Richie Norton Quotes

Quotes tagged as "richie-norton" Showing 61-90 of 102
Richie Norton
“Storm? Shine your light and make a rainbow.”
Richie Norton

Richie Norton
“Believing there is a bridge from where you are to where you want to go is 99% of the battle. The other 1% is to cross it.”
Richie Norton

Richie Norton
“Freedom on the inside comes when validation from the outside doesn’t matter.”
Richie Norton

Richie Norton
“Mentors change lives, but students change mentors’ lives more.”
Richie Norton

Richie Norton
“All too often people pretend to be professional. "Professionalism" is sometimes a facade for fraud. Be pro, but be real. Honesty and transparency combined with character, competence and real results is the key to being a true pro.”
Richie Norton

Richie Norton
“Doing good and dealing with intentional idiots far out weighs sitting back and relaxing.”
Richie Norton

Richie Norton
“Companies preach creativity, hire for conformity and call consultants when they fail who tell them to be more creative.”
Richie Norton

Richie Norton
“Success is not about age, it's about action.”
Richie Norton

Richie Norton
“Never trust a person that tries to sell you by how righteous they are. I'm telling your right now, it's a scam.”
Richie Norton

Richie Norton
“Credibility comes from results. Everything else is just marketing.”
Richie Norton

Richie Norton
“A little conflict can create a lot of creativity.”
Richie Norton

Richie Norton
“Where there is no integrity, there is no unity.”
Richie Norton

Richie Norton
“If you want to double your productively, shorten the timeline to by 50%.”
Richie Norton

Richie Norton
“Turn your self-hell into self-help.”
Richie Norton

Richie Norton
“Personal and private and public and professional lives are blended.

Separating them is what makes a fraud, hypocrite, alter ego.”
Richie Norton

Richie Norton
“TZEDAKAH is a Hebrew word commonly translated as “charity.”

One Jewish leader described tzedakah as having eight levels of charitable giving. The eighth and highest level of giving is described like this:

“The highest form of charity is to help sustain a person before they become impoverished by offering a substantial gift in a dignified manner, or by extending a suitable loan, or by helping them find employment or establish themselves in business so as to make it unnecessary for them to become dependent on others.”

Serve others in a way that helps them become self-reliant (or interdependent) and watch miracles happen for both you and them.”
Richie Norton

Richie Norton
“Jealousy in any form will cloud thinking and form bad habits. Jealousy is an addiction.”
Richie Norton

Richie Norton
“The more you try to do good stuff, the more resistance you'll get.”
Richie Norton

Richie Norton
“The rewards are far better IN the arena than in the stands.”
Richie Norton

Richie Norton
“I'm always amazed that people will stand around books for hours and only look at the spine. I think I should write a book called "the power of having a spine" - #metaphor”
Richie Norton

Richie Norton
“Trust isn't just the greatest currency, it's the only currency. Once trust is gone in any form of currency, the value is gone.”
Richie Norton

Richie Norton
“Marketing is safe. Sales is risky. UNLESS, marketing has done its job. Then sales is safe too.”
Richie Norton

Richie Norton
“Exponential business growth comes from personal development.”
Richie Norton

Richie Norton
“Want creativity? Diversify your experience to develop your creative muscles.”
Richie Norton

Richie Norton
“The parents of politics are lack of control and seeking to control.

The parents of leadership are influence and trust.”
Richie Norton

Richie Norton
“Entrepreneurs get distracted by productivity and miss profits.

Corporate folk get distracted by efficiencies and miss effectiveness.

But ballers? Ballers know the difference between a hack and a hoop every time.

Take your shot.”
Richie Norton

Richie Norton
“When you say the word marketing, do you think of serving? Until you do, you’re going to live far below your highest potential.”
Richie Norton

Richie Norton
“LEADERSHIP is your org chart turned upside down.”
Richie Norton

Richie Norton
“There are literally hundreds of other micro-experiences and incredible experiences that help shape the book. But what really drove it home for me was not only hundreds of years of history that I went through to help formulate the concept of starting something stupid, but practicing it for myself and with hundreds of my own clients.”
Richie Norton