"You--" I choked out. Then I lunged at his throat.
He blocked me easily with one arm, but we both tumbled over; he landed on his back with me on top of him.
"You see?" he said. "Not a good assassin.”
Rosamund Hodge, Cruel Beauty

Rosamund Hodge
“You are entirely too pleased with your own sayings sometimes. I suppose you even have a quip prepared for your death?"
"Are you planning to find out?"
I trailed my fingers through his hair. His scalp was warm and dry beneath my fingertips. It startled me, as it still did sometimes, that he was solid and alive; that this wild, unnameable creature was not a phantom but sat still beneath my hand. That the demon who ruled all our world was mine.
"I don't know," I said. "Have you come up with any reasons why I shouldn't?"
He sat up straighter and kissed me. I leaned forward, kissing him back, until I lost my balance and we both tumbled to the ground, with me, landing on top of him.”
Rosamund Hodge, Cruel Beauty

Nicola Marsh
“Eager. I like that, Manny."
"Good morning to you too, Sleeping Beauty. Or should that be good afternoon?"
"It's still morning, though I feel like I've slept away the day."
"You must've needed it."
"Is that your medical opinion?"
"No. I'm off duty."
Just hearing his deep voice had Harper snuggling back under the covers, wishing he was next to her.
"Pity. Because I'm not feeling so good, and I was hoping you made house calls."
"What's wrong?"
"A distinct case of I-miss-you-itis."
"Damn it, if I wasn't halfway along this Craters of the Moon geothermal hike, I'd be there in a flash." He muttered a curse. "I know. I can give you a more accurate diagnosis over the phone if you do one thing."
Smiling, she said, "What?"
"Tell me what you're wearing."
Her thighs clenched as her smile extended into a grin. "My, my, Doctor, I didn't think this was one of those calls."
"You're in bed. You're missing me. What did you expect?"
"A little decorum."
"Yeah, sure."
"You're right. I want to torture you a little."
"A lot, considering I'm now envisaging you cute and sleep rumpled."
"What are you wearing?"
"Why?" he asked.
"Because I'm assuming there are families on that hike, and too much envisaging may lead to more than one tent pole in that national park."
He laughed so loudly she had to hold the cell away from her ear.
"You really are something else," he said. "And for the record? I miss you too."
"So I'll meet you in the foyer at four for our picnic?"
"Yeah. I found the perfect spot."
"Babe, you're killing me."
"Not yet, but maybe this will help." She lowered her voice. "I'm wearing nothing and I'm thinking of you."
She hung up on his garbled cry, grinning madly.”
Nicola Marsh, The Man Ban

Nicola Marsh
“Now drink up. Fatigue makes you grouchy."
"Not grouchy. Thirsty," she said, uncapping the bottle and drinking deeply, drawing his attention to the elegant length of her neck and the pounding of her carotid pulse.
Before he could second-guess the urge, he leaned across and placed his lips over the pulse, giving a little nip that had her half gasping, half choking as she doused him with water.
"Are you trying to kill me? I almost choked," she said, elbowing him away, but there was no malice in her tone, and she pressed her fingertip to the pulse, a coy smile playing about her mouth.
"It's okay, I'd revive you with CPR." He puckered up and made smooching sounds. "A little mouth-to-mouth, combined with my hands all over your chest, you'd be just fine.”
Nicola Marsh, The Man Ban

Nicola Marsh
“Now, are you ready to satisfy my hunger?"
"I could ask you the same thing."
She turned in the circle of his arms, and this time, she grabbed his ass and writhed her pelvis against him. "Just for the record? I want everything you dish up and more. I'm greedy that way."
He growled and hoisted her over his shoulder, leaving her upside down and pummeling at his impressive ass with her fists. "Put me down, you crazy man."
"Crazy for you," he said, lowering her gently when they reached the bed. "And I'm about to show you exactly how much.”
Nicola Marsh, The Man Ban

Sara Desai
“I swung by your office and asked Rochelle if she knew where I could find you."
"Of course you did," Daisy muttered under her breath making a mental note to find out how Rochelle knew where she was when she wasn't at work.
"She's a very accommodating woman." He shrugged off his jacket.
Daisy recoiled in horror. "Did you sleep with her?"
"Of course not. I don't fish in the company pond." A slow, sensual smile spread across his face. "Not unless the fish bite.”
Sara Desai, The Dating Plan

Kristen Callihan
“Did you just call me Snoopy?"
I grinned, feeling lighter than I had all morning. "Nosy Parker work better for you?"
"Not even a little, Magic Mike."
"Mike danced. He didn't swim."
The pert nose of Princess Anya lifted a touch. "He put on a certain type of show. That's the point."
"A type you apparently like to watch."
Her cheeks pinkened as she bristled.”
Kristen Callihan, Make It Sweet

Kristen Ciccarelli
“We spoke of you. According to Joel, you make him very happy."
She bristled at his mocking tone but couldn't help the blush creeping up her neck. "Bite me, Hawthorne."
The corner of his mouth curved upwards. His eyes glittered, as if he was imagining doing exactly that.
In the silence, his gaze traced over her. Moving slowly across her jaw, down her throat, and along her collarbones topping to linger on the curve of her shoulder. As if showing her all the places he longed to bite most.
Emeline couldn't help but imagine it: His teeth on her bare skin. Soft little bites in between kisses.”
Kristen Ciccarelli, Edgewood

“To top it off, I’m given the most boring mission ever trying to find you. Weeks with nothing, and here you are, causing chaos in my life. Maybe you’re the pain in my ass.”
R.N.A. Author, Parasite

Heather Chambers
“You need to rethink your definition of 'nice'."
"Because if we were stuck together I'd leave you behind. I'm not your 'nice terrant.' I could kill you if I wanted to."
"So nice.”
Heather Chambers, Earth Sucks

Emery   Lee
“Is that supposed to be some kind of gay joke, asshole?”
Emery Lee

Mia P. Manansala
“I hope you don't have a hangover after all this."
I wasn't sure if I should be annoyed or touched by how he was trying to look out for me, so I figured some light teasing was in order. "Unlike you, I'm still in my twenties, so I'll be fine. Get me another sports drink and a bunch of salty carbs and I'll be ready for my morning run with Longganisa."
He clutched at his chest in fake pain. "Well, since this old man needs to sleep soon, maybe I should drop you straight at home and let your aunt and grandmother help you."
"Nooo, I'm sorry! I'll treat you to your favorite seaweed snacks and those honey butter chips you love."
He leaned over for a quick kiss. "Acceptable.”
Mia P. Manansala, Murder and Mamon

Colleen Hoover
“I can't figure you out," I say.
His expression doesn't change at all, but his voice has a tinge of amusement to it when he says, "I didn't think you wanted to."
"That's because I thought I had you figured out. But I already told you I was wrong. You're layered"
"Layered?" he repeats. "Like an onion or a cake?"
Definitely an onion. Your layers are the kind a person has to peel back."
Is that what you're trying to do?"
I shrug. "I have nothing else to do. Maybe I'll spend the summer peeling back all your layers until you finally answer a question.”
Colleen Hoover, Heart Bones

- Jag vägrar bestämma. Ta över kontrollen av situationen, låt inte killen bestämma. Krossa patriarkatet!

- Du inser att genom att tvinga mig bestämma förstärker du patriarkatet som du så gärna vill att jag ska krossa?”
Callum Bloodworth, Berätta tre saker

In February of 1957, Rich earned his next leave to visit Gail. The news did the job of making Gail’s choice glad.
She offered to meet him at the airport and watched curiously as he stepped off the plane wearing his casual blue airman suit.
“Nonstop?” Gail asked.
“Of course.”
“How does one get off a nonstop flight, Mr. Air Force, if it doesn’t ever stop?”
Rich stopped and looked Gail over. He didn’t get her joke.
“You have luggage?” she asked.
“Yes. One case. Over this direction.” He took her arm and led her down the corridor.
“Have you ever lost your luggage?”
“No. I haven’t flown commercially much.”
“I hear you can sue the airlines if they lose your baggage.”
“Yes, but there’s no guarantee that you’ll win your case.” Gail skipped in front of her boyfriend and laughed in his face.
“What are you talking about, girl? I have no intention of suing the airlines.”
Gail’s teasing ceased. Rich obviously had no sense of humor. At least not her kind. Sobered, she let him take the lead.”
Lynn Byk, The Fearless Moral Inventory of Elsie Finch

Lizzy Dent
“Then his brows lower a little as he's slightly taken aback by the eye makeup.
"I know I look like Robert Smith," I say before he has a chance.
"I wasn't going to---"
"It was my thing once upon a time. Didn't you have a teenage subculture? LARPing or whatever?"
"You look at me and think Dungeons and Dragons?" he says, smirking.”
Lizzy Dent, Just One Taste