
Stay Home Quotes

Quotes tagged as "stay-home" Showing 1-23 of 23
Abhijit Naskar
“Those who are resisting quarantine are not advocating for "live free or die", they are advocating "I must have my freedom even if it means harming others." Remember, if your freedom comes at the cost of other people's lives, then that's not freedom, it's savagery.”
Abhijit Naskar

John Green
“I would not be dying if it were not for her. I would have stayed home, as I have always stayed home, and I would have been safe, and I would have done the one thing I have always wanted to do, which is to grow up.”
John Green, Paper Towns

Abhijit Naskar
“We learn more in crisis than in comfort.”
Abhijit Naskar

Abhijit Naskar
“The world is going through a period of crisis, but whether we look at it as a crisis or as an opportunity to reshape our thinking, depends on us. So use this period as a lesson on how to live life with a concern for all of humankind.”
Abhijit Naskar

Abhijit Naskar
“Crisis either causes regress or progress depending on the will of the people.”
Abhijit Naskar

“What we have is always less desirable than what we don’t.

Today, the glorification of the word FREEDOM has made it impossible for people to sincerely believe a man can truly be content in social isolation or within the confines of home, but the fact remains that most of us anyways spend our entire life time chained to our thought process and being confined to our belief palaces.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan

Mohith Agadi
“There’s a fine line between solidarity and stupidity. Which side you want to be on is entirely up to your commonsense.”
Mohith Agadi

Abhijit Naskar
“We cannot fix a sickness of the society merely with strategy - that strategy has to be followed by the responsibility of the citizens.”
Abhijit Naskar

Abhijit Naskar
“La solución a la crisis no es solo asunto de estrategia pública; depende también de la responsabilidad individual de todos los ciudadanos.”
Abhijit Naskar

“We are living in the world of pandemic.
Life is not the same as it was before.
We have to choose new ways of living.
Being ignorance or in denial won’t make you immune to the virus.
Choose to be responsible and always be careful. Watch what you do, where you go and what you touch. You can practice your freedom by choosing to be safe.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Prem Jagyasi
“When you can't go outside, how about exploring the inner universe, it has far more potential than the external world can ever offer.”
Prem Jagyasi, Carve Your Life: Live a great life with carvism

“People have been talking and warning other people about corona virus everyday, but some people don’t want to listen. Now corona virus will be speaking for itself. You will see the results on what it can do. I hope people will listen then and I hope it won’t be too late for them . Always remember. If your ear can’t hear it, then your body will hear it. If you can’t listen , then you will feel it.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Suddenly whatever was certain is uncertain, and the uncertain is certain to be uncertain.

Fear is sometimes genuine, sometimes forced, sometimes borrowed & sometimes owned. Loneliness is a boon or bane.
Suddenly the most polished side of the globe is looking gloomy.

But out of nothing, emerges a will to survive, a hope to cherish, a human bond free of religion, caste & creed.
This is the time to analyze that time never discriminate, it allocates similar time to everyone, the problem is not using it wisely.

This is the time to stop fearing the uncertain time
& use it wisely;
Discover a creative skill.
Finish that unfinished book.
Attend that unattended hobby.
Sing that hummed song aloud.
Accomplish the undone deed.
Try to understand that misunderstanding.
Call that out of touch friend,
Say that unsaid word.
Fulfill that unfulfilled promise and live that unlived life.

Be strong and be safe, you are stronger than your worst fear”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan

Stewart Stafford
“Social distancing not only reduces transmission of the coronavirus, but the vacating of public places also creates possible sites to set up makeshift hospitals on and ease chronic congestion in existing medical facilities.”
Stewart Stafford

“Stay home but let your heart should be in a spirit of prayer.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“Happy stay home.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“Sing while you stay home.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“Stay safe but do not forget sing.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“With hope in our hearts, we will survive the stay home.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“People need to use their brain and think before they act. Asking themselves is this right for me? Will this not get me infected? As one of the measures that needs to be taken to combat the corona virus.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“The truth is even thou you see some people recovering from the corona virus. You don’t know if your body can handle it. So the safest way is for you to avoid getting it . Stay home or move with caution.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“If we are going to die from Corona, It will be because of our ignorance and foolishness. We don’t take things serious. We don’t follow the rules on how to save ourselves from corona. We think Corona is a scam. We are doing the things that we were told not to do ,to avoid the spread of corona. We think we are right by doing wrong things.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Steven Magee
“Due to the earned sick time policy of the USA, it is likely you are working with COVID-19 infected workers that do not have sufficient earned sick time to stay home and recover from their highly infectious disease!”
Steven Magee