
Ray Quotes

Quotes tagged as "ray" Showing 1-30 of 35
Amit Ray
“Your thoughts are your message to the world. Just as the rays are the messages of the Sun.”
Amit Ray, Meditation: Insights and Inspirations

Ray Bradbury
“For if we're destroyed, the knowledge is dead...We're nothing more than dust jackets for books...so many pages to a person...”
Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451

Karen Chance
“I moved to assist, but never got the chance. there was some pretty violent banging for a minute, and then a tearing sound. Finally the stall door flew open, and Ray's shirtless body emerged and started bitch-slapping everything in sight.
His aim was off, probably due to the difficulty of having his eyes on the other side of the room, but he made up for it with sheer determination.”
Karen Chance, Death's Mistress

Toba Beta
“In the beginning..
when ray and day hadn't yet come into existence at all,
there was a kind of radiance that illuminates universe.
That radiance is the light of knowledge and goodness.
That radiance will persistently and consistently shines brightly
even after all the stars and moons in this vast universe died out.”
Toba Beta, My Ancestor Was an Ancient Astronaut

Munia Khan
“Eagle's flight of loneliness soars so high
Around its sigh, no more alone the sky
Other birds remain away, clouds pass by
Between shrouds of life and haze sun rays die”
Munia Khan

Toba Beta
“Light of star gives light on space.
Light of God gives birth to all stars.”
Toba Beta, My Ancestor Was an Ancient Astronaut

Ray Bradbury
“Salta, y deja que te crezcan alas en el camino hacia abajo.”
Ray Bradbury

Michael Bassey Johnson
“POLISH your MIND to reflect the shimmering BEAUTY of your WORDS and ACTIONS.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

Ray N. Kuili
“These days you are considered a weirdo if you live without a phone. Yet nobody cares if you live without a purpose. Anything wrong with that picture?”
Ray N. Kuili, Awakening

Karen Chance
“It never ceases to amaze me how many people think I kill for fun.”
“Don’t you?”
“Well, not just for fun.”
Karen Chance, Death's Mistress

Virgil Kalyana Mittata Iordache
“Sunset, oh sunset, who took the years of my youth. Today you're hiding, maybe last year didn't go so smooth. I've got many questions unanswered and many answers too. You've been with me through joy and pain, I'll spend another moment here with you. When love was in my heart, you were there smiling too. And when it all fell apart, it was again just me and you. As you take another year of my life, may I be able to let it all go to you, take all the memories with it, the time when I was twenty-two. I cannot take regrets, resentment and pain through. With your last rays, light up the candles on my cake. From tomorrow onwards, I'll be a new me, a little more wild or wise, or maybe a bit free.. See you in the morning, the new me will be twenty-three.”
Virgil Kalyana Mittata Iordache

Karen Chance
“I was hoping that the first time you expressed affection for me, it would not be in a room full of strangers. And that you would not have just said it to a sniveling creature like that Raymond!”
“I expressed affection for Ray?”
“Man, I really must be drunk.” Louis-Cesare just looked at me. I blinked politely back, until I realized that he expected a response.”
Karen Chance, In Vino Veritas

Karen Chance
“The only good thing was that by midnight, even most of the bums had gone home to sleep it off. That was lucky for them, because Ray was the worst damn driver I’d ever seen. And that was after I jerked his head out of the duffel and parked it on the dashboard.
“Gah! That makes it worse!” he told me, as I tried to get the eyes facing forward.
“How can it possibly be worse?”
“Because I got double vision now! Get it off! Get it off!”
He batted at his own head and succeeded in sending it tumbling into Christine’s lap. She immediately went into hysterics and slapped it away. The head fell out of the car; Ray hit the brakes and we came to a screeching halt.
“What are you doing?” I screeched, as he hopped out. “There are people firing at us!”
“Tough!” came from somewhere under the car.”
Karen Chance, Death's Mistress

Karen Chance
“You can take him!” Ray whispered in my ear.
“Damn straight.”
The next thing I remember, Ray was fishing me out from under the table. Or, at least, he was trying to, but Scarface’s foot was in the way. “On. Her. Ass,” Scarface said proudly.
“She just slipped,” Ray said, sounding frantic. “Anybody could slip. She’s fine!”
Karen Chance, In Vino Veritas

Munia Khan
“Life becomes meaningful with a loving heart's gift
Upon the ocean of gratitude soul's boat adrift
Invisible expectancy tossed and turned
From the light of memories a blessed ray earned”
Munia Khan

Karen Chance
“That wasn’t so bad,” I decided, after downing the shot. Maybe I was getting my rhythm.
“Because you threw it over your shoulder,” Scarface told me, looking smug.
“Did not.” I looked behind me, only to see an outraged vamp with fey wine dripping down his face. “Oops.”
“It was for luck,” Ray said defensively, wrapping both my hands around a glass.
I drank.”
Karen Chance, In Vino Veritas

Munia Khan
“Fidelity is wearing a mask these days
The sun cannot recognize his own rays”
Munia Khan

Kaiu Shirai
“I want to save them. Emma and the others, Cislo, Barbara and everyone else. In order to do so... I will gladly become a God or a Devil... Emma.”
Kaiu Shirai, 約束のネバーランド 15 [Yakusoku no Neverland 15]

Ralph Waldo Emerson
“The eye was placed where one ray should fall, that it might testify of that particular ray.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson, Self-Reliance: An Excerpt from Collected Essays, First Series

Kenya Wright
“Zulu, we do this quick and easy,” Ray said. “No ripping his chest apart, taking out his heart, and painting his blood across the pavement.”
“Come on. I did that once, and you still won’t leave it alone.” I shrugged my shoulders and leaned back in the van’s backseat.”
Kenya Wright, Caged View

Ray Bradbury
“Eso hubiese sido una paradoja -habló Lesperance-. El tiempo no permite esas confusiones…, un hombre que se encuentra consigo mismo. Cuando va a ocurrir algo parecido, el tiempo se hace a un lado.”
Ray Bradbury, Cuentos del Futuro

Knut Hamsun
“All at once I remember Ylajali. To think that I could have forgotten her the entire evening through! And light forces its way ever so faintly into my spirit again--a little ray of sunshine that makes me so blessedly warm; and gradually more sun comes, a rare, silken, balmy light that caresses me with soothing loveliness. And the sun grows stronger and stronger, burns sharply in my temples, seethes fiercely and glowingly in my emaciated brain. And at last, a maddening pyre of rays flames up before my eyes; a heaven and earth in conflagration men and beasts of fire, mountains of fire, devils of fire, an abyss, a wilderness, a hurricane, a universe in brazen ignition, a smoking, smouldering day of doom!

And I saw and heard no more....”
Knut Hamsun

Zita Steele
“During the 1950s, Grandfather Ray’s volunteerism led him to make one of the greatest achievements of his life—his leadership as an air rescue pilot and commander of the Civil Air Patrol.”
Zita Steele, Makers of America: A Personal Family History

Satyajit Ray
“কোথায় শুটিং হবে, বাবারা?" প্রশ্নটা চুনিবালার।
বললাম, "স্টুডিওতে নয়, একটা কুঁড়েঘরে। গল্পটা এক পুরুতঠাকুরের সংসার নিয়ে। সম্পর্কে আপনি তার দিদি। সেই বুড়ি দিদির ভূমিকায় আপনি অভিনয় করবেন। জায়গাটা এখান থেকে মাইল-পনেরো দূরে। গাড়িতে করে সরাসরি আপনাকে নিয়ে যাব আমরা, তারপর সন্ধের মধ্যেই কাজ শেষ করে এখানে আবার ফিরিয়ে দিয়ে যাব। ধকলটা আপনি সহ্য করতে পারবেন তো?"
"তা পারব। বোধহয় ঠিক এই রকমের একটা সুযোগের জন্যেই শরীরের শেষ শক্তিটুকুকে ধরে রেখেছি।”
Satyajit Ray, My Years With Apu

Steven Magee
“I consider myself fortunate that when I started to work full time with computers that X-Ray emitting cathode ray tube monitors had been replaced by flat panel LED monitors.”
Steven Magee

“Dımê Lüya cambaze yena nat sono dot, zof bena sa ke, Dapire itha niya. Selıke darde we, sıtê Dapire kerd fekê ho sımıt, seke sımıt vake: “Ox, na sıtê Dapire çıxaşi weso, hore sımen-nêsımen qe mırd nêben, meste ki hore yen reyna sımen”.

Seke Lüye uste ’ra ke dünike ra şêro tever, Dapire peê çêveri ra vejiye ame vake: “Dêma ke tuya yena na tholavê sıtê mı ser, tu ala vınde ez na kerdena tu tore verdan”.

Dapire darıya huya de qolê fişte hawara ke purode ro, tavi na helm de Lüye thil bena remena, seke remena, hama dana Lüye ro, dımê Lüye çel beno, destê Dapire de maneno.

Lüye cerena Dapire vero, vana: “Dapire, tore odvo ke reyna nin, sıtê tu nêtıren. Gonia ho ken tora, dımê mı bıde mı, ben hore pê çhalp-çhulpê ho ken”.

Ma endi nae ‘ra têpia Dapire dımê Lüye qe dana cı, Dapire cıra vana: “Tı su, mıre sıte mı biya, ez ki dımê tu dan ve to”. Teseliya Lüye ke kote, hore terknena sona, sona kune era rae, xêle ke sona, senik ke sona, rae ra raste zu Bıza Kole bena. Bıza Kole Bıza Kole lüye ra perskena vana: “ewru qe çêfê tu çino, dıme tuyo rındeki re seviyo”. Lüye vana: “Bıza Kole! Bıza Kole! Seveno heve sıt bıde mı Sıt ben dan Dapire Dapire ki dımê mı dana mı Ez ki dıme ho ben pê çhalp-çhulpê ho ken”. Bıza Kole Lüye ra vana: “Mı ewru qe thoae fekê ho nê esto, so mıre tene velg bia, hore borine, sıt yeno cızıkunê mı, ez ki sıt to dine” Dara Velgi Narae Lüye oncia kuna era rae, sona, xele ke sona, yena cae de raste zu Darê bena. Dare Lüye ra perskena vana: “ma ve”
sanika luye

Kaiu Shirai
“There's A Place We're Getting Shipped To. The Fact That There's A Farm Should Give You An Idea. What Waits Outside Is A Demon's World. Worst-Case Scenario, There Is No Place For Humans To Live. So It's Impossible. If We Take Everyone, We'll All Die. We Have To Leave Them Behind. That's The Best Option.”
Kaiu Shirai, 約束のネバーランド 1

“The densest darkness cannot withstand the smallest ray of light .”
Augusto Branco

“I never want to be stationary again, I will never plant roots in a person, unless I can physically feel them breaking through the dirt and implanting deep within.

Leeching on to the blood supply of the human formation, while simultaneously becoming entangled in the edges of forever.

I will not give permit placement of my soul to anyone that has an underdeveloped heart with a wondering eye. The roots must have nurturing soil with space to spread.”

Ray Bradbury
“Todos deben dejar algo al morir, decía mi abuelo. Un niño o un libro o un cuadro o una casa o una pared o un par de zapatos. O un jardín. Algo que las manos de uno hallan tocado de algún modo. El alma tendrá entonces un lugar a donde ir el día de la muerte, y cuando la gente mire ese árbol, o esa flor, allí estará uno. No importa lo que se haga, decía, mientras uno cambie las cosas. Así, después de tocarlas, quedará en ellas algo de uno.”
Ray Bradbury

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