
Stock Market Quotes

Quotes tagged as "stock-market" Showing 1-30 of 192
“Babcock fidgeted with one of his cufflinks while staring down the remaining brokers in his office. He then delivered something akin to a pep talk in a severe tone. "... The world depends on our services. Services that must not be impeded. We don't break our backs producing things that have no real value—food, shelter, clothes ... art. No! We're titans of finance. We move intangible things and ideas around the world on digital platforms. No one else in the world can accumulate as much wealth as we do by simply moving around one and zeros on computers.”
Jasun Ether, The Beasts of Success

“Babcock silenced himself when he caught a gratifying sight on the broker’s shelf—his finance book, Moving Ones and Zeros Around like a Goddamn God!”
Jasun Ether, The Beasts of Success

“Arbitrage is not investing.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr, CEO of Mayflower-Plymouth

“Stock Traders are always trying to time the market. But an investor tends to be thinking bigger, more broadly, and more holistically.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr

“Becoming a successful investor in future should be effortless when you understand and let the market do the work for you." - Adam Messina”
Adam Messina

Abhishek Ojha
“मान लीजिए जिसको शेयर बाजार के बारे में इतना बुझाएगा ...उ बैठ के टीवी पर बताएगा कि खुद पैसा बनाएगा ?”
Abhishek Ojha, लेबंटी चाह | Lebanti Chah

Coreen T. Sol
“Unforeseen events are precisely that: unforeseeable. So, timing the market is for biased investors.”
Coreen T. Sol, Unbiased Investor: Reduce Financial Stress and Keep More of Your Money

Garry Fitchett
“Stock market investing: First you get bitten by what you don't know, then you are eaten alive by what you do know.”
Garry Fitchett

Jean Baudrillard
“The stock market crash finds a continuation in the takeover frenzy. It is no longer stocks and shares being bought, but companies being bought up. A virtual effervescence is created, with a potential impact on economic restructuring which, in spite of what is said, is purely speculative. The hope is that this enforced circulation will produce a broker's commission — exactly as on the Stock Exchange . Not even an objective profit exactly: the profit from speculation is not exactly surplus value, and what is at stake here is certainly not what is at stake in classical capitalism.
Speculation, like poker or roulette, has its own runaway logic, a chainreaction logic, a process of intensification [Steigerung], in which the thrill of the game and of bidding up the stakes plays a considerable role. This is why there is no point criticizing it on the basis of economic logic (this is what makes these phenomena so exciting: the economic being overtaken by a random, vertiginous form).
The game is such as to become suicidal: big companies end up buying back their own shares, which is nonsensical from the economic point of view: they end up mounting takeover bids for themselves! But this is all part of the same madness. In the case of takeovers, companies are not traded - do not circulate - as real capital, as units of production; they are traded as a quantity of shares, as a mere probability of production , which is enough to create a virtual movement within the economy.
That this will be a prelude to other crashes is highly probable, for the same reasons as apply in the case of stocks and shares: things are circulating too quickly. We might imagine labour itself - labour power — moving into this speculative orbit too. The worker would no longer sell his labour power for a wage, as in the classic capitalist process, but sell his job itself, his employment. And he would buy others and sell them on again, as their stock went up or down on the Labour Exchange (the term would then assume its full meaning). It would not be so much a question of doing the jobs as keeping them circulating, creating a virtual movement of employment which substituted for the real movement of labour.”
Jean Baudrillard, Screened Out

“You should welcome a bear market, since it puts stocks back on sale.”
Jason Zweig, The Intelligent Investor: The Definitive book on value investing

Phillip B. Chute
“he Dow Jones Industrial Average is the sum of the largest 30 corporations, although they represent the bulk of the trading on that exchange. This average dominates everybody’s thinking about the market being up or down or whatever. Try to make individual stock picks and forget about the market. A good market could pull your stock up and, a bad one could pull it down, but the real investment factor is how well the company is managed and performs within the stock market.”
Phillip B. Chute, Stocks, Bonds & Taxes: A Comprehensive Handbook and Investment Guide for Everybody

“Stocks investments are done essentially by those who earn much more than their due share, so as to afford highest levels of risk profile, in a hope to earn much more in still easier way.”
Sandeep Sahajpal, The Twelfth Preamble: To all the authors to be!

Coreen T. Sol
“In a case where both the buyer and seller believe they are correct, the most apparent reason for excess trading is overconfidence.”
Coreen T. Sol, Unbiased Investor: Reduce Financial Stress and Keep More of Your Money

“In the stock market I made a quote, "to own a profit you need to lose something and to lose you need to have profit to take risks.”
Akshay Kumar

“I believe the technological industry is switching in a different direction that one may think in the Metaverse. Why spend trillions of dollars on big data when it is becoming more useless? We need dynamic content to create a boom in the tech industry for the next millennium. Why hire someone with a 4 year degree from college for a career in database administration when companies can't afford to pay 100k a year? We can manage it quite fine in google sheets or excel. The utilization of AI will then completely defeat the purpose of Data As A Service when a program can dynamically build hash objects in random access memory by simply using a small script like (via switch) while creating a [5th XYZ Stargate] just like the Diablo version, but with a smaller seed. You could then store those objects for the blockchain Inna virtualized file container ;)." - Jonathan Roy Mckinney”
Jonathan Roy Mckinney Gero EagleO2

“1)Insufficient research and knowledge:

Many beginners dive into investing without fully understanding the fundamentals or conducting thorough research. It's crucial to educate yourself about different investment options, financial markets, and investment strategies before getting started.

2)Failure to establish clear investment goals:

Investing without clear goals can lead to haphazard decision-making and poor portfolio management. Beginners should define their investment objectives, such as saving for retirement, buying a home, or funding education, and then align their investment strategy accordingly.

3)Lack of diversification:

Beginners sometimes make the mistake of investing all their money in a single investment or asset class. This lack of diversification can expose them to significant risks. It's important to spread investments across different asset classes, industries, and geographies to reduce the impact of any individual investment's performance on the overall portfolio.

4)Emotion-driven decision-making:

Emotions can often cloud investment decisions. Beginners may get swayed by market hype, fear, or short-term fluctuations, leading to impulsive buying or selling. It's essential to make investment decisions based on rational analysis and a long-term perspective rather than reacting to short-term market movements.

5)Chasing quick profits:

Beginner investors may be tempted by get-rich-quick schemes or investments promising high returns in a short period. Such investments often involve higher risks, and pursuing quick profits can lead to significant losses. It's important to have realistic return expectations and focus on long-term, sustainable investment strategies.”

“Liquidate labor, liquidate stocks, liquidate farmers, liquidate real estate. It will purge the rottenness out of the system. High costs of living and high living will come down. People will work harder, live a more moral life. Values will be adjusted, and enterprising people will pick up the wrecks from less competent people.”
Andrew Mellon

“In the realm of financial markets, volatility is an inherent characteristic. Prices of stocks, commodities, and other securities can experience significant fluctuations within short periods. To manage such volatility and protect the interests of investors, circuit breakers are implemented. These circuit breakers impose upper and lower limits on price movements, which temporarily halt trading. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of upper and lower circuit limits, their purpose, and how they impact the functioning of financial markets.

Defining Upper and Lower Circuit Limits
Upper and lower circuit limits are predetermined price thresholds that trigger temporary trading halts. These limits are set by exchanges or regulatory bodies to prevent extreme price movements and provide stability to the market. When the price of a security reaches or breaches the upper or lower circuit limit, trading is paused for a specified period. This allows market participants to reevaluate their positions and absorb the information driving the price volatility.

The Purpose of Circuit Breakers:
The primary objective of circuit breakers is to safeguard the financial markets from excessive price volatility and potential panic selling or buying. These mechanisms help prevent extreme price movements that could be detrimental to market stability and investor confidence. By temporarily halting trading, circuit breakers provide a cooling-off period, allowing participants to assess new information and avoid making impulsive decisions.

Moreover, circuit breakers ensure orderly trading and prevent the market from being dominated by high-frequency trading strategies that thrive on short-term price fluctuations. They offer investors an opportunity to reassess their strategies and risk exposure, reducing the likelihood of knee-jerk reactions based on short-term market movements.

Understanding the Upper Circuit Limit :
The upper circuit limit represents the maximum price movement permitted for security within a trading session. When the price of a security reaches or surpasses the upper circuit limit, trading in that security is halted. The upper circuit limit aims to prevent excessive speculative buying and provides a pause for market participants to analyze the new information or demand driving the price surge.

During the trading halt, market participants can evaluate the situation, adjust their strategies, and determine whether to buy, sell, or hold the security when trading resumes. The duration of the halt varies depending on the exchange or regulatory body and is typically predetermined.

Understanding the Lower Circuit Limit:
Conversely, the lower circuit limit represents the minimum price movement allowed for security. When the price of a security falls to or breaches the lower circuit limit, trading is halted. The lower circuit limit is designed to prevent panic selling and provides market participants with an opportunity to reassess their positions.

Similar to the upper circuit limit, the duration of the trading halt triggered by a lower circuit limit breach is typically predetermined. During this time, investors can evaluate the reasons behind the price decline, analyze market conditions, and make informed decisions.

Impact of Circuit Breakers on Financial Markets:
Circuit breakers play a crucial role in maintaining market stability, particularly during periods of heightened volatility and uncertainty. By temporarily halting trading, they allow time for market participants to process new information, reassess their positions, and avoid making impulsive decisions based on short-term price movements.

Circuit breakers also facilitate the restoration of liquidity in the market. When trading is halted, market makers and other participants have an opportunity to recalibrate their pricing and liquidity provision strategies, which can help smooth out price discrepancies and enhance market efficiency.”

“This approach to trading, known as swing trading, holds significant significance within the realm of trading. But what prompts its importance?”

Billy Polk
“The stock market is often likened to a battlefield, and for good reason. Both environments are fraught with uncertainty, risk, and the potential for both loss and gain.”
Billy Polk, Soldier to Stockholder: Mastering the Stock Market with Military Precision

Steven Magee
“The corporations are the government, regardless of which political party is elected.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“The common person is powerless against the corporate controlled government.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I blame the toxic stock market for the Boeing 737 Max accidents.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Like many things in the USA, the electrical utility system was built on a low budget.”
Steven Magee

Aida Mandic
“The Dark Cloud
Is the memory bank you have which time does not seem to heal
Is the speed with which you block men who lie that they care about how you feel
Is the questioning of where society is going and whether our icy coldness will lead us to complete destruction
Is the stock market obsession some of us have and how we crave calculated instruction”
Aida Mandic, The Dark Cloud

“The securities market a dance floor, where fear and greed dance together as couple!”
P. Anshu

“Stock Markets are sum-total of missed opportunities, either on Buy or on Sell Side”
Sandeep Sahajpal, The Twelfth Preamble: To all the authors to be!

“In F&O what you earn is not real, because you up your bets - yes, it is betting - But, what you lose is real.”
Sandeep Sahajpal, The Twelfth Preamble: To all the authors to be!

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