
Rishi Quotes

Quotes tagged as "rishi" Showing 1-5 of 5
“What is the tragic part of the religious world? Nobody had the ideas what is God. If they knew it then there would not be any temple, mosque or church. Only the great Vedic Rishis (sages) conceived it. They understood that man becomes God and so they have not stopped after saying “Tatwamasi Svetoketo” (svetoketo, ‘That art Thou’. Thereafter they said,”you are born to be universal’ (Twam jato bhabasi Viswotamukhah).”
Sri Jibankrishna or Diamond

“The gods are immortal and who are saying so? Human beings are saying so. They hoped to become immortal by creating imaginary deities. In Upanishads we see that the Rishis are praying ‘Take me from death to immortality’. They are not praying for the imaginary deities, they are praying for themselves. The Vedic Rishis or sages were also human beings, and so they are praying for immortality of the human beings.”
Sri Jibankrishna or Diamond

“The Higher Self does not need a walk-in at the Avatar Level or any level because the Higher Self already exists as a consciousness, thus a walk-in is an overshadowing of benevolent power — or malevolent power — to either upgrade or downgrade a person’s frequency, awareness, and intelligence in order to take action. In essence, the Walk-In is a separate Being that guides the 3D person on how to take action to fulfill a specific mission. There is still free will choice for the 3D person, so a person can choose to go against divine right order.”
Deborah Bravandt

“There are 15 dimensions in our time and space matrix.

The 15-dimensions break down into 5 Harmonic Universes called HU.

You live in HU1, which encompasses dimensions 1, 2, and 3 and holds your physical body and Inner Child.

HU2 holds dimensions 4, 5, and 6 and your Soul.

HU3 holds dimensions 7, 8, and 9 and your Over Soul.

HU4 holds dimensions 10, 11, and 12 and your Avatar, which is often called the Christ or Buddha Consciousness.

HU5 holds dimensions 13, 14, and 15 and your Rishi identity.

When you receive DNA Activation, these fragmented parts are healed and reassembled, creating a true state of At-ONE-ment with Source. This is the true evolutionary path of human consciousness.”
Deborah Bravandt

“So many thousand years have passed, Upanishad narrates that Rishi Jagyabalka was saying, ‘Those who worship others except himself, they are like the offered animal for ritualistic performances.’ That means they are animals. How foolishness! A man is God or Brahma. Oh! The whole human race is Brahma or God. And I will not accept anything except human being because I have got no proof of other objects. So let others be kept aside. Some hundreds of years ago, Chandidas said, ‘Above all man is the Truth, nothing is above that’. This living human being is the Truth, nothing else is there.”
Sri Jibankrishma or Diamond