Serving God Quotes

Quotes tagged as "serving-god" Showing 121-150 of 465
“The idea of life is maximizing your time and living and effective life”
Sunday Adelaja

“No amount of service we do can impress God, only our service to ordinary people can”
Sunday Adelaja

“Don’t equate effective living to being busy”
Sunday Adelaja

“A busy life is not necessarily an effective life”
Sunday Adelaja

“Being dynamic doesn’t necessarily mean you live an effective life”
Sunday Adelaja

“An effective life is not determined by how long you lived”
Sunday Adelaja

“The effectiveness of your life is not determined by the duration of your life”
Sunday Adelaja

“Life is not about longevity but about effectiveness”
Sunday Adelaja

“The effectiveness of your life is determined by how much impact you make”
Sunday Adelaja

“Our target as believers is to live an effective life, not just a long one”
Sunday Adelaja

“The effectiveness of your life is determined by your ability to convert your time into values”
Sunday Adelaja

“The way you spend your time daily determines how effective your life will be”
Sunday Adelaja

“It’s either you are converting your time or not”
Sunday Adelaja

“You must detach yourself from the stereotypical life to live an effective one”
Sunday Adelaja

“The secret of effective living is detachment”
Sunday Adelaja

“Being married or having children does not mean you are living an effective life”
Sunday Adelaja

“To live an effective life, you have to turn your back on the things of the world”
Sunday Adelaja

“Effectiveness of life is not in self aggrandising”
Sunday Adelaja

“Being rich or famous does not equate an effective life”
Sunday Adelaja

“An effective life is anchored on the ability to look into your life and see results in line with your creation”
Sunday Adelaja

“Effectiveness of love must be measured by concrete results”
Sunday Adelaja

“Effectiveness of life should be measured by the results in the area of your calling or purpose”
Sunday Adelaja