
Opinions Of Others Quotes

Quotes tagged as "opinions-of-others" Showing 1-30 of 128
“Never judge someone's character based on the words of another. Instead, study the motives behind the words of the person casting the bad judgment. An honest woman can sell tangerines all day and remain a good person until she dies, but there will always be naysayers who will try to convince you otherwise. Perhaps this woman did not give them something for free, or at a discount. Perhaps too, that she refused to stand with them when they were wrong — or just stood up for something she felt was right. And also, it could be that some bitter women are envious of her, or that she rejected the advances of some very proud men. Always trust your heart. If the Creator stood before a million men with the light of a million lamps, only a few would truly see him because truth is already alive in their hearts. Truth can only be seen by those with truth in them. He who does not have Truth in his heart, will always be blind to her.”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

“The greatest fear in the world is of the opinions of others. And the moment you are unafraid of the crowd you are no longer a sheep, you become a lion. A great roar arises in your heart, the roar of freedom.”
Osho, Courage: The Joy of Living Dangerously

Phil Lester
“If you're insulting people on the internet, you must be ugly on the inside.”
Phil Lester

Criss Jami
“It is so easy at times for a lonely individual to begin fantasizing about what the people outside are saying about him and, in result, irrationally and fearfully, and sometimes angrily, fancy himself a villain.”
Criss Jami, Healology

“Others can't always define your true identity. They see what they 'want' to see but beyond your mess, God sees the beauty He created and still thinks it's good!”
Chinonye J. Chidolue

“When it comes to forming opinions on works of art, people look to others. Most people end up liking paintings, songs and movies just because the majority have a favourable opinion about them. Ultimately it’s all about the brand value of the artist.”
Abhaidev, The Influencer: Speed Must Have a Limit

Bohdi Sanders
“Be independent of the opinions of others. Don’t be easily influenced by what they say or what they believe. You have to take the time to meditate on what you know is right and wrong. Know what your code of ethics is and do not allow the arguments of others to cause you to doubt what you know is right. You must remain true to your convictions, even if everyone else disagrees with you.”
Bohdi Sanders, BUSHIDO: The Way of the Warrior

Bohdi Sanders
“Refuse to give up on your path because of the opinions of others. Refuse to be swayed by those who do not walk in your shoes and do not understand your journey.”
Bohdi Sanders, The Art of Inner Peace

Pushpa Rana
“Opinions can never cease to exist and empower judgments. Thinking of other's doesn't stop or change you either.”
Pushpa Rana, Just the Way I Feel

B. Traven
“The Chief seemed not to care much about my opinion; he wanted to talk and so I let him continue. The greatest pleasure one can give people is to let them talk all they want. One is respected much more if one lets people talk instead of talking himself. No one has the least interest in hearing somebody else’s opinion. ("Midnight Call")”
B. Traven, The Night Visitor and Other Stories

Bohdi Sanders
“Conduct yourself in a manner that is worthy of respect and don’t worry about what others think.”
Bohdi Sanders, Men of the Code: Living as a Superior Man

Todd Stocker
“Don't live on the comments of people but on the truths of God.”
Todd Stocker, Anchored: Finding Stability In A World Gone Adrift

Dark Joseph Ravine
“Sometimes we need to be a primary source to a situation in order to believe something. People’s words are just theories and do not reveal the full truth about something.”
Dark Joseph Ravine, Watch Out! It's Nolan.

Alexia D. Miller
“Clothes, hair, and skin. They were such small components of a person and yet, in True's experience, not much mattered more to most of the people she met. Being young or old didn't save you from judgement. The red-headed girl stuck out, a rose in a field of white lillies.”
Alexia D. Miller, Crystal Key: Door to a New World

Julieanne O'Connor
“You are welcome to have feelings so long as they don't result in an opinion.”
Julieanne O'Connor

Yasmine Millett
“For those watching, what had they truly seen?”
Yasmine Millett, The Erotic Notebooks

“Get 100 percent focused on YOU and what YOU are about. And I guarantee, compulsive worry about what others think of you will stop. I realized a while ago that I can't pay my bills with other people's opinions of me!”
Doug Wood, Church Boy to Millionaire: How to Find Personal Freedom and Liberate Your Millionaire Mindset for Massive Impact

“Usually, the spectators are more excited and have stronger opinions about the game than the actual players. Unfortunately, that is how things are in life, so keep playing and enjoy the cheers!”
Dr. Lucas D. Shallua

“Everyone's Perspective Of You Is Different, The Only One Of Matter Is Your Own”
Mr Luc Jorgart, Whispers of Wisdom: Philosophical Quotes of Luc Jorgart

Dana L. Stringer
“Liberation is not being imprisoned by other people's opinions of you.”
Dana L. Stringer

“Any rational thinking person who believes people are entitled to their opinions should not be angry when they express one.”
Eduvie Donald

Connie Kerbs
“Experience should never subserve itself to inexperienced opinion.”
Connie Kerbs

Miguel Ruiz
“If someone gives you an opinion and says, "Hey, you look so fat," don't take it personally, because the truth is that this person is dealing with his or her own feelings, beliefs, and opinions. That person tried to send poison to you and if you take it personally, then you take that poison and it becomes yours. Taking things personally makes you easy prey for these predators, the black magicians. They can hook you easily with one little opinion and feed you whatever poison they want, and because you take it personally, you eat it up.”
Miguel Ruiz, The Four Agreements

Criss Jami
“Everyone has a right to be wrong; it is only when you were persecuting, demonizing, and hating on those who were right all along that it takes something special to forgive. This is all the more reason for humility, for being patient with those who disagree with you: because it is you who might be wrong, and later, them proven right.”
Criss Jami

H.L. Mencken
“In what manner he would have performed himself if the holy angels had shoved the Depression forward a couple of years - this we can only guess, and one man's hazard is as good as another's. My own is that he would have responded to bad times precisely as he responded to good ones - that is, by pulling down the blinds, stretching his legs upon his desk, and snoozing away the lazy afternoons.... He slept more than any other President, whether by day or by night. Nero fiddled, but Coolidge only snored.... Counting out Harding as a cipher only, Dr. Coolidge was preceded by one World Saver and followed by two more. What enlightened American, having to choose between any of them and another Coolidge, would hesitate for an instant? There were no thrills while he reigned, but neither were there any headaches. He had no ideas, and he was not a nuisance.”
H.L. Mencken, American Mercury: Facsimile Edition of Volume I

Mariely Lares
“When no one is around to talk in your ear, then you can hear the only voice that really matters. Your own.”
Mariely Lares, Sun of Blood and Ruin

“The majority of people who judge you or have opinions on you, have no idea what's going on in your life. Focus on what makes you happy and be true to yourself.”
Natalie O'Rourke

Abhijit Naskar
“My life is a dictatorship, not a democracy. I'm my own supreme ruler, opinions unworthy.”
Abhijit Naskar, The Divine Refugee

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