
Private Thoughts Quotes

Quotes tagged as "private-thoughts" Showing 1-11 of 11
Michael Finkel
“Not for a moment did he consider keeping a journal. He would never allow anyone to read his private thoughts; therefore, he did not risk writing them down. "I'd rather take it to my grave," he said. And anyway, when was a journal ever honest? "It either tells a lot of truths to cover a single lie, " he said, "or a lot of lies to cover a single truth.”
Michael Finkel, The Stranger in the Woods: The Extraordinary Story of the Last True Hermit

China Miéville
“He said, You'll write it not because there's no possibility it'll be found but because it costs too much to not write it.”
China Miéville, This Census-Taker

Sarah J. Maas
“Even as he said my most private thoughts, even as I burned with outrage and shame, I trembled at the grip still on my mind. Rhysand turned to the High Lord. "I'm curious: Why did she wonder if it would feel good to have you bite her breast the way you bit her neck?"
"Let. Her. Go." Tamlin's face was twisted with such feral rage that it struck a different, deeper chord of terror in me.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Thorns and Roses eSampler

“We learn about life by exploring the texture and depth of space that composes our private inner world. In solitude we revisit our wounded feelings, sins, doubts, and deepest despair, replay poignant memories of loved ones, project what we are becoming, and ascertain the purpose of our being.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

Madeline Miller
“I might have told him, in those hours, stories of my own. Scylla and Glaucos, Aeëtes, the Minotaur. The stone wall cutting into my back. The floor of my hall wet with blood, reflecting the moon. The bodies I had dragged one by one down the hill, and burned with their ship. The sound flesh makes when it tears and re-forms and how, when you change a man, you may stop the transformation partway through, and then that monstrous, half-beast thing will die.
His face would be intent as he listened, his relentless mind examining, weighing and cataloguing. However I pretended I could conceal my thoughts as well as he, I knew it was not true. He would see down to my bones. He would gather my weaknesses up and set them with the rest of his collection, alongside Achilles’ and Ajax’s. He kept them on his person as other men keep their knives.”
Madeline Miller, Circe

Bev Flynn

What if I, revealed these feelings
private pieces, cast… at stranger’s eyes
exposing sober thought, and truth
as sentiments, lie deep
interred, inside of me… should they come alive?

to never share, that essence... safe, in mind

Restlessness wordplay, stills me
I was born… unsettled

Through my rage, of self-indulgence
all… those chosen things, I hide
deep and unexposed
stay inconsolable… within the inside”
Bev Flynn, Wordmotifs... and Waterlines

Marie de Rabutin-Chantal de Sévigné
“As for me, I appear to myself quite naked, divested of everything that made me agreeable: I am ashamed to appear in society; and notwithstanding the endeavors that have been used to bring me back to it, I have latterly been like one just come out of the woods; nor could I be otherwise. Few are worthy of understanding what I feel; I have sought those chosen few, and avoided all others.”
Marie Rabutin-Chantal De Sevigne, The Letters of Madame De Sevigne to Her Daughter and Friends

Thatcher Wine
“One of the reasons it is especially tempting to multitask while thinking is because no one can see you thinking. You do it in your brain, and so it’s your own little secret that you are thinking while doing something else.”
Thatcher Wine, The Twelve Monotasks: Do One Thing at a Time to Do Everything Better

Ana Claudia Antunes
“If you are having private thoughts and ask an intimate friend to listen to them in privacy or on a date will that be considered too intimi-dating? And if the thoughts are proved to be untrue, but your friend still insists on believing in them anyway, would that be considered a cons-piracy?”
Ana Claudia Antunes, One Hundred One World Accounts in One Hundred One Word Count

Nitya Prakash
“I had this horrible dream last night where hundreds of strangers were reading my private thoughts.”
Nitya Prakash

Christopher Manske
“Our privacy can serve as a form of protection during times of crisis and can offer a polite boundary of respect and good manners during times of tranquility.”
Christopher Manske, The Prepared Investor: How to Prevent the Next Crisis from Affecting Your Financial Independence