
Romantic Poetry Quotes

Quotes tagged as "romantic-poetry" Showing 1-30 of 51
“Brahma and Airavata

Long ago in lands of golden sand
Brahma turned to Saraswati
and gently kissed her inked hand....”
Muse, Enigmatic Evolution

Christopher Hitchens
“Offered a job as book critic for Time magazine as a young man, Bellow had been interviewed by Chambers and asked to give his opinion about William Wordsworth. Replying perhaps too quickly that Wordsworth had been a Romantic poet, he had been brusquely informed by Chambers that there was no place for him at the magazine. Bellow had often wondered, he told us, what he ought to have said. I suggested that he might have got the job if he'd replied that Wordsworth was a once-revolutionary poet who later became a conservative and was denounced by Browning and others as a turncoat. This seemed to Bellow to be probably right. More interesting was the related question: What if he'd kept that job?”
Christopher Hitchens, Hitch 22: A Memoir

“There is something so captivating about her,
like a butterfly, she flutters
about from person to person,
— always leaving them to want more!”
Anmol Kang, Of Love Lust & Lies: Anmol Kang

Cheyenne Sioux
“I lay down my armor and find solace in the moonlit melodies of your heart.”
Cheyenne Sioux, Sincerely Yours Forever, C.s.

“كان لي صحبٌ وغابوا…
كان لي قلبٌ حجرْ…”
Mahdi Mansour

Abhijit Naskar
“To lose you is to die before death. To be lost in you is to find oneself.”
Abhijit Naskar, Woman Over World: The Novel

Abhijit Naskar
“Love with your eyes, and it'll fade in a year,
Love with your horns, it'll fade even sooner.
Fall in love with the being beyond the body,
And you'll have your messy but sweet everafter.”
Abhijit Naskar, Amor Apocalypse: Canım Sana İhtiyacım

Abhijit Naskar
“Let me tell you what is love,
What is it to be enamored in caring!
Reputation, remuneration, turn distant memory,
That is the first sign of love's awakening.”
Abhijit Naskar, Amor Apocalypse: Canım Sana İhtiyacım

Lord Byron
“If I had never lived, that which I love / Had still been living; had I never loved, / That which I love would still be beautiful-- / Happy and giving happiness. What is she? / What is she now?--a sufferer for my sins-- / A thing I dare not think upon--or nothing.”
Lord Byron, Manfred and Other Poems

Lord Byron
“If I had never lived, that which I love had still been living; had I never loved, that which I love would still be beautiful--happy and giving happiness. What is she? What is she now?--a sufferer for my sins--a thing I dare not think upon--or nothing.”
Lord Byron, Manfred and Other Poems

Abhijit Naskar
“If I Lose Thee (The Sonnet)

If I lose thee,
All glory feels like gutter.
If I lose thee,
All joy seems to disappear.
If I lose thee,
All ambition is damnation.
If I lose thee,
All applause is condemnation.
If I lose thee,
All success is downfall.
If I lose thee,
All morning is nightfall.
To lose you is to die before death.
To be lost in you is to find oneself.”
Abhijit Naskar, Woman Over World: The Novel

Abhijit Naskar
“When I Found Thee (The Sonnet)

When I found thee,
40 inch chest turned 50.
When I found thee,
A savage mind realized humanity.
When I found thee,
A poor vagabond became a beacon.
When I found thee,
A cowardly heart became a lion.
Every cunning tradesman says,
The trade of love is sheer torment.
I say, better love and be hurt,
For wounds of love are a lover's ornament.
You appeared, and I found hope in every corner.
Even amidst all hell I saw paradise appear.”
Abhijit Naskar, Woman Over World: The Novel

Abhijit Naskar
“My Sanctuary (The Sonnet)

Next to the sea of arabia,
I laid my eyes on a fairytale.
At her sight the continents vanished,
At her voice all scores turned stale.
I sat there at the back listening,
As she stood up at the podium to speak.
One distant glance was enough,
And I forgot that I was a scientist.
My native land had given me nothing but heartache,
But the syllables of her lips caressed me as ointment.
In a long time I felt at peace, without the rush of chase,
My tired soul found sanctuary in her elysian presence.
But mark me well, love is not about being the recipient,
It's about caring even without the other's awareness.”
Abhijit Naskar

Abhijit Naskar
“In a long time I felt at peace, without the rush of chase, my tired soul found sanctuary in her elysian presence.”
Abhijit Naskar

Abhijit Naskar
“Ruined Lover (The Sonnet)

It isn't wrong to want,
To be with someone.
Whether they reciprocate,
Is not your decision.
You cannot force love,
To force love is to ruin it.
All you can do is reach out,
Even at the risk of being ruined.
Love never cares about reputation,
If it did it wouldn't be love.
If you can still think logical,
You are anything but in love.
Logic is but poison in love's domain.
Let all ego be washed away by love's pouring rain.”
Abhijit Naskar, Find A Cause Outside Yourself: Sermon of Sustainability

Abhijit Naskar
“The more a being is broken in love,
The more whole a being becomes.
Awareness is born of brokenness,
It's in darkness that insight comes.

It is in darkness that,
heart shines the brightest,
It is darkness that shows the lane.
Don't lose heart, o lover loco,
Everybody can love when happy,
Only a few can love in pain.”
Abhijit Naskar, Amor Apocalypse: Canım Sana İhtiyacım

Abhijit Naskar
“Like a bolt from the blue love rises,
Suddenly one finds a mirror.
The beauty you find in the other,
Is what you hold in your innermost corner.

Suddenly we lose our voice,
To speak in love is blasphemy.
Declare your love without saying a word,
Either be an orator or lover on knees.

If they don't hear your silence,
Words won't do you any good.
Listen to the silence beyond the words,
And you shall hear the divine tune.”
Abhijit Naskar, Amor Apocalypse: Canım Sana İhtiyacım

Abhijit Naskar
“Crueler the punishment, braver the love,
It is no love that avoids punishment.
Only half lovers try to keep pain at bay,
Soaked in pain true lovers emerge triumphant.”
Abhijit Naskar, Himalayan Sonneteer: 100 Sonnets of Unsubmission

Abhijit Naskar
“It takes a lot of heart to build trust,
Even more to keep the trust.
But what if both hearts are in pieces,
How will they ever overcome their past!

The answer is really quite simple, and yet,
It is the last revelation to be crystal clear.
Seek not for perfection but for the being,
Broken in heart but intact in character.

The road to joy is paved with broken hearts,
Broken heart is something to cherish not mourn.
Heart not broken is a heart devoid of life,
That's how the pieces of two fit together as one.”
Abhijit Naskar, Yarasistan: My Wounds, My Crown

“فكّر بها…
هي سوف تعرف كلما فكرت بامرأةٍ سواها…
فكّر بها…
هي تستحق الشمس تسطع في سماها!
فكّر بها،
من بين كل العاشقات تراك أنت، ومن شقوق المفردات تشمّ رائحة النساء الأخريات…
وليس يؤلمها ارتحالك، إنما تبكي عليك اذا نزلت لغيرها عن مستواها…”
Mahdi Mansour

“سيستغرق الجرح وقتاً ليكتشف الليل حزن القمرْ…
هنا الأرض أضيق من رغبتي بالبكاء،
وهذي السماء،على الرغم من كل بهجتها في المساء…
ورغم اتساع المدى واخضرار الشجرْ…
عروقيَ خيطان طائرةً في بلادي،
وقلبي حجرْ…
دعيني أصدّق عينيك يا حلوتي،
كلّ من كان خان،
دعيني أصدق أنّ يديك اهتدائي الأخير إلى لغتي الواعدةْ…
دعيني أفسر جوع العصافير وهي تحوم على سورة المائدةْ!
دعيني أفكر بي، وبنا، وبمن قال إن الهويات نصلٌ بأحلامنا الهامدةْ…
لماذا تظل البلاد التي عذبتنا طويلاً ندوباً بأرواحنا الباردةْ؟
وهل نحن نرحل ما دام تبقى البيوت ثقوباً بأجسادنا الشاردةْ!
لقد قطّعتنا البلاد إلى حطب من رحيلٍ،
وقد أحرقتنا اشتياقاً،
لماذا تحنّ الغصون إلى الريح والشجرة الجاحدة؟
على غرقٍ أبيض حين أكتب
أسكب كل القصائد
في دمعة واحدةْ؟”
Mahdi Mansour

“الأدراج: قصائد المدن نحو معانيها العالية…

على أيّ درب أواعدُ عينيكِ...
والأمنيات ثكالى
وكلّ الدروبِ بلا آخرِ...
تعبنا نفتّش عن حلمٍ واحدٍ للبقاء..
فلمْ تلتفت نجمةٌ في الحنين إلى غربةِ العابرِ
نُسينا وحيدين حتى تقاسَمنا الوجدُ والطارئون
فما همَّ من باع عهد الضياع ومن يشتري
وصافحني سيف هذا الرحيل..
وقد كنت غمداً أصيلاً
فلم أخسر العنفوانَ ولم تخسري”
Mahdi Mansour

“ما من مكان سكنته إلا وسكنني..
‏ أشعر أني مدينة ...”
Mahdi Mansour

“في حضنها كن ندى.. كن غيمةً... مطرا‬
واغمض يديك على نيرانها لترى
لن تفهم الحب، حاول إن وقعت به
أن تفهم الفأس لا أن تفهم الشجرا...
ولا تفكّر كثيراً، دع غداً لغدٍ
كن عاشقاً، أجمل الأغصان ما انكسرا

خف من بقائكما لا من رحيلكما
لن تحبس الريح مهما تحبس الوترا
لا ورد يملك عطراً، وهو يسكنه
والليل مهما سرى لن يملك القمرا
دعها تحبك... دعها أن تحب... غداً
يبقى من العمر... حبّ كان... وانتثرا...”
Mahdi Mansour

“كلّ سهمٍ في أضلعي وفؤادي
جاء ممّن أحبّهم يا بلادي..”
Mahdi Mansour

“منتظراً، مثلكِ، وعداً من خلف البحرِ
ومنهمراً مثل الأمطارِ على بيروتَ،
وأقنعُ نفسي ألا ضير بقفزٍ من سطح الغيم إلى بئر الحب..
وأكتبُ: في موت القطراتِ حياةْ
كالموجِ أميلُ يساراً جهةَ القلبِ، أفكرُ أين سأصبح بعد كتابين من الآن،
أصوّرُ نفسي حتى لا أتصوّرُ نفسي من غير يديك وأحلمُ بالآتْ...
ضوءُ نهارٍ آخرَ فوق الشاطئ ماتْ
تنكسرُ على قدم المقهى أحلامُ البحرِ وأمواجُ العاشرِ من آذار... كما تنكسر على شفتي الكلماتْ
في آخرِ سطرٍ في دفتر هذي الليلةِ أكتبُ:
كفّاكِ سفينةُ نوحٍ...
صدركِ: ذهبُ الله الأبيضُ..
قلبكِ: كبريتٌ يشتعلُ جمالاً وطموحْ
شفتاكِ: عناقيدٌ تحلمُ أن تُعتصرَ نبيذاَ أبدياً...
وتُعتّق في خابيةِ الروحْ
هل قلتُ يداكِ سفينةُ نوحٍ..
نسيتُ التوضيح:
حياتي نوحْ...”
Mahdi Mansour

“Painting of love

This afternoon I saw a painting hanging on the wall,
It was of a maiden in the prime of her beauty,
The background was painted in rainbow colours, one and all,
I had every reason to admire the artists sagacity,

Her form looked perfect worthy of every appreciation,
Her eyes interacted with mine,
Her lips had a strong and intense red sensation,
And from her arose feelings divine,

Although it was just a portrait,
A still painting hanging on the still wall,
She was a feeling that moved through eyes into the heart without any freight,
And in me, just like other mesmerised onlookers, she did feelings of life and love install,

Maybe I only felt so, maybe I wanted to feel so,
Because her eyes, her form, her everything reminded me of someone,
And I imagined her in this painting on the wall, and I allowed my mind to believe so,
As long as she did not remind me of anyone, or everyone, but just her, my special someone,

So I sat there looking at the painting on the wall,
I admired the salient aspects of her colourful beauty,
And now I too was still, still like the painting and still like the dead wall,
Now, not the painting, but the stillness it exuded had become my new propensity,

Like a flower that is beautiful in the presence of the beauty that holds itself within it so still,
A state where all conflicts are exhumed and everything that represents profanity dies,
That is when this painting with million joys my heart fills in the life’s unforgiving mill,
And recreates her colourful visions within me, and now my life just on them relies,

So, I often visit the painting on the wall, still hanging there,
And maybe it will be so always,
Until one day I find it everywhere,
Because I wish to love her in a million ways, in the narrow lanes, on the byways and all the highways!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

Krupesh Thacker
“तुम यही थे, तुम यही हो, तुम रहोगे साथ सदा,
तुम दूर हो गए हमसे पर, ना हुए जुदा।”
Krupesh Thacker, Na Hue Judaa (ना हुए जुदा): Poetic Love Story with Romantic Poems

Krupesh Thacker
“अब तेरी प्यारी वो बातें, मेरे चहेरे का नूर है,
तू नही है पर मेरी साँसें, तेरी खुश्बू से भरपूर है,”
Krupesh Thacker, Na Hue Judaa (ना हुए जुदा): Poetic Love Story with Romantic Poems

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