
Philosophical Poetry Quotes

Quotes tagged as "philosophical-poetry" Showing 1-30 of 94
“The highest form of truth is not spoken through words; it is experienced through being.”
Omar Cherif

“It is not a lack of intelligence that holds people back the most. It is fear — often initially caused by repressed traumatic experiences they had gone through when younger. Without bringing these ancient traumas — embodied in their ‘shadow’ — from the darkness to the light, healing remains but a wishful thinking. The “poor little me” mindset manages to hijack their inner beings, rendering them unable to face their own perceived boundaries and limitations, which naturally also makes them unable to transcend them. Fear, you see, remains the driving force behind many harmful behaviours in life. “Let go or be dragged” as the Zen proverb reminds us.”
Omar Cherif

“Pay attention to your dreams and follow them closely to where they may lead you. No matter how crazy or seemingly impossible they appear — to you or the world. Yet, be open to the possibility that the road, even the destination will likely be different than what you had imagined. Then it matters not what actually happens. For the journey becomes the destination, constantly metamorphosing with each and every step along the way. You see, taking a bold leap into the unknown means trusting that you will either land on a feathered bed or you will come to realise that you can fly, perhaps toward undreamed of heights. This, as I conceive, is what flowing through a full life entails: Acknowledging the risks of seeking to materialise your dreams, courageously embracing the uncertainty rather than fearing it, and confidently going for the jump anyway. Abandon the comfort. Float away. Adjust the sails according to the Winds of Change.”
Omar Cherif

“Dare to create your own rituals. Not for anyone else to follow, but for your own Zen well-being.”
Omar Cherif

Soman Gouda
“Someone said, don't become a philosopher until you become rich, i say rich men can't become philosophers, because how can they win over their mind, when they are already lost to money! Wise earn money for the freedom; stupid earns to become a better slave!”
Soman Gouda, YOGI IN SUITS: Christopher Nolan and Vedanta

Soman Gouda
“Its great to have the habit of writing Diary, writing makes you face yourself and accept yourself as what you are and remove all the masks of Hypocrisy.”
Soman Gouda, YOGI IN SUITS: Christopher Nolan and Vedanta

“When the truth
Is the opposite
The silent liars
Are the true criminals

When the truth
Becomes fear
It's altered
But reveal
The memories
Of light

It's the only justice
In this corrupted earth

The Memories Are The Only Justice”
Jazalyn, vViIrRuUsS: I Never Forget

“I used to say: “All religions are somewhat true. But my religion is the truest of them all because I was born into it and never got to choose it.” Now I have transcended this atavistic dogmatic reality tunnel and evolved into spirituality, thereby making me more spiritually enlightened than you.”
Omar Cherif

“Pay attention to your dreams and follow them closely to where they may lead you. No matter how crazy or seemingly impossible they appear — to you or the world. Yet, be open to the possibility that the road, even the destination will likely be different than what you had imagined. Then it matters not what actually happens. For the journey becomes the destination, constantly metamorphosing with each and every step along the way. You see, taking a bold leap into the unknown means trusting that you will either land on a feathered bed or you will come to realise that you can fly, perhaps toward undreamed of heights. This, as I conceive, is what flowing through a full and worthy life entails: Acknowledging the risks of seeking to materialise your dreams, courageously embracing the uncertainty rather than fearing it, and confidently going for the jump anyway. Abandon the comfort. Float away. Adjust the sails according to the Winds of Change.”
Omar Cherif

“A fundamental difference between scripturalism and experimentalism will always exist — in terms of depth of knowledge as well as in terms of Truth; between imitating and creating; between those who follow others’ paths and those who dare exploring uncharted territories and create their own trails. As such, confusing religion with spirituality is like confusing education with intelligence.”
Omar Cherif

“The wisest of all is he who knows how to be rather than merely exist.”
Omar Cherif

“Before knowing who you authentically are at the core you get to know who you aren’t. For knowing what we don’t want is a significant step toward what we do want.”
Omar Cherif

Soman Gouda
“Though it sounds part serendipitous, part enigmatic, part in control, part intractable, it seems like a game to be played void of the knowledge of rules.”
Soman Gouda, Spoor of an Indian Horse

Soman Gouda
“Why are we living? Because we are sborn! Why are we born? Because we have to live!.”
Soman Gouda, YOGI IN SUITS: Christopher Nolan and Vedanta

Soman Gouda
“There is a difference between robot and man with mobile phone! Robot will alarm when its battery is low and hungry.”
Soman Gouda, YOGI IN SUITS: Christopher Nolan and Vedanta

Soman Gouda
“If you become an astronaut you can go to mars, If you become a yogi, you can cross the galaxies.”
Soman Gouda, YOGI IN SUITS: Christopher Nolan and Vedanta

Soman Gouda
“When you read about a hypocrite character you will know the hypocrisy in you, when you read about a killer you realize your criminal nature, reading is the process of cleansing the dust on the mirror of self.”
Soman Gouda, YOGI IN SUITS: Christopher Nolan and Vedanta

Soman Gouda
“The society prepares you for a race. Whether to run an infinite rat race or climb the hill of wisdom like a lonely wolf is left to your conscience.”
Soman Gouda, YOGI IN SUITS: Christopher Nolan and Vedanta

“In a world where speaking one’s mind is, by definition, unsettling, when I took art in general and writing in particular as vocations I promised myself that I would never betray my inner being or sell out. To “be real”, to be someone I can love and understand. From repression to expression, this meant not to censor oneself when it comes to creativity. For one could gain the world but lose their soul. At some point along the way I came to accept that, having an unquenched appetite for the different and unordinary, my views will always seem to convey a distaste for conformity and the established norms of the day; that which is considered “popular” by the masses. As an outsider swimming upstream against the current, usually in solitude, who’s looking in at humanity — and through it — rather than looking out. As such, I shall carry on speaking my unfiltered, anti-conformist, anti-establishment mind till the day I die. The true artist who does not fit in often ends up standing out.”
Omar Cherif

“In a world where speaking one’s mind is, by definition, unsettling, when I took art in general and writing in particular as vocations I promised myself that I would never betray my inner being or sell out. To be true, genuine, authentic, and real. To be someone I can love and understand. From repression to expression, this meant not to censor oneself when it comes to creativity. For one could gain the world but lose their soul. At some point along the way I came to accept that, having an unquenched appetite for the different and unordinary, my views will always seem to convey a distaste for conformity and the established norms of the day; that which is considered “popular” by the masses. As an outsider swimming upstream against the current, usually in solitude, who’s looking in at humanity — and through it — rather than looking out. As such, I shall carry on speaking my unfiltered, anti-conformist, anti-establishment mind till the day I die. The true artist who does not fit in often ends up standing out.”
Omar Cherif

“In a world where speaking one’s mind is, by definition, unsettling, when I took art in general and writing in particular as vocations I promised myself that I would never betray my inner being or sell out. To be true, genuine, authentic, and real. To be someone I can love and understand. From repression to expression, this meant not to censor oneself when it comes to creativity. For one could gain the world but lose their soul. At some point along the way I came to accept that, having an unquenched appetite for the different, the original, and the unordinary, my views will always seem to convey a distaste for conformity and the established norms of the day; that which is considered “popular” by the masses. As an outsider swimming upstream against the current, usually in solitude, who’s looking in at humanity — and through it — rather than looking out. As such, I shall carry on speaking my unfiltered, anti-conformist, anti-establishment mind till the day I die. The true artist who does not fit in often ends up standing out.”
Omar Cherif

“In a world where speaking one’s mind is, by definition, unsettling, when I took art in general and writing in particular as vocations I promised myself that I would never betray my inner being or sell out. To be true, genuine, authentic, and real. To be someone I can love and understand. From repression to expression, this meant not to censor oneself when it comes to creativity. For one could gain the world but lose their soul. At some point along the way I came to accept that, having an unquenched appetite for the different, the original, the unordinary, my views will always seem to convey a distaste for conformity and the established norms of the day; that which is considered “popular” by the masses. As an outsider swimming upstream against the current, usually in solitude, who’s looking in at humanity — and through it — rather than looking out. As such, I shall carry on speaking my unfiltered, anti-conformist, anti-establishment mind till the day I die. The true artist who does not fit in often ends up standing out.”
Omar Cherif

“I never had any intention
Or tendency
For intimacies
Outside of the extent
Of being unavoidably affected
By the chaotic emotions
That were brainstorming me
From various environments
In nature
And artificially
But somehow I retained
A stationary stance”

“A voice lingered in the sky,
humming narratives
of decay orchestrated
by the mighty one...”
Lila Marquez, Line Breaker: A Collection of Poems

Abhijit Naskar
“Esperanza Impossible Sonnet 2

Truth is the pandemic,
Truth is the terror.
My truth versus your truth,
Your truth versus another.
We speak of truth as if it's a constant,
We chase it as antidote to our insecurity.
Most of our truths bring not understanding,
We cook up truth to fan our self-centricity.
Truth, in truth, is the opposite of stagnation,
Contraction repels all hope for understanding.
Truth is not a fixed point, but an act in motion,
Truth is the courageous act of a mind expanding.
Hence, to seek security one must not seek truth.
To seek truth, with security you must cut all truce.”
Abhijit Naskar, Esperanza Impossible: 100 Sonnets of Ethics, Engineering & Existence

“May you always value the simple little things in Life. For they make a big difference and hence are quite essential. Simplicity, in actuality, tends to be deeper than complexity. ‘Tis the reason why that which is simple often passes unperceived by the complex. If we look around us, we’ll find that the more one masters a certain domain the more simplification they will strive for.”
Omar Cherif

“May you always value the simple little things in Life. For they make a significant difference and hence are the most essential. Simplicity, in actuality, tends to be deeper than complexity. ‘Tis the reason why that which is simple often passes unperceived by the complex. If we look around us, we’ll find that the more one masters a certain domain the more simplification they will strive for.”
Omar Cherif

Stewart Stafford
“Lifecast by Stewart Stafford

Be your play's lead actor,
Beware of its shooting star,
In drama's immortal mania,
Your reputation carries far.

Fish your dawn-gold phrases,
From out the impostor's throat,
Your tongue streaming candor,
Not stumbling forth by rote.

Let no Salieri hand,
Override your author's claim,
Even if remuneration's elusive,
You may still relish the acclaim.

© Stewart Stafford, 2024. All rights reserved.”
Stewart Stafford

Stewart Stafford
“The Ascending Eagle by Stewart Stafford

I shall not stray down spurious alleys,
In pursuit of such desiccated husks,
To be a leaf adrift in vacuous air,
Bewildered on my windswept path.
Past the labyrinth of rustling choices,
Swirl fragments of doubt and error.

Life's force is a finite magic spark,
Some squander before they depart,
When climbing into our grave pits,
Twisted wreckage we leave behind.
Yet, in regret's deepening shades,
Lie orphans of our broken dreams.

The eagle, in cerulean-skied flight,
Took wing as a frightened chick,
Victory plucked from disaster's beak,
Trial and error are brick-tough fellows.
Guided by shimmering thermals below,
Soaring to its future beyond the horizon.

© 2024, Stewart Stafford. All rights reserved.”
Stewart Stafford

Stewart Stafford
“A Mind's Minotaur - A Soliloquy by Stewart Stafford

In a labyrinth’s mental corridors, prisoner of consciousness,
Fleeing a Minotaur I fear is me.
Achilles' heel, masked by strength hath shown,
An arrow cometh from Time's swift flight,
For those with bountiful time enow,
Find themselves slain in a heroic light.
When thou dost gaze upon the world below,
And scorn its depths, thou canst not comprehend
The truths that pool o'er its shadow, glow.
No tears stain that meadow of solace,
A phantom limb, tickling in memory's store,
Galley slaves in hurricane's heart so lashed.
Transient madness and renown, conjoin on pomp’s bridge,
Champions of the joust wave paramour's kerchief,
Revered statues limp from a pedestal's ridge.
The signs of pride and brittle ardour,
The hubristic bite of isolation's cur.
The death warrant quill must ne'er be stilled,
For authority doth stifle beauty's song,
Staged chaos through the written word is willed.
Phantasy's balm to verity's scourging,
A cleansing soak of battle-scarred minds,
And in the dark, imagination reigns.
He who hath fear of the dark hath vision keen,
Whilst those who see but naught are dull and plain.
Thus, let us not be swayed by others' lore,
But splay in error, heal to prosper once more.
Idolatrous moth to lechery's candlelight,
In lover's tongues, passion's seared delight.

© 2024, Stewart Stafford. All rights reserved.”
Stewart Stafford

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