
Supporting Quotes

Quotes tagged as "supporting" Showing 1-16 of 16
Shannon L. Alder
“I no longer follow the voices of the sane. I follow the ill because they see farther, feel much more and change what the sane will not. This is the paradox of philosophers---trying to understand mass delusion among great people that have faith and knowledge, yet they can’t graduate from their institutions of religious theology to apply the knowledge they have gained for the shifting of Zion---- from words to action; from comfort to uncomfortable; from self serving to self giving; from competition to supporting; to tradition to unity; from bias to acceptance; from me to us.”
Shannon L. Alder

Mehmet Murat ildan
“If your government keep making big mistakes and in return you keep supporting your government, then you are the biggest mistake for your country!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Lynda Wolters
“Honesty is the best approach - and some understanding of how cancer patients see their illness can help. Cliched terms and thoughtless positives don't work, such as, 'You look good, though.' 'At least you got the good cancer.' 'Be strong.' 'You got this.' 'This is just a season.”
Lynda Wolters, Voices of Cancer: What We Really Want, What We Really Need

Lynda Wolters
“Be careful of using the word normal around cancer patients, whether they call themselves a survivor or not, there is no 'back to normal'.”
Lynda Wolters, Voices of Cancer: What We Really Want, What We Really Need

Nonnie Jules
“A tiny spark ignites a flame, just as a helping hand can do the same”
Nonnie Jules

Lynda Wolters
“My perspective now that I am in remission is that life is uncomplicated if you let it be.”
Lynda Wolters, Voices of Cancer: What We Really Want, What We Really Need

“It is a tragedy, at rate at which EBOLA VIRUS is spreading in West Africa. It is a fatal disease in the history of the world. Intensive education (formal and informal approaches) of the citizens of African can help prevent the spread. International cooperation is urgently needed to combat the EBOLA virus.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

Mehmet Murat ildan
“When nobody is applauding you, applaud yourself! Your most precious support is the support you give yourself!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

“No freedom till we're equal. Damn right I support it.”
Macklemore, Macklemore- Same Love

Israelmore Ayivor
“Money is a necessity, but not the determinant of a successful life. It is there to secure you, but not to save you! It is there to support you, but not to sanctify you!”
Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes

Mercedes Lackey
“But, Andromeda-" Peri exclaimed. "You are the 'most' important person in this scheme!"
"I- what?" she said. "You must be joking!"
Peri shook his massive head. "On the contrary. You are the only person here who has actually been inside the Palace. You know everything there is to know about it. Without that, we can't even begin to mount an attack, now, can we?"
"At least not the kind of attack we can manage with as few people as we have, and as untrained or half trained," Adam agreed. "You are the key to our plan."
Of all the things she had heard today this was the most astonishing. She was important. She was vital. She who had never been anything to anyone-
"Besides," Gina said with a grin, "I can teach you to use something that you won't have to get in close to use. A sling. Believe me, I've seen a good sling-man take down seasoned fighters many a time."
Andie raised her chin and looked into Peri's eyes. "Then you have me," she said, but could not help adding, "for what it's worth.”
Mercedes Lackey, One Good Knight

Ehsan Sehgal
“Supporting and helping the terrorists with any form is the universal crime against the innocent people. The world should not ignore and avoid such involved criminals and murderers.”
Ehsan Sehgal

“I began to call friends and relatives. Some called me. They'd heard the news on the radio. Others just came by. I greeted each one in the foyer. Few words were spoken. Mostly, we embraced. People often say they don't know what to say to someone like me at a time like this. Nothing need be said. The presence of those you care about is comfort enough; a warm embrace communicates far more than words do.”
Deborah Spungen, And I Don't Want to Live This Life: A Mother's Story of Her Daughter's Murder

Steven Redhead
“Knowing is giving beliefs credibility beyond just imagining, assuming, or supporting an acquired thought learned casually from other people.”
Steven Redhead, Life Is A Circus

Steven Magee
“Are you being brainwashed into supporting the war?”
Steven Magee