
Standing Up For Others Quotes

Quotes tagged as "standing-up-for-others" Showing 1-20 of 20
Shannon L. Alder
“There is always a storm. There is always rain. Some experience it. Some live through it. And others are made from it.”
Shannon L. Alder

Shannon L. Alder
“Family and friends become oppressors the moment they teach you that loyalty is more important than what is done to people outside your social circle. What they are really saying is this: Save yourself because God is more interested in an intact family or social circle that looks righteous, rather than you being a person of integrity that has compassion for others. It is this absurdity that teaches the wrong version of God and creates the next generation of "me" centered individuals.”
Shannon L. Alder

Shannon L. Alder
“What people can get you or do for you will never replace a person that will influence you to be a better person.”
Shannon L. Alder

Shannon L. Alder
“Always do good for others because when people try to drag your name through the mud, God will always bring a storm to wash it away.”
Shannon L. Alder

Sandi Toksvig
“You must stand up for everyone’s right to be who they are— otherwise you may find one day that it is you who is singled out, who is seen as different, and then there will be no one to defend you.” After”
Sandi Toksvig, Hitler's Canary

Shannon L. Alder
“They said my solution was foreign because I lived on another planet. It required honesty. It required communication. It required kindness. It required integrity. It required compassion. It required empathy. It required a deep understanding of what it meant to be humane. It required courage to be something above the others. It required proving your love of God.”
Shannon L. Alder

“It’s important that we speak up for ourselves, but even more important that we speak up for those who cannot.”
Pamela Bobowicz

“Across our country, rather than slavery having ended, it has spread horridly.

So that no matter our color of skin, our creed or persuasion, or our just labors - our industry, our security, our very lives of our sons and daughters, are being taken from us, as our families are harmed, by a small group of elite and power hungry persons.

And those institutions, established for our protection, are employed now, in this very country, for our subjugation, right down to local police. Well paid and infiltrated by the powers wielding unthinkable agendas.

Let my family and its journey of hardship be living proof, that those of us that stand up for all, currently suffer the stones of those that stand only for themselves, and who now stand with hand on triggers, having silenced all but a few voices, who have paid the ultimate price for daring to speak.
For daring to "face down", the few that have systematically and immorally bought, and criminally raised, this specter of a most vile, ancient and hated institution, once more, upon us.

When elections come, know they are being held on a broken wagon, whose wheels need fixed, and safeguards restored, that the precious innocents of all races, all persuasions, all lives, may finally have safety, peace, protection and most of all justice.

We are being told now we have won, but my family still feels the sting and the weight of the chains. We vow as we break ours, to free others. To use what we may gain in restitution, to the freeing and restoring of others yet bound.”
Tom Althouse, The Frowny Face Cow

Abbi Waxman
“This is honestly the best lasagna I've ever had, Lilian. I'm not sure how I ever get Rachel to come out for dinner when she could be eating here all the time."
He smiled at Rachel, but my mother answered him. "It's lucky they inherited my good genes, isn't it, Richard? My girls may not have quite inherited my bone structure, but they both got my metabolism. I can eat like a horse and still stay a size one." She smiled. "I worry a little about Clare, though. She picked up her Dad's slightly chunkier build, didn't you, pudding?"
Rachel caught my eye and looked horrified. I was silent, but it was only because I was building up a proper head of steam. Just as I was about to get to my feet and order her out of my life forever, Clare spoke up.
"It's not about how big or small you are, Grandma, you know." She took another bite of lasagna, and talked around it. "It's about being strong and healthy. You need to eat plenty and run around a lot and drink lots of water and go to sleep early, that's what Mom says.”
Abbi Waxman, The Garden of Small Beginnings

Carissa Broadbent
“Do not,' Raihn said sharply, 'speak about her that way.”
Carissa Broadbent, The Serpent and the Wings of Night

Katie McGarry
“Call Stella 'Trash Can Girl' again and I'll beat the h--- out of you. In fact, call her or anyone else anything ever again and I'll do the same. I'm done saying nothing. I'm done letting you treat people like crap. Do you hear me?”
Katie McGarry, Red at Night

Stewart Stafford
“Never think that hatred and prejudice are the exclusive problems of any particular group in society or the world. When we become inured to hate's virulence, it has time to thrive, spread and reach everyone eventually. So take no comfort from the fact that others are suffering today and not you. The mirror of empathy makes us witnesses our own future torment.”
Stewart Stafford

Stewart Stafford
“Never think that hatred and prejudice are the exclusive problems of any particular group in society or the world. When we become inured to hate's virulence, it has time to thrive, spread and reach everyone eventually. So take no comfort from the fact that others are suffering today and not you. The mirror of empathy makes us witnesses to our own future torment.”
Stewart Stafford

Abbi Waxman
“First of all, Mr. Cheating Bastard, this is no time to be insulting my car-care abilities, and secondly, she doesn't want to talk to you."
He hung his head. "It is true, I have been a bad husband, a stupid man, and a careless friend, but I love my wife and I must talk to her."
He really looked dreadful, which was satisfying. I shook my head.
"Did you just arrive?" He nodded. "Then you haven't unpacked yet, which will save you some time. Go back to Italy, Berto, back to your little girlfriend."
"She is gone. It is over."
I switched over to disgusted frown. "Well. Maggie is not a consolation prize, shithead. She's the trophy, the Pulitzer, the Nobel. The fact that your girlfriend dumped you means nothing. Go home.”
Abbi Waxman, The Garden of Small Beginnings

Amanda Elliot
“You ran out of there, but we assumed it was because you were upset about your dish and because your mentor was being... well, kind of a jerk. And then before he could say anything more, Kaitlyn ran in snapping and snarling, calling Derek every name in the book and asking him, and I quote, 'why the fuck he showed his face in this studio.' Then she threw a meatball at him."
I blinked. "She threw a meatball at him?"
"Yes. Hit him right on the cheek. He's lucky it was soft and broke apart upon impact, as a good meatball should."
Despite everything, I felt a smile twitch at my lips.”
Amanda Elliot, Sadie on a Plate

Chandra Blumberg
“I'm pretty sure the only thing that makes you look bad is how eager you were to invalidate a colleague's role in a groundbreaking discovery." She stood, scraping her chair against the concrete. Shouldered her purse and looked down at Dr. Yates, waiting for him to meet her eyes. Then she summoned her last reserve of courage and found her voice.
"The choice is yours, Dr. Yates. Lose out on access to the discovery of a lifetime, or give a deserving man his job back.”
Chandra Blumberg, Digging Up Love

Jamie Wesley
“There’s been some speculation that Donovan is dating you to get a better contract with the Knights,” she continued.
Fury rose in Donovan so fast it damn near obscured his vision. A loud guffaw stopped him from setting Kayla so straight she’d never look askance again.
Jada slapped her hand on the table. “Are you serious right now? He’s dating me to get a better contract? That would be a big fat hell no. He’s the most upstanding man I’ve ever met and the last person to ever do something so underhanded. He didn't even know who I was when we first met. Please apologize to him right now or I will walk off this show.”
Jada was deadly serious. She looked for all the world like a warrior ready to defend her family. He was touched beyond belief. Despite everything that had gone down between them, despite the way he’d hurt her feelings in that supply closet, she still had his back.”
Jamie Wesley, Fake It Till You Bake It

Heather Webber
“Aunt Glory mentioned that you weren't able to see Emme's true colors, so you don't know what she's like deep down."
I recalled the look in Emme's eyes last night while we stood in the garage. "I know enough to know she's not going to steal my silver."
Mama's voice rose. "You're being narrow-minded."
"Me?" I snapped, suddenly hurting all over. "I think that phrase better suits you right now.”
Heather Webber, In the Middle of Hickory Lane

Debatrayee Banerjee
“You know what I have learnt, when you can't stand up for others you lack the spine, which means you can never truly stand up for your own self. And vice versa. It is as basic and simple as that, when you can't man up the courage and voice up against the evils of this society, you become a part of that evil cycle, you become the very vacuum through which the injustices flow. But it's not your fault, it's called Spine, and God hasn't really graced everyone with it.

Anyway, this isn't gonna be a talk invested on such creatures, neither on those who try their hardest to pull others down by body-shaming, age-shaming, ganging up to mock and ridicule, in short being a bully to those their darkness can't withstand the Light of.

This is for everyone, Woman and Man, who's faced such a bully in their personal space, workspace or even in their random space. You guys, stay in your Light and remember when someone is literally shaken by your power and feel their failures as a living success on your being, they try to pull you down. It's like their mind cannot fathom how you shine all along that too so spontaneously and palpably, while those poor insecure beings have to literally wear a mask or turn in tactics that their soul knows the cost of.

This is for everyone, who stands up for their own selves and for every other soul who they see deserve (no, not need but deserve, these two words have very different connotations) their support at the moment, to fight the menaces of this evil system.
This is a Thank You note to every soul who fights these Bullies with a fierce strength and sunshine.
You go, guys.
You've got this.

Every day, we lose countless people from suicides to depression, and one of the core reasons to that is always going to be these cruel and worthless beings who try to pull down another only to feel their worth, because of their own insecurities; we lose good people from children to adults, because certain dark creatures are too loud in their derogatory treatment, and certain 'neutral' people find it difficult to take a stand (after all, those words weren't hurled at you, right?), but you see that's the thing we gotta tell the good people, that their goodness is their strength not weakness, we gotta tell them to raise their voices for themselves, because honestly one clear voice is enough, always enough.
You don't have to be loud to be heard.
And if you think, they are too many and you're just one, remember a sheep moves in a herd, a lioness, oh she roars baby, and that's just pretty much enough.

And if this gives you Strength, remember every time someone tries to pull you down, someone bullies you, it's just a reflection of their own insecurities; it has absolutely nothing to do with you.
Remember who you are, and walk with your Head up.

And if you're fortunate, you will find some support coming your way in the shape of like-minded souls, true friends and souls who know what it takes to be human and stand up with a clear spine, and then be gracious enough to thank them with all your soul.

So this one's for them, who know their worth and have the heart to stand up for what's important not only for their own sake but for others around.
Because when you fight to let your goodness shine on an individual level, you also channelise the spirit of fighting for the good at the collective level.

Hope this reaches and gives courage and strength to at least a single being, remember you've got this, already.

Love & Light, always
- Debatrayee”
Debatrayee Banerjee

Elle McNicoll
“You're in History class with me, right, Kim? Russian history with Mr. Ross? Well, guess what? My sister and her horrible friends are like Stalin and his cabinet. You're only in until someone decides you're a traitor and then you're out. Your days are numbered.”
Elle McNicoll, Keedie