Strong Heroine Quotes

Quotes tagged as "strong-heroine" Showing 31-60 of 65
Neil Gaiman
“You don’t need princes to save you. I don’t have a lot of patience for stories in which women are rescued by men.”
Neil Gaiman, The Sleeper and the Spindle

Kerry Greenwood
“Phryne was getting out of the car. Dot closed her eyes. Miss Fisher was about to happen to someone again.”
Kerry Greenwood, Dead Man's Chest

Tamora Pierce
“You can tell all Namorn this is what happens when I am vexed," she informed him softly.

"Little *bitch*," he snapped.

Sandry looked him over soberly. "If you had understood that earlier, we could have avoided this unpleasantness," she replied.”
Tamora Pierce, The Will of the Empress

Ashley Jade
“Broken people are the most dangerous...because they just don't give a fuck”
Ashley Jade, Blame It on the Shame

Dennis Sharpe
“I’ve done some soul searching… Looked deep within myself, ya know? I've reached the conclusion that 'Fuck You!' is my spirit animal, and some mother fuckers are going to pay. You can help me or you can walk… but I’m in this. I’m in ‘til the end,” Wednesday said.”
Dennis Sharpe, Wednesday

Alan Kinross
“She was a predator - a creature of the night who rejoiced in the thrill of the hunt.”
Alan Kinross, Longinus The Vampire: Redemption

T.J. Shaw
“My sweet lemming,” he murmured, nuzzling her neck and sending glorious spirals of pleasure ping-ponging throughout her body. “You’ve been quiet and that worries me.”

“Why?” she asked, trailing her hand down his banded forearm to entwine her fingers within his.

“Because that means you’re thinking, and a thinking woman is usually something to fear.”
T.J. Shaw, Caller of Light

Dennis Sharpe
“You know where I’m going to be, and you’ll know where I’ve been every step of my way to get there. You’ve made a hobby out of taking things away from me… a lot of them I never even knew to miss, but I know now. I know what you just took, and there’s no way you’re taking anything else from me. It’s time for me to start taking from you,” Wednesday said with a confidence in her voice that even she noticed and was proud to hear.
“I thought you said you weren’t running from me anymore,” Klein said with a laugh in his voice.
Her face was red, and she felt like she was on fire. She managed, summoning all her will, to keep herself from screaming and instead, keep an even and icy voice. “I’m not, you piece of shit. Now, I’m running at you.”
Dennis Sharpe, Wednesday

M.A. George
“I missed her smile…the way she would roll her eyes when she thought I was being ridiculous…the quiet way she almost tiptoed when she walked that gave her away as a ballerina…the fact that she could probably give me a fairly decent ass-kicking if she set her mind to it. I missed it all.

I missed her.”
M.A. George, Relativity

Kendal Waller
“I am not light nor the absence of it. I am the broad spectrum. Everything that makes you think, want to touch, or taste. Don't box me into that life that you so desperately need to be black and white because that's not me; I won't fit. I am bold, brilliant, and beautiful, I will sparkle and shimmer every hue. Ever changing. Undefinable. So do not give me limits or make me try to fit. There is no containing subtle softness careening into the harsh and dominant, every faucet creating a reaction which will cause you to feel and know you are alive." - Kendal Waller”
Kendal Waller

Willow Madison
“I’ve succumbed to the absolute power of the man that pulls, culls, calls my unwitting submission. And I’ve embraced the power of my submission to draw him in further, to have him kneeling and worshiping what he’s conquered. I’ve known surrender and strength with him. True freedom. And a hell of a lot of orgasms.”
Willow Madison, We Were One Once

“A strong woman builds her world by picking up the broken pieces.”

Gwenn Wright
“And Mother, I love her dearly, but she flies into a panic whenever I mention women’s rights. As she sees it, it will be so much more difficult to marry me off if I am not only of a weak constitution but of a progressive mind as well.”
Gwenn Wright, Katherine's Journal

Melanie Dickerson
“I'm proud of my carefree behaviour [...] I am boisterous, when I choose to be, and simply because I don't behave like a wan and fainting female who has not a thought in her head except try to attract an eligible suitor [...] I shall not conform to how you or anyone else tells me I should behave. I am answerable only to God.”
Melanie Dickerson, A Viscount's Proposal

“A strong woman builds her world by picking up the broken pieces.”

J.Z.N. McCauley
“I'll tear down your realm, starting with this castle.”
J.Z.N. McCauley, The Oathing Stone

V.M. Marsh
“Normally, I would have kicked him in the nuts for touching me without my consent.”
V.M. Marsh, Concealed Influence

Ned Hayes
“In the end, I listen to my fear. It keeps me awake, resounding through the frantic beating in my breast. It is there in the dry terror in my throat, in the pricking of the rats’ nervous feet in the darkness. Christian has not come home all the night long. I know, for I have lain in this darkness for hours now with my eyes stretched wide, yearning for my son’s return.”
Ned Hayes, Sinful Folk

Stephanie Witter
“What happened tonight won't change a thing."
"You're mistaken, Lila. Everything started changing the moment we met.”
Stephanie Witter, Be A Doll

V.M. Marsh
“Hush. Yellow is a happy color, and I'm trying to feel happy again.”
V.M. Marsh, Concealed Influence

Willow Madison
“My painful memories sift through me like sand through stretched fingers. Only small pieces cling and stay around for me to keep, the rest just disappear. I know not where and I don’t”
Willow Madison, We Were One Once

“I moved another step forward. "Do you know how much of my blood is soaked into the stone floor of that castle? I'd own the fucking place if blood were coin! I put myself to sleep once by counting the drops as they hit." Kymber Oryx”
S.L. Jesberger, Silverlight

Stephanie Witter
“Sex or sleep? What will it be, Lila?”
Stephanie Witter, Be A Doll

Jessica Ruben
“Nico, however, is completely unaffected. It’s almost as though he has a fence around him, topped with barbed wire. No one comes near unless he calls for them. I want to cut that fence with a chain saw before punching him in the face. The fact that he’s not distressed like I am or suffering from a case of blue balls is infuriating.”
Jessica Ruben, Light My Fire

Kel Carpenter
“We will become something new, something which has never been before."
"We will become death.”
Kel Carpenter, Scion of Midnight

Jo Goodman
“Alex! Your dress!” Landis called after her. “Come down and we’ll find you something else to wear!” Alexis shook her head and laughed. “I told the captain I would need a pair of trousers and he refused me! If the sight of my legs is so distasteful, then don’t
look!” Landis joined the laughter of the others in response to her suggestion. There was certainly nothing wrong with her legs. They all tilted their heads back as they watched her climb higher.”
Jo Goodman, The Captain's Lady