
Scribe Quotes

Quotes tagged as "scribe" Showing 1-17 of 17
A.W. Tozer
“Between the scribe who has read and the prophet who has seen there is a difference as wide as the sea. We are today overrun with orthodox scribes, but the prophets, where are they? The hard voice of the scribe sounds over evangelicalism, but the Church waits for the tender voice of the saint who has penetrated the veil and has gazed with inward eye upon the Wonder that is God. And yet, thus to penetrate, to push in sensitive living experience into the holy Presence, is a privilege open to every child of God.”
A.W. Tozer, The Pursuit of God: The Human Thirst for the Divine

Alberto Manguel
“Ancient Egypt 1300BC
Be a scribe! Engrave this in your heart
So that your name might live on like theirs!
The scroll is better than the carved stone.
A man has died: his corpse is dust,
And his people have passed from the land.
It is a book that makes him be remembered
In the mouth of the speaker who reads him.”
Alberto Manguel, A History of Reading

“Life writes the poetry, but it will always call for witnesses and scribes alike to tattoo its echoes upon the ghosts of trees.”
Ged Thompson ~Poet

Wayne Gerard Trotman
“May it be written. May it be done.”
Wayne Gerard Trotman, Veterans of the Psychic Wars

Stephen         King
“I'm not asking you to come reverently or unquestioningly; I'm not asking you to be politically correct or cast aside your sense of humor (please God you have one). This isn't a popularity contest, it's not the moral Olympics, and it's not church. But it's Writing, damn it, not washing the car or putting on eyeliner. If you can take it seriously, we can do business. If you can't or won't, it's time for you to close the book and do something else. Wash the car, maybe.”
Stephen King


Under the wings
Of the feathered Goddess
And in the middle
Of the three dancing women,
The scribe comes alive
To reveal mysteries hidden
Through divine gifts given
The scribe is driven
On his mission
To wake up
All the universe's
Men, women and
Heavenly children.
Under the seven rays of Aten,
And from the age of just ten,
The scribe comes alive
With the ink
Of his luminous pen.
Below the spectacle of the moon,
And in the smile of the sun,
The scribe is here to show us
How we are all one.

THE SCRIBE by Suzy Kassem”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

Wayne Gerard Trotman
“May the scribes record it.”
Wayne Gerard Trotman, Veterans of the Psychic Wars

“The scribe is regarded as one who hears,
For the hearer becomes a doer.”
Miriam Lichtheim, Ancient Egyptian Literature, Volume I: The Old and Middle Kingdoms

Emma Törzs
“Crystals of old honey on her body's tongue, long hardened, were loosening in the warmth of her spilling blood, turning from grain to syrup, a slow sweet hum of wings unfurling from deep within her and looping outward, solid and multitudinous, the comb in her chest and the workers in her veins, and the hive all around her.”
Emma Törzs, Ink Blood Sister Scribe

J. Neven-Pugh
“Some days I feel more like a scribe than a creator. I will have the major points fleshed out, but there is always a turn or two that I didn't see coming, or which came earlier than I expected it to, or not at all...”
J. Neven-Pugh

H.S. Crow
“I am a weapon created by my people, a defiant shout against the looming hand of our own folly.”
H.S. Crow

A.K. Kuykendall
“Witch witch witch witch witch witch - witch witch witch witch witch witch - witch witch witch witch witch witch, which witch are you?”
A.K. Kuykendall

Thomas Cahill
“I who have copied down this story, or more accurately fantasy, do not credit the details of the story, or fantasy. Some things in it are devilish lies, and some are poetical figments; some seem possible and others not; some are for the enjoyment of idiots.”
Thomas Cahill

“In the world of subscribers, own the book.”p”
Goitsemang Mvula

Steven Magee
“Publishing short quotes surpassed the fame of being an author of books.”
Steven Magee

Emma Törzs
“Maybe he should apologise for the version of himself that would've accepted the loss of her life and filled a pen with her blood. But how exactly did one apologise for theoretical monstrosity? He wasn't very good at apologising for things he had done.”
Emma Törzs, Ink Blood Sister Scribe