
Relatable Quote Quotes

Quotes tagged as "relatable-quote" Showing 1-9 of 9
Keri Hulme
“I spent a considerable amount of time when I was, o, adolescent, wondering why I was different, whether there were other people like me. Why, when everyone else was fascinated by their developing sexual nature, I couldn't give a damn. I've never been attracted to men. Or women. Or anything else. It's difficult to explain, but while I have an apparently normal female body, I don't have any sexual urge or appetite.”
Kerewin Holmes

“I miss you. No, not just miss you, my heart aches everyday because you're not there. I am so sorry for what I did. All of it. Please, please don't forget me, because the possibility of that hurts more than anything else." - Olivia Kaspen.”
Tarryn Fisher-The Opportunisther

Emiko Jean
“I've always been uncomfortable with compliments, though I have a pathological need for them.”
Emiko Jean, Tokyo Ever After

Arianna Fox
“If someone asked me what one word I'd use to describe my life...without a doubt, it'd be 'complicated.”
Arianna Fox, Sabre Black

“Life tol'ably queer. You think you've got a grip on it, then you open your hands and you find there's nothing in them.”
Alvin C. York

Carol Hedges
“They say home is where the heart is, although in my case, the location of the fridge is also important.”
Carol Hedges, Jigsaw

Caleb Roehrig
“When someone has decided who you are, and they won't let you change their mind, what are you meant to do? Where is left to go?”
Caleb Roehrig, Teach the Torches to Burn

Ernest Hemingway
“Đó là một phần trong cuộc chiến chống lại sự nghèo đói mà ta không bao giờ thắng một khi vẫn còn tiêu xài. Nhất là khi đem tiền đi mua tranh thay vì mua quần áo để mặc. Những lúc ấy chúng tôi không bao giờ xem mình như những người nghèo.”
Ernest Hemingway