
Sale Quotes

Quotes tagged as "sale" Showing 1-30 of 40
“In this city [Tingis] the Libyans say that Antaeus is buried; and Sertorius had his tomb dug open, the great size of which made him disbelieve the Barbarians. But when he came upon the body and found it to be sixty cubits long, as they tell us, he was dumbfounded, and after performing a sacrifice filled up the tomb again, and joined in magnifying its traditions and honours. Now, the people of Tingis have a myth that after the death of Antaeus, his wife, Tinga, consorted with Heracles, and that Sophax was the fruit of this union, who became king of the country and named a city which he founded after his mother; also that Sophax had a son, Diodorus, to whom many of the Libyan peoples became subject, since he had a Greek army composed of the Olbians and Mycenaeans who were settled in those parts by Heracles. But this tale must be ascribed to a desire to gratify Juba, of all kings the most devoted to historical enquiry; for his ancestors are said to have been descendants of Sophax and Diodorus. [The Life of Sertorius]”
Plutarch, Parallel Lives

Stephen         King
“And what would they find on sale? His sanity? Could be. Half-Price. Smoke and Water Damage. Everything Must Go.”
Stephen King, It

Richie Norton
“There is only one way to make money: sell something. You're either selling your time or a product. The secret? Productize your time. That's freedom.”
Richie Norton

Ljupka Cvetanova
“I came, I saw, I bought!”
Ljupka Cvetanova, The New Land

Jarod Kintz
“Why miss a SALE at twenty dollars, when people will buy at $19.95? I've found that the opportunity to save that nickel really makes people say YES to buying a NEW duck.”
Jarod Kintz, Music is fluid, and my saxophone overflows when my ducks slosh in the sounds I make in elevators.

Pliny the Elder
“At the same distance from it is the city of Sala, situate on a river which bears the same name, a place which stands upon the very verge of the desert, and though infested by troops of elephants, is much more exposed to the attacks of the nation of the Autololes, through whose country lies the road to Mount Atlas, the most fabulous locality even in Africa.

[...] There formerly existed some Commentaries written by Hanno, a Carthaginian general, who was commanded, in the most flourishing times of the Punic state, to explore the sea-coast of Africa. The greater part of the Greek and Roman writers have followed him, and have related, among other fabulous stories, that many cities there were founded by him, of which no remembrance, nor yet the slightest vestige, now exists. [V,1]”
Pliny the Elder, Natural History, Volume I: Books 1-2

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Buying something you do not need is a waste of money, even if it is a bargain.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Will Advise
“I'm selling Jarod's life today. I mean virginity. He has no life. Email admin@allthegoodonesarealreadytaken.com for more information and please try to catch our special delivery at double-price deals, which will be posted somewhere on the internet at random, every other Tuesday, for half a night (on the previous day), unless it’s a Saturday, in which case you’ll have to wait and hope until the destined day comes and takes you away to heaven, which unfortunately, does not exist, except in the imagination of carefully selected individuals.”
Will Advise

Will Advise
“In days long past, Jarod said he’d write a sentence about my love, translated in Russian, and that sentence, like my love, is clearly not for sale, unlike his virginity, or this book, which I’m both offering at ten times the market value, so hurry up and buy now, before it goes down.”
Will Advise, Nothing is here...

Ehsan Sehgal
“It is not difficult to find it everywhere in the world that love is on the sale, including the free sex.”
Ehsan Sehgal
tags: sale

Peter S. Beagle
“Oh, Lor' bless ou , mum,' Azazel answered quickly, 'I am laden with all sorts of gimcracks and gaudy gewgaws, fripperies, filigrees, and fooleries, not to mention frivolities, fancies, and fiddledeedees. I have all kinds of iridescent idiocies, and any number of oddities, ordinary or obsolescent, as well as a fair supply of spangled sillinesses, though I may as well warn you, they're taking those off the market, and I won't be able to get you no spare parts nor replacements, ayup, I also carry, of course, a stock of the commoner baubles and jinglements for those whose tastes lies there. Also gum for the children, those as have them.”
Peter S. Beagle, The Last Unicorn: The Lost Journey

Steven Magee
“After shopping the online Black Friday sales, I found that my computer was infested with junk that was making it run really slow.”
Steven Magee

Ehsan Sehgal
“Neither wait nor expect such things since love is never on sale.”
Ehsan Sehgal
tags: sale

“Sales and marketing alignment is about one shared goal: revenue that is delivered or over-delivered every quarter. There will always be tension, but that tension can be positive if there is a culture of clear expectations and communication.”
Craig Rosenberg

“Sales is an outcome, not a goal. It’s a function of doing numerous things right, starting from the moment you target a potential prospect until you finalize the deal.”
Jill Konrath

“As marketing converges with customer service and sales, marketing today is more about helping and less about hyping.”
Joel Book

Dave Stein
“If an opportunity isn't effectively qualified, the sales rep will operate under the mistaken impression that the deal is theirs to win.”
Dave Stein

“What differentiates sellers today is their ability to bring fresh ideas.”
Jill Konrath

“To build a long-term, successful enterprise, when you don't close a sale, open a relationship.”
Patricia Fripp

Michael Hyatt
“Marketing is really just about sharing your passion.”
Michael Hyatt

Chris Brogan
“Marketers need to build digital relationships and reputation before closing a sale.”
Chris Brogan

Sijin BT
“Behind every sale there is a smile.”
Sijin Bt

Sijin BT
“Retailing is the art of making habits and the business of maintaining habits.”
Sijin Bt

“They sell the family parrot to town gossips.”

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“We reduce the price of a product when we lack the skills, money, or patience to greatly increase the number of people who know about the product.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Utibe Samuel Mbom
“Sell yourself, else another person will steal and sell you at a heavy cost.”
Utibe Samuel Mbom, The Event Usher’s Handbook

Ehsan Sehgal
“You are maybe able to force my body to sale, for any purpose. However, you cannot win my thoughts without love and my consent.”
Ehsan Sehgal
tags: sale

Jarod Kintz
“People who wait for your service to go on sale are saying they don’t value you. They like you, but they’d like you better if you were more exploitable.”
Jarod Kintz, A Memoir of Memories and Memes

Jarod Kintz
“I just called a How's My Driving phone number. Why did someone in Branson, Missouri pick up and try to sell me a timeshare condo?”
Jarod Kintz, A Memoir of Memories and Memes

“Once you put yourself on the sale rack, it’s hard to go back to full price.”
Tunde Oyeneyin, Speak: Find Your Voice, Trust Your Gut, and Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be
tags: sale, value

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